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I , <br /> <br />MORTGAGE - - - <br />MORTGAGELOANNO: LZ3,- - <br />taaawALLMENavTHESErRESENTS:That Gerald K. Fahrenbruch and Diane M: Fahrenbruch; each. <br />in his and her own right and as spouse of each other,. <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, io wtts7detatbn of tt~-aumof-~ <br />Et>-rt,Y-eig~ Thou°and and No1100-------------------------------------------------- <br />- At LLARS + <br />loaned to said rtwrtgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Gand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 48D thins of soudc-of <br />said ASSOCIA'I'tON, Certificate No. L Z3,]2] , do hereby grant, convey and moRgage unto the aid ASFL)CIATION-thafol§oar~;. <br />described real estate, sstuated in Hall County, Nebraska: - <br />LOT ELEVEN (11}, IN BLOCK FOUR (4), IN <br />OLDE MILL SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditamenu and appurtenances [hereunto belonging, including attached (lour coveritlgs, all window sc[eens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awmegs, heating, air cunditinning, and plunthing and water equiprent and accesvories thereto, pump:, stoves, <br />refrigecatuq and other Gxtwes and equipment now nr hereafter attached to or uxd in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor teas agreed and does haraby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asusstnents levied o[ <br />assessed t+pon aid premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby Sefure the same shall became delinquent: to famish approval <br />inswanrx upon the htdldings on said premises situated iu the sum ut 54$, DDD. QQ payahk ru said ,>,SSt:)CtATION and to deliver to mkt <br />ASSOi'1 ATION the policies for said insurance: and not ui a~r,mmit ur hermit any waste un or alwut saW premises; <br />fn case u( default in the perfurmatse of soy of the teens and aanduions of this rnongaga or rha bond secwed hereby, the mortgages shale, <br />ou Demand, tat rntiticl to immediate pusxasion of the mortgaged premrscs end the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />morigagce all the rents, revenues and in:ume to tx Derived from the trwrtgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedmss shall rertrairt <br />unpail; and the tmxtgtgee shalt have the Iwwer to appanm any agent ur agrms n may desire Im the par ~~Se of repairing said prenrues and renting <br />the sane cent cotlrciing the rants, revenues cent incon,r, and it may pay Dot of said #ncvmc cell exprnsza of repairing said prcrnexs and necessary <br />a5tnmisskens and zxpcn~ tntarrral in rznung anJ .:,sttagtreg the same. and ,.tt culketwg -enPata ttterz#'rom; the balance retrtainittg, if any, to bt <br />apptxd tc:watd tix- lts::ratgr +,f sail trortgaaz rcidelstelms;; :hem riyitis of lira nsorrgagze may he rxercrssd at any Puns during iiu axutence of sucL <br />dei'suit, irrespect irk of any tempuary waivtr of the santc. <br />These Prexnis, however, err upon tfie t`uwiitiun, i riot it nc~ stiJ Mortgagor shall repay roil loan un ur befi,rc the nwtwity of sail shores by <br />paynrenE: pay manrhiy Eo ,ard ASSOf'i.ATEUN of Phz stun spectiied ut the lured scored trerrby as inmrosr acrd principal un saiJ Ivan, un ur itafote <br />the '1'wcmiuhtay of reach and every mundt, until sail loan u f ally pall; pay all taxes and asxessments levied against said prrnuses and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bnnl