<br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Loan Number_~Q2~_______ ~___
<br />sYYY GG FoaM- No. 27 1 ERev. i f f7?! - -
<br />THAT..J1~i:A~.d..t'''g, ~n„k,,~,yn_..,~$eks~n1.Jr,_.and,Janice,_(~Say,Jaekson,,;_husband and wiPe_,,,__S__oin_~;
<br />and each in their own right, ~ W~~
<br />'hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the sum of. S.~__T110USAND_ THREE_~HUPIDRID__PI~I~~Y~__
<br />AtTSlE..6I3P...Y?t~2.4i?rz---rr..----r..c.--rr..c-_-._.-c=r. _-r..-~-_-.-- :.:.:-~--.-: - ::. _~. _ ~ ._. ~-.:.~ :r::.:-~.~
<br />(v'6,399.7i+ )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and GONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and inheritance, uatn FIRS'P
<br />Moxtgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in.......Hhdl,_._..._...:.....~
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />Lot Six (6}, Block One (1), Senkinson Subdivision,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TO l-IAVE AND TO I~IOLD the real estate °bave dEri'~~d, c~ith sll appurieransea tl;zreun+~
<br />belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, irrovided niways, ;tnd this mortgage is upon the expzess con-
<br />d=".tttn that- ~= the afarasaid ^.iortgagars, their hairs, executors, a;ia7anie.a~tors or a~igns shall gry or 4au~
<br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its succ~nrs nr assigns, the ~anoipal sum laereinabove ~t forth, nll
<br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment Hate of said R3origagors bearing even dote with
<br />this mortgage, and shall pay taxes and assessments levied upon said zeal estate, and all ether GExea, levies
<br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same or any installment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full force.
<br />IT TS FURTHER f~GREED (1) 'that i£ the said Mortgagor shall fail to ppay such taxes, the
<br />Mortgagee Enay pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall bo paid lry said Mortgagors,
<br />and this mortgage shall stand as security #or the same, (2) That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that they are lawfully seized of said real estate zmd covenant to warrant and defend the said rent estate
<br />against the Iawful claims of all porsons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a foreclgsure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled to take possession of the premises, protect the sA,me and
<br />collect the ante, issues and profits thereof. (4) That a failure to pay any of said money or any install-
<br />ment thereof when thq same becomes dun, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whole sum of money herein socurad to become due and coIlgctible at once at the option of
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />Signed this,....1.`.7...,...ilay nf .............:Sa.`.y....
<br />9TAT& Olt` NE8ltA3lCA 1
<br />...........1~?~,~ ....................t~,nls. I ~
<br />,,^
<br />4 r~ ;
<br />Oa ibis .._..)_~_...,....... day of ....~ ~;.l.~L.....__._..., 19.~a~`. befoen me. the undereigntxt, a Notary I'trblie, in and for
<br />said tlounty, Pataonalty came Darpld_F?'~axk],yn..~~ackbons_.,ix...~,..J:c~nice P+1ax..;?acksort~..liusbt~nd anc3 WifF:
<br />ynteonaU,y known to Epa to be tale idQniical pett+ooa wbaea names one at6zed Eo the above trod foregoing inatrutnant, Ela
<br />mort8N8ora, and eaalE acknowledged mid instrumaat W ba h1G or her voluntary act and dead.
<br />jfiiiaw Easy hand and, rwtarial seal at .................Grand Ssland~,,,Nenrasica,
<br />L`..a data lent shave vvritt>.'ax, ..........._.........._... ........................_..
<br />:47y commission,:...ii:.... 1.., GtMEMEMGTaeE'-GepUNM~YU~ta
<br />'.^.....^....~: BALES
<br />^Av COmnl. Eery. Oer. n.:9d~
<br />