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~~'- [~"saAarSs'~A% <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23, 72B <br />KNOWALl.MENBYTHESEpRESI'NTS:That Howard..A. Springsguth and Bonnie G. Springsguth, each-irr---: <br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one ru t[mte, in castsideratbrt of the Wm of <br />Twenty-five Thousand Two Hundred and No/100------------------- ~~~ <br />loarted to seed mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lwn Association of Grartd lslwd, Nebraska, Mortgagtx, upon 252 ytytp of rtdet of <br />said ASSOClATlON, Certificate No. L 23:72B , do hereby glans, convey and mortgage unto the sad ASSOCIATION the folbsius-. .. <br />described rea! estate, situated in HaU County, Nebraska: <br />WESTERLY ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF LOT <br />TWENTY FOUR (24) OF SASS SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together with all [he lesienunts, bercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, iricltrdurg attached f}oor wverutgs, all window saesm, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and waire eyuipttunt artd accxssoria theretq pump; stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment nave or hrrtafitr aitaclttd is ur treed in tanrrcctiurt with said real eriate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agrecti and Jces hereby agree that the rtmflgagar shall and will pay all taxes and assesartenta levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon [his rnongage anJ tht hunt secured thereby befnre the strut shat( bergme delinquent; [o furnish approved <br />mswanrx upon the buildings un said premises situated us the sum ;sf t 25 , 2DD. DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies 11x said insurance; and not to annmit ur pcinat any waste un or atxant said prtmists; <br />In case of defaW[ m the perlarrnance of any of tttr terms anJ .vtnd;trarss of this rtturtgigr or the bond scr:wcd htteby, the mortgagee Stu11, <br />un demand, be tnii[kd to tmnxdiale posvssiun .+i [ter tnurlgageJ prcmssrs amt rho naxtgagax trrrthu •'-signs, tra_trxfers and sass aver to tht <br />rrrortgagre all the rents, revenues n«J intwnrc to br JeriveJ tram tits nxx [{caged prtmrsrx Jurtng such loco xs the mortgage indebtedness shall terrain <br />unpanl; artd the mortgagor stwli have the tx>wa to appavu any agenr ue agents it nay drsrrr tar the purpose ut repairing said premises at:d ttnting <br />tiu same and axJlecting the rents, revenues and ina}mc, anJ it trwy pay out ui said incsmrr all rzpenses of rrpairirkg said prcruisrs a«J neaasuy <br />csanmisicrns anJ c pen -: ui - t d n rtut,ng and oasr -ving [he cmx to f iitte}tarip. ,antes tk ictt:stn; the Laiamr trutaitring, d' anY, to bt <br />apptted Inward the dixt. t said uwrtgagr - tdetst dr-rzss. t$rs~ righrf r•t tb= Fm.etgagr~ .clay he zs2rs~t ai any ileac Junrrg the exis[onix of such <br />aJefault, irresx,;tivt a+t on,; .rn.