secure) thereby, heture deiinyurncy , (umish approval insurance upon the truildmgs thereon m rha sum of S Q$, QQQ, QQ payahk <br />w saiD ASS(A;IA"PION; repay n. said ASSCX'[A'TION up<m DrnwnJ all nnmey by n parD tin sorb taxes, assessments and insuraucz with hucrest at <br />the tnaxnnum legal rate thrrcwt t loin Jatr aC paynrcnt all uE which Mortgagee ttxrebp agrcea to pay; permit no waste on sold premises: keep and comply <br />with all the agreements cent cundttwns ut the Hurtd for 5 ~$, DDO. DQ tl`is clay Rtveu by rha v,rl A1:trtgagur to said ASSt]CIATtUN, and comply <br />with al Aw tequisetttents ui !hr tbnstitwiun cent Bylaws o(sard ASSOtIIATION; then these presents stroll hecunte null and vr»d, otherwise they <br />stroll rennin in Cut1 force and way be torectoaed at the uphun of the satD ASSUCIA'I'IUN afire fadum tar rhrre mm~ths to Make env ut sssd <br />payments m be three nwnths in arrears ut tiwking said ntunlhly panrwnts, .x to keep and cuntply wilt the agrerntrnts and ccutditiuns of slid liortJ: <br />anJ Mortgagor agrtzs to trove a receiver appuarieJ forthwith m such fntmaoswe proceedings, <br />N them is nny cltutge in uwttership of the real estate nwngageJ herein, by ale uc uiherwim, rhea rha zntim rnauunhsg tndsbtsdneq hereby <br />szaufel shah, at the sapiir,n u; Tate Equitable Building and loan Assstciattun ri grand 1siPUtD, Nebraska, tucome immePliaiely lue and payable w#tlwut <br />(lather notice, and thr aztwum remaining due wuirt sari hunt, and any other bnnJ for any addiliwwl advmrczx uwdc therewtdrr, shall, from the <br />Iota u( axrrrist o(xa1J npikm, i,am utieresi at the ntaxiurmn legal rate, and this nwrtgagr tiny then he tbreclusaxi to satisfy the anreuM duce un earl <br />Matl,anl any other bond fat aldittutwl alvenxs, together with all sums pall by sa!J 'ffia #'qut{able Building aul Luau Aasrrewtwn of (;rated island, <br />Nahraaka fix insurarrr:e, taxes nnD aassssrttenls, and abstracting extensurtt charges, wish uttetrst 4teraun, Gum date of paYntent at the uusxirnum <br />legal rate. <br />As provided in the tWttd xcureJ ltercby, cable thw ntorifiaga tewanss m el#i'ct the murtgagte nwy hereafter alvancz aDlrtwtta# sums to the <br />nwkers of soar ISonD, then nsr~m cu xuCA.Y1t1Brs ut interest, which srmts Juts br wdtun the seewug of this nwnyuge the same as t}ta fmtJs ur,girtalky <br />st#;wmt tlmraby, the total erPwunt of pPmerpa# debt real to sacred at arty tmw the ar~nai atuoauE of thk truvtgagv. <br />1klEaJ ittsa 15th , day r,f f J u 1 y 3. #,-. {y $O <br />c~J ~ r-. <br />{{? F <br />raid K a re~ibr h ` <br />7 one Faf renbruc~""'~""~_.__.__ <br />STATE OF NE9RASlfA, a s;. On this, ISth . day of J a 1y 1`t $Q . #tylorr nrz. <br />COUNTY Of^ }iAi,l„ ~ - <br />Gerdl d K. FdhrenbrUCh and Di doe M. the unlerwgned, a Notate Pubbc in attd for satD Couuny, peruuwlly caeca <br />Fahrenbb uch, each in his and her own right and as spouse or' who are pzts.nwuy kntrwn ru <br />each at~ier, <br />nle to he rha idenEicaS parson S whuxc rwrrtr 5 are aC'Ilxed to the atwve ~nstrunKnt as orurrgagut S anJ they severally <br />ackrwwkdged the aaiJ irt,aa,ttant to tea their voluntary act and deed. <br />WI'I'NI;SS my twnd anJ Notarial Seal the bete afurrsail. <br />uy ('ou :mPSSert expires ,'- 5 .: t~ r <br />_ ;,: - ~ s,. F is <br />06NFk~t NtltARY • 5ttta rt Matras+a ~ - ~~ ~ Notary F'tPbti~-~-- <br />ravo-aw w JOY M. F1ERdLEY _ - <br />-.-___,_ M1' Umnm~EtV. Fspt. I, 1961 <br />