<br />t'.,rni ~4'Ni ftliv
<br />t~ .UflTb~FP~ll~~y afaar soil F.x~cnl.•d ilri» lUth :¢y.,. July- x ;, 8e
<br />nyandf,elx•ern Petras ~fazakevieius
<br />- .- _pariY n[ lhr tt r~.t lrr: rt.
<br />and Fred- rt Janseh, .....,._
<br />.....-:.. .. - _. _... ---....pnrtY of thr sr..r~r:,t pert.
<br />- WTTNEy3l:: f'H, thnt the-asla~pardy nf.the drat part, for »nd in ronsidrrntinn oft 5. ~-,2;, J.3Q, Q~;. ' _ t ...
<br />' Twelve, thcllsarzd. orz.e,..hundre.d:. tY.irty...and . no/1,00------Fioi.f.Atz~e, pair )ry gNi,i I;,-t Y. „r u:r
<br />-second pact; thes¢crlpt whereof to herelsyackilowiedg,•tt,.has.grunted, barya{ned-, snW-and canveye,i, and -by the ,o pn•:rmv
<br />- - cbrca yrr'aa`d; hargain;`aeil and zvnrey, unto-said parfr• Jf th¢-s¢rvttrt port. the-`Foilfiwing dc•agrlried real potieit. slutntr il~ the
<br />County of - ~a-1-.~- ., and-State nt'.KChrnnka, to-w{t: -
<br />South Sixty Feet.(.60!} of Lot 8leven-(:11},.Block Thr~e.(3.3.,-,Sautlern
<br />Aores Addition., Hall .County, PSebraska
<br />tc$eAher wnh nt! the tenements heredttamenta and appurtrna nces ki tho snore 6clonging, an 1 all 'he stair Lti,., dawn
<br />right eP fenmestend clafms nn f dernanda whatsoever of the nn Id party ut th¢ flint part v[, fn nr to eat f pri n tars nr ~am.• part, -
<br />thereal; and avid party o1-the Rrat part does h¢rchy c¢v¢nant, Lhnt aa4i party of the-Rent part is [aw•tufly artzed' of said prrm~ - -
<br />tses, that ssid promises arc trey from lