<br />Lender's wriucn agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.. -
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indcbtaincss of gprmw•cr secured by this Mortgage. Unless Oorrowcr and Lender agree to-other ternts of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender l0 8ormwcr rcyucsting payment thereof, and-shell bear interest Cmm thr
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payahte from time to time nn outstanding principal under the Note unless-payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law..,in whickevent such amounts shall bear interest at thehighesbi•are
<br />permissible under applicable Iaw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender ro incur any expenscor'take-
<br />any action hcrcundcr. - - _ -
<br />8. inspecBnn. Lencfcr may make or Cause to be mode reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Propertyr provided
<br />that Lender shall give Aorrower notice prior to any such inspection spe¢ifving reasonable cause therefor related -to-Lenders
<br />interest in [he Property.. - - -
<br />9. Condemnatiirn. The proccadx of any award nr claim (nr damages, direct or conscyuential, in, connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are-hereby assigned-
<br />:rod shall be paid m Lender.
<br />fi the event o(a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall Ixapplicd to the sums secured by.this Mortgage,
<br />with the oxccss, if any, paid to gorrowcr In the event pf a pnnin) taking of the Property. unless gorrowcr and-Lender
<br />othanvisc agree in writing, there shall I;c ~applicct to the sums secured by this Mortgage ouch proportion-of-the proceeds-.
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount atf the some secured hg this Mnngage immediately ptior.lo the date of-
<br />taking hears to the fair market value of [he Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balarxe of the prgceeds
<br />paid in Borrower.
<br />7f the Pfopeny is abandoned by gorrowcr. or if. after notice Ly Lender In Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />:m award or seine n .Maim for damages, gorrowcr fails to respond tc !-enaar within 3o da}'s after the: date such notice-is~
<br />mailed. Lcndcr is authorized to collect and appl}• the-prxceds, at Lender's option. either to restoration-or-repair of the,
<br />Pro}x•s'te c,r rr= !hc sums ..<.ecured by l!tis Morteaee - - - - - - - - -
<br />L'nlesx !.ender and gnrrou~cr of henvise agree in writinc. any such application of proceeds to principal shall nolextend
<br />nr postpone nc~ duo date of the monthly installments referred to in pn'rugraphs I and '_ herent or change the amount nP
<br />snch installments. -
<br />1{!, Borrower tint Releaacd. P.ttcnsion of the time for payment nr modification of amortization of the sums secured--
<br />by thy, Mortgage granted by Lender 4i an}~ successor in intcrce[ n( gcirdower shall not operate tp release, in soy manner,
<br />the liability of the original Aormver :rod Borrowcr'c successors in interest. Lender shall nor he required 4n commence.
<br />pmeeedings against such srsezsor or rclu+e m cetand umc for nuvmchn nr otherwi.c modify amortization nt tht sums
<br />secured by Chi, mortgage by reason of nny demand made he the orielrial gorrowcr and gormwef s successors in interest-
<br />l1. Forbearance by i,euder \n1 n R'aivrr. aus tonc~arance hp Lhitder in ceerdsirm any right or remedy' hereunder.. or
<br />,ni:crwr,c• :rttemled by applicriile ;aw. ,h:dl not i,e a wnivar .d or preclude the exercise of ;m}' xrrh right nr remedy.
<br />Thu procurement of insurance or ;hc racu:cnt of ;:rec. „r anc~r hens nr chi rlecs he [ender hail not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right t., . -ctcrric t6:: mau:ri;y , ...,, =Rtadne>, ~ ':I l,v Chi. tiortesee
<br />12.~r~Remedias Cumulative c,V! rrnmdirs rm.alcd~in this Vtarta::gc ,i rc dnunet and ~unnriativa U'+ any nines right or
<br />renu:dy irOder (illi \tnrtea gc or .dTordeJ I•r 'u .a eyni'l, .ind may he ru•r; r„•.1 ~an~w tenth. independently nr ;uc.:CCSieelq.
<br />!3. Successors and :\tsigm !loom!: 3oint :nut Sr, areal Lianililp; f'aptiuus. ;'he ,~ -rsnic .end at5reemetl[5 herain
<br />contauxd chill bind, and the righis hercunricr :h.di inns ro_ the r~•cpc•c:^:e .u~cn,ar, umf~alstirns of I-coder ,md Borrower,
<br />aubicct to the precisions of Pan:granh i' ?recce;- Ali covenants :rod agracmcnty nt g:r. rower ~:h,.!i be roan and several.
