<br />T$IS SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION is made by Fred, M. Saniach, lamas.
<br />Bamford and Marlyn G: Ellermeier; all herein coIl'ecti'vely called "Deci'atanti"
<br />with respect to the following described real estate, to-witi
<br />A Tract of land located is the Southw@st Quarter, (SWSy} of Section 28,
<br />Township 11 Nortis, Range 9 West of the-Sixth Principal :~rridian, be-
<br />ing a part of Coach Place Subdivision; including Lots Number-12.,tterauglr-
<br />Number 17 and Lots Number 38 and Number 39 with adjoining commons Brea,
<br />said subdivision being an addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall-
<br />County, Nebraska, said tract being mare particularly described as falltm
<br />With reference to the Northeast comer of the Sauthweat. Quarter of said"
<br />Section ~8' thence S 0° 08' 35"' E along the Eaat line of the Southwari`
<br />Quarter of said Section 28 a distance of 274.94 feet; theaee N 74° 35'
<br />00" W a distance of 353.35 feet of a point of curvature or a circular
<br />curve to the right; said circular curve having a radius of 830,00 feel
<br />and a length of 89.63 feet; thence S 0° 08' 35" E a distance of 303'.88
<br />feet; thence N 89° 08' 20" W a distance of 390.SD to the ACTUAL POINT OF
<br />BEGINftING: thence continuing on aforesaid course a diatanca of 237.00
<br />feat; thence N 0° 51' 40" E a distance of 95.89 feet; thence N O1° 42'
<br />12" E a distaste of 41.27 feet; thence N 09° 41' 14" E a distance of 3T.40
<br />feet; thence N 18° 39' 36" E a distance of 34.55 feet; thence N 27° 04+
<br />35" a distance of 32.95 feet; thence ~ 34° 2i' 13" E a distance. of 25.43
<br />feet; thence N 0° 51' 40" E a distance of 142.50 feat to the south right-
<br />af-s+ay line of Stage Coach Road; thence S 89° 08' 20" E a distance of
<br />191.52 feat; thence S 0° 51' 40" W a distance o£ 400.29 feet to the
<br />ACTUAL POZNT OF BEGINNI`IG,• said tract containing 1.4$ acres more or less.-
<br />W Z T N E S SETA
<br />WHEREAS, Declarant, prebiously executed a Declaration dated December
<br />13th, 1977, pertaining to the following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />That Part of Riverside Estate Unit I, a subdivision
<br />as surveyed, platted sad recorded in part o€ the 5W
<br />~ of Bastian 2$, T 14 N, R 4 W of the 5th P. "1.,
<br />Ball County, Nebraska, lying Souhh of the South
<br />R.O.W. Iine of Stagecoach Road and Iying Eaat of the
<br />bleat lot line of Lot 45, oxtended Southward to the
<br />South line of sa!d Q3vecaide Eater'teu Unit 1.
<br />which t)eelaration was recorded As daoument 77Ris07304 in the Register of u~da of
<br />Ball County, Nebraska, and
<br />WHEREAS, said Declaration, in Article :C, Section 4, makes provision far
<br />annexing to the Properties subject to the Declaration, additional lead located
<br />within Riverside Estates Unit 1, and ieclarant wishes to so annex additional land,
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, Riverside Estates Unit l has been replotted sad is now known
<br />as Coach Place Subdivision and all of the land first above-described is located
<br />within theu~+riginal Riverside Estates Uait 1, and
<br />WHEREAS Declarant Duns all of the real estate first above--described
<br />which is not already part of the Properties sub~eet to the Declaration.
<br />NOid THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that such portion of the real
<br />estate first above-described which eras net previaualy part of the Properties
<br />subject to the Detlaration in hereby annexed ko and shall be a part of the Prap-
<br />erii_+-, subject to the D~aclaratian, so that all of the real estate first above-
<br />mentianed shall herea~tsr ha a part of the Properties aub,~ect to the Declaration
<br />and al.l of said real estate shall ba held, sold and conveyed subject to the tere4e
<br />sad conditions of the Declaration.
<br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the andersigned, being the Declarant Chmers, have
<br />exeauted this Supplemental Declaration as of this 15th Day of tune, 19110, and the
<br />spouses and mortgage holders have executed this supplemantai Oaclaratian to subject
<br />