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( <br />~`>r~a~5~r`` :: NILIRT1:PiGE <br />. Tttis Ts2ortgage is entered into tietween . x•19 J ISei1 0IId- Ca:roljrll Kei7: <br />. - - _ -.. .~ ~~.{herein.•.Mortgagor")and:;. <br />` TIC OVEt2IxE1fiID-NATIOI+TAL BANK Off'' GRAND'SSLlIly1? "' _-_(herein "Mortgagee„). <br />Mortgagor is indxitited_ to Mortgagee in•the ptincip&1-sum of $' 12_•004%O(3:., evidenced by-Mortgagor's note <br />dated Z=3-80: (herein "Note"j providin foK , - <br />g payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if-notsooner paid, due and payable on` ~' ,29, 1980- -~ - - - <br />Tosecure'the paymentof the-Notts, with interest as.provided theteiti; the payment ofaq'ottier sums; with interest, <br />advanced- by Mortgagee Eo of this Mortgage; and tlie:performaace of the cxivenatitsand agreements of <br />the .Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does. lierebg mortgage and. convey: tb •Mortgagee ttie fopawing desetibtad <br />property located in Htj11 _ County, Nebraska: <br />Int. Five (5) in Block Otte (1) in Jack.Voss Second-Subt3ivisipn, <br />being a-part. of the West ~ia1f (W~) of the Southitest-tattartt~-'(SW~) <br />of Section -'Its (2) ; Tot~°hip r levcan . (11) :North; Range-l'en- (lei? , <br />West of the: 6th P.Pd., Ha11 County, Nebraska; <br />'fogeUter with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, .tarts, alleys, paccageways, easements, rights, privileges-and - r <br />appurtenances {orated thereon or in anyw+se pertaining thereto, and Ihr rents issues aad profits, reversions and reroaindtrra <br />thereof; includinG,.hut not limited tom healrng and turtling eyurpment and auclt-penanal RrtY thatia attached ti the <br />inlptovemenrs so as ko xnnstituke a tixturr: alt oC which, including rrpiacements and additions thernta, is hereby declared <br />to fie a part oC the rent w:fJtte secured by the hen of ihi.s Jk>rtkag+• and all of the Corrgoing being referred to herein as the <br />,.~~nY„ <br />Mortar further convrnanc<and agrees, wrtri Monga{trx•, a, trrllo>•s; <br />t. Payxrunt. Ti pay the indrbtednrxs and the inian°,t ttrrr•nvt a~~ pr:vtdx^d in this rvlcartgage aad [hr !Vats. <br />'L Titles Mirtgagir is the n,_.•ner ~>f to±^ fnxkertt, ha} tom. rag_ni and auttrurctti ter ntars~~e tht Yraprrty, and <br />warrants that tH+> hen c r~aFcd-hereby is a Frrst and poor lien on the 'r4opcrzy~, except a., may othurwi,e tx^ sal fvtth herein. <br />i? 7hr i'ropetty is eubletct to a htnrtgattE' wbrn•m ...., _,__ .. -- _- <br />is the Martgeger, rvcirded al IiMxk. -_ .~. ... Nage ut the Mun~age Itrcurd+oi . ... .... . .......__(:aunty, <br />Nebraska, which Mongrgr it a lien poor w the tiro crrntett h+•rri,4. <br />LJ t)ther pear tlrru ur rncumbrancrs. _ - -, _, <br />t1. •i•xu,ea, As'arsaruvn4+. '1'a pay worn due aH tear., s{x•ctal aaatasmrnin uud all uthrv charraa a4amst the 1"rolsrrtr <br />and, nixnr written dr~uaid ny Dtarlgngw^, rte add txs the pat niruc? rryutrrd uudr-e the "'ate ~rw>ueed hrrrL=y, suds anruunt as <br />eturY hr sulCtcrent sa crrabn' the Mxntgrr txa pas .uch lase :, a u--.+nirnt~ re ,+i l:t•r rhargx•, as lhry Br•eUme due.. <br />3, (ttrur'rtier, ~l`o kra•p kn?• intpruccnwnts now or hrn•at4a'r Ixx~aird Ern the real relate descnbed hrnnn relented <br />a{{a3rrsi drinagr? by flee and sur•rt ruttrr hraardn a:! M1torigayrr creep n•ymer, rn axuuunts and w,th c•narpanins accvptrbir to ttie <br />1Wowe, and w14R lax [Nt4'YGWr ev =1ev iSSrtea~ru. In case crt` Ices: unrlrr eu<h c u{tries t}_ yiartgagre s' uulhxirtyed to <br />adltl9t, cuf15'r.'f rind crxaipltttnit3e, +n its difct•ircxr, aIC ~ inrm~ thv~•wider at its sole upturn. authuur:ud tax c,~ru apply Uto <br />pr;}c~ds t:}. he ta~tir- is per an th C'r ;fr rij -F:+in ti,e ,tsdebiedxx -s secure-d hen.•iro, our ire}~rnents hert•uxrder shaCl eexrr- <br />tintte until hhr sores secun~d ttrrett}' arts patd !n full. <br />5. L,7 Nsu•raa hoe 'Carets and l~uraare- Y:it+a+thstarrdxng any-thrng contained rn para;traPtls.:i and i tnrri:<;f to the <br />contrary, Mortgagor shall pry tv the Mortrr at the tnnr of pa}~ing the monthly instrilnnm is of principal and ntq,rvxt, <br />ate-twvifstr ifi-rite yearly ta~ra, a~c~sutent5, harard ntsaranc°e prc~mrvms, and ground rents jet any! whtch may attarn a <br />priority over this .A4isr~tga, nit as rNa~rrabiy est?tnatrd 7eEenr tune ro itttte by the 17artgagr•t•. The amuun4s so paid a:ratl ter <br />held hY the Murtgalprv witittw~t itttrrrsl and apptxed to the payment o[ rite ttrma m n•speE9 to which sorb amounts weer. <br />dsprxlit+td. Tttr-sums prdd to Murigttges• hrreundrr err }ticdga•ri as addiWorral ,eeurity fur the ntdri:trdnrsa secured t+p Elrrx <br />~trtrtg;~}r.;~artaygorshalipa}' to 3twt{lagrr the atncxunt r,r(aur dePimrnx~y between t{n~ acetaai taxes, nssusernrule, timurancr <br />pb9trtls)tta acrd gruwW rents aad tkr ,posits hereunder wtthin its dare aCtav demand rx made upon Jinrtgagor rnyuaw_trn{{ <br />pep ttxrnt. therein. <br />&, Ravralr, Aiarntarranc~? told L_:yrr, 't'u pruanptls r_pair, rest~ra Eer rrht:itd ans. hut{ding> :er irnpr<x:rrtu•u:s rxxew <.; <br />hrreaftee uu the Nriperty; kxu keep fire Nroin tet5 to ~uod rtviditron and it-paB, ,citiruut cv~ tu, and Fire Ctorn rssr.•hanie's ur <br />at$e7 tb•hs nit expressly sutu+Eriiisat€d to the inert hereof; not rt> rnnka -.uffre ,-,t p rn.ii an nut _,tur.~ tv a t x_ ~,ar to 9'tn;n <br />4211 ar impair trey '`slue rtf ihs+ Property trp auy~ art or r,nme.*=.-citron to -, r: and r,. cutapi} ,rrtl, a?i mqu urtut•nts n( i;rw „ith <br />rralrecrt ice the Yrupa•rty, <br />