<br />"The ~apuons nd fu'admgs o n .xrsru7`t, ;,f thn 'slnrt_„rce - r I'•nr .r_.m acrcncc nis and rir tot to he used to
<br />riaearprat r-r deFrn• the .: i<irs frrcaf -
<br />}A. Nolire. E3xcept ~ior any nr.!uc r:<;,m rd waxier .qtp+lic,; 1, i~ Ina {" he f•n~e r. n another manner, tat un}~ nmice to
<br />Bun o+l r: pt.,rrdcd fpr ~n :hn htou~apa skull ,',~ g+, uo hr r_r.ulinr• .-~i. l: u,,uc~c h+ ,R~mflevl r,rari .ddresscd I+, gMri+wer 1t
<br />,h, I -z, is -1 R,;.i,.. _ s =ate! .a„ - ~, ~ g.,:., .., - ...e ,. ,.n „r i , x. , rdcr art ,•idcJ he.cin. and
<br />n7 _rrc-nsaac ri, kst ..Er +l-us. ?a t _ ~ ~ ;_:, t-:: r: t~ . t !~ ta_ trd .. c -tide Carr=> b r •in t•• to
<br />ue t..•t„~~ aalSre RS ., 1.-„Lr :,. .-. u.; ~+. ,::,.c -. ,., .-:.+a.r .tr ~.n r:ul { .- :.:: i .: .,„tt.. -r l r ! t,r r. ;his
<br />4!. ....,.ter,- -.. ,4s ?te --- h;: c:. s-tc -_ L.r,rr,. - r a ~, r.rn ~.r , - :___ -_,- ta+# .._ r
<br />!S. Uniform AtonEaEe; i.nveminE i ~.:, Sr+rra_ hgrh ~ _ - ~- ~ _ ... .-n{l+i ..r..,.r t. _.. xt .,.nh I r - xtal
<br />, .,u.l ,.r ,i-,,, }I,..Inr ~rirefiartii *~itrz -: ir~.e,. . .:- •- ..i. c .+. n I, ~ n[t il't14' .i unit,)Trtl Se.Ri r.tti instnlrnCii, c Y4hng
<br />mul p-upa rte Ibis S1 nrtg:r;:c eh_d? !,c ,sr ncdt ,r' .,r:,-Cite r sd~u inn -.,hi,?i rlu~ I'n`p•: rt.• :, t,+aaed -o[n the
<br />want Chit -tn)' pntnsr-n r,r stone, _ ?n, M .tgagc ~ t i+ V,qe ~,vnir. ~r-. .ittt .I,tph,abir +a .ndt ..mtiicl ,,;ell not ,it[eat
<br />other pu~iri~gr, of ^ ~tl c-rtRa c - .-e V ~, ia,t i; ~, .r r,~ -aur .. ... h. r-r ,!„ .Ih... ;` r-revision. .uui to tSia
<br />end dte pr "ions of h \tnnu.-. e i ;hr \ ,. ., ,. . - I:- ;:J !•~ 1 a u,i6.'e.
<br />16. Herr rwrr•s (Cpl. liar ,- -iial! . I ..-qt tr nerd ,i,~• nl gjgB : k li t nt
<br />nl tax. uli~ t { .ilr.r rte i,r l,toh -ar ~.
<br />17. Pransler of the Prvr erly~ i u n It ax I. t r l t - 1 ~
<br />P- R - t xr 'kf#fllRii111~.wi~44'1•e+r tr- t -red
<br />by flan over •.<nb.~!s! [.cnder's .. i..,...~a:.: •:: ,s, ~•,.r•rp '.• .;.+n .+t.x.#aat i~-roc•+rrrtt:rartcc suhnr+, n:r,< t.,
<br />Chu Mat tgaq e, Ih? t!t .rlasr •t r pxu.t~a vc a+r:us ... ui.?s nuul,t ,:! r:+an.•h, r`, a{tls ra„~ee, kl e tr.unts- be dry rv+;.
<br />dcsa;nt nr Lt +rpcranon at Lis „p,tn rha •ual7: in .i nn r:n i.u;1 „r=+.1{-1~~. r.-es~.rwa~~•
<br />..... _...~..._ _. _. -_.._. -i;rux-nr.n.~
<br />it i n. pi ,~:•arc -: :ur, u. rv, + 4io~t as-. i, nr.'