~rsary -wai:;r ut :tom _:.ttr. <br />'fhtsn Ikea us 1 evct r utrun !h L _ J t i t b~ i t .,~ u g_R;x ,hqU rcr~F _ _ ,r. - - rt tip t tLr:SY ,~' sa>:! ~h=:~ by <br />t~Y lint„ (~Y tin n-hty s lei] ~.X~[J[-t r~ T i y - f ttr sxm 3p2 fell Ir tl I7t n4I srt.Uic`lt bfJ Ct Y ltt}e t tJ ixmC3pd I} ]erJ loan, un «r bEfl~d <br />i~ Tweitirttft rti<y t e~<h ~~f #~ }}nmt; ~3rt. t.3aii rS itrlty ~ in, pay sit saxes tact a1n1'D1lrir'nfY irv-red a~'a{(itil SSLt pSiIlll!!tn anJ J:} [t1ir M35i't~a~i <br />end the &urJ ueurrJ ihriehy, trefixe rtrlirayutucy, tuuuah appmw•J inxurur r upins the hwkltngs tl:rirou «i [ht sum of f 2~, [ OD. DD {wyahk <br />In said A.SS(KIA7Y(}N: IepaY tat said ASSCiI'I,li'ION upu« JenwnJ all riwney by ,t pail tin such tams, axstssrrrents anJ instuansx wdh mttrcst at <br />the nwximum legal rate thrressn From Jatr of paynwrtt all a[ whµh Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; t-rinut nu waste ue sarJ prenusrs; keep anJ aurrtpty <br />weth all the ngrcerrwuts euJ antJUtuns of the E3unJ fur S Zrj, 20D. DDkh>5 day gives by the sail Martgagur «+ wid ASSOtIA flf}N, and eesmply <br />with all the reyuircncetus of the t.'unstdutiun anJ BY-laws of sa}d A.>Stx't:1TION; tlreu Ibex presents stl~U t_+c Mme uuU s«J vulJ, uttrctwise ittry <br />shall renwin in i'uU furor anJ may M fbrcek>wJ at the upuun of the xa tJ ASS(7l'IAI'IUN atlas fadutr im aver munttu to auto auy ul satJ <br />paynunis m Iw the a nusnths m aneais m linking card niunthry Iwynu nu, ui to keep and comply wait tlx agrernrrnn aaJ rnndrtruns of aatJ &inJ, <br />anJ Marlgagar agues lu hxvr a rrreivs:r apfwx,nleJ futfhwith us such Inreciosmr txuaskeJurga_ <br />It [here is any clwnge w ownership of iha real tstatr «xntgagcJ herein, try sale ui atl~rwsse t}uta tier enlist rernainitrg uulcbttdarrss hereby <br />tneurad stroll, at the optic}« of i'ha F:quttablr Bw{drarg end Loan Asss.c,xuon i}f t;tanJ Island, Nebraska, txcvrne rmneedwtdy Jut seal fwynbk witiwut <br />further nuttce, auJ the anwswit reuwsung due undtr said hemd, anJ any utiret kwrid for ar:y adchuarrxi ndwrxrs uw+it tlecrtw«ler, siwU, bone the <br />dale of extrdar of seal upha}n, bear interest a[ the awxunum legal rare, anJ ttus u,trr tgngr uwy rtwn be i.xeckned to satisfy the anwunt due u« swd <br />tnmJ,arrJ any ulster Mrtrd fur aJJitiurui aJiratrccs, togethtr with all tuna past by sail The Fquuable UuJJtrig seal l.uan Aa H:uttan ui t:ranJ lxlurJ, <br />Nuhraaka fur msmatx,<, taxes and asseatrtµats,and abitra.amgesteusiau:6argrs, wvh tetttmst Itxrcun, qr_;t« d>ai• ut payncent at tht nsaxunum <br />krgttl Batt, <br />As provider{ in Ilea Ikmd xcuirrt hrtrby, whtie Utt» nwrtgage srmarfls in rtltct i4,e nwrtgagrc umy htrratiri a.inarss aJdnronal smna m the <br />nralttrs of sail Fksrtd, shoo aasigos ur suu'eavxs rn uderesi, wtuch swus shall to within Uie sreurdy ut thts niungagr the sa na: as the toads urigittaUy <br />secured thereby, the tote[ amount ul' pr'uwywi Jtbt not to excx•rJ at auy Una` t1µ urtgma) at[x}uuk of ttus nxutgaga. <br />_Flatad this Sixteenth Jav of July ~ t} ;i, .~ri <br />....~ ,. <br />owar A. } ~~ <br />,- <br />Bonnie G. Sp ingsg -__.__-. <br />ST'A"Cti (?F NEBRASKA, <br />CC}UN7Yi)HliAid_ x,. Onthrs Sikteenfh degas .1aly !vf?D .txturutr~. <br />the unJrrsigrrrJ, a Nulxry }'abbe en asd fur sxtd County, perwnally canoe <br />Howard A. Sprinysguttt and Bonnie G. Springsguth, each in f}is and h~rti t)wn right, arir~i as <br />SpQUSe of each Otl't E?t' u sr,Y pctarna Yktwwu to <br />me Iu hr Itta +Ja,rtieal pcaun -, whose nano S are afFxrJ W thx shove ir-ttunic«t as tyfint~y;ur S xnd Cht?_y scvcrakty <br />adtnrtwkr}~d the sa+J nhrruntet:t lu hr their rutunta+p act and deal. <br />WiFN1~tiS niy ItartJ and Nutatiat Seal the Jatc afurtsa,d _ ' <br />My t'unun_ iRSrr=, rxpues ".•+, - <br />_ i <br />[~ 1.:..1 Sara r , 7e - >,y:.~ „y' .~ f ~ _ 'i ~`I <br />ti raYN Xi x?Y M ut tt , t y,V4jthry Vtsbtit <br />n MY t%rHal Fat ~ t. [ t i3! 1 , <br />