<br />t,r
<br />ntuwd~atvly dx.c :wd papal+Ic i- lade. -.uH ~. -„ ..d ,.,h •,pt-, n .r:.,, ,, r, ,. i.-r rir,~ • a. .. isle t r-, i•,r
<br />a n.l the ptr sort rn wh.:m nc~ Proper;, . ., t,s• ,.:ht .u u.imh•r..cl ;: ~, 1. ~u•r:,rn~: ur . ur~rin5t . r rh~~ ,. nt,t , , .,iJi ,. ,
<br />i \atlVfai t~nl 't LC'tt It, iFid tb:+ f , _r.j~t.f i.ie , n -c-r t• ~ tri l,i _ - 3!„ sF,. _ . a - - ,-.'.h r'rra- ,i. C ~ a:i~r
<br />xha(i icyuCSl it ! ender hu+ w„ .sa .., :.. „R.t. r. rr lu, vil•,1 ire rbi. :.t,ii 4- , L, i ni;+c•=', ,._.
<br />nriere,t has r - nlcd :x +ynttar? r, .array r , c =hn unc~ t .e.. cr-wcl m u-rte is k-, I career 1 rn.++r h tr: ~ : - .,.. kt. ,:, ..- r rrc.nt ; f.
<br />ahiigaGOas +utdgr rhrs Mort"gagv and thr.• r++;t.
<br />It ! rrtder rscraisa, sxo,it i,tx-u .. ,,,cieni..- ! v tJ:r -tali r ; itt,:r.,, ~~n,:.r ~. _,, .- ..,, - l,rh
<br />, r rapt r r.~...-L 4 i s.:.,.-. - _ , _ . -..•.
<br />w tuc613xu curt uwy r rt ts3~,,,it e._ .„-_: + t A„r ,_ ~-- ~{- -- - - t~~. _.al
<br />i.cmicr m.r?. ll rf iroui rr.n-..r rn,r r,_ r ~, ru..r.u, i.;-:., au .v,; 6, n. ...-.:r, ..: r _. r_ , .,._:::i
<br />tYrtM1:"L=41r C+k lA l~r?ti11+>\{4, 171+3ii:K~:-.,.I L't.e.i-,4r.tllc'R,R -.-.. .,. e , .~.~w:
<br />- i8. Accelerali4n: 1'tenrgdies. 1's iY p! ax prurided in par age aldr l7 iai'euG. uiwu Slue uw er'< ht rdx it u! eras :st rn,tut ..
<br />aHrecmenl n( Hurroe-er in tbi.. Alartkagc, uc, ludirrg nc~ cox ananss ru pa} +shcu Jar uu} ,un,> sr lured 7,. Chi+'-luUkotlr.
<br />Letrder ryrior to se•cvlrration shalt m5i1 notice nr gorratccr at prrsirtvd in parnl;c:rph i-i !tercet ,pccty ui~a r., the trrrarl.:
<br />lZl me :ictiVrt rey ultL"d to enrv aucb htrac'ir: ti? a date, ^ul lr~. than 1k1 da}s irnm the d.ue Ctrs uuule i~ madcd I:. lt~rtVwar.
<br />h} which snot broach nnut he cured; and t~1 prat reduce to cute ~.ueb Gr ca.h nu ur befrnr t!u• dart ~p;c rUvd w the notice
<br />nwy resell i+t atY~CleratiOlt of the SWns u•c ueed h} ttrh ~luilt;ut;c, force lu.urr bt iudra ial lo[m urdinr; uud +ub- u! the !`tnpetr}.
<br />the notlcc shall (nrtber intorru gorrowcr ut true right lu ri-iustatr xf ter _tu alcr;dinu ;mil der right rn a-u~r! in Ih, tin c.lmurr
<br />pruveefiing, the nalx-edsteucc of a Beta qp ar n1r1 other dvte•a.c of Bunuaa•r to ucl cteuniuo and t.!r:. 1,.. i; n- tt nc~ h.raJt
<br />is nut cored on ur ik R..ra the dote specrhutY in the uotir v, I cedar ut I cudr-r'. ,+ptiwr rata} dcclw~ utl ,J Inc ,xurr. „ „rtI frt
<br />th{s DAttI$ugc la ln• immcd7atct> xhrc wed lra,t able rtlltnsri tai ihcr detrtund uud nap Gncabhr b. tarirr i.>I pros ocdurg•itrnd~
<br />shag 6e e•nlitkd 4t ralivc'f in such fxrox'ce;lir:g ail rytenw+ of lnrcl'IuRnrr, inrhn!ing, but not limited bi, iayR of do. Crow! nt_u}
<br />caidvncr, aGstracts and ride reports.
<br />r-. ~rrowsr';< I2rXh! tea !t-°znsi.rir. :, ,..- - -- ---- , ~. ., ..., ., -.~ .i. :.
<br />nerrrtnc. .iia'i nalr tnc eignr :n ,.a r-.-, p. ~. rcu -, ,,- ,. ._. :~ _, <. a,,, a- ~-. .-, ., ,. ..~ -
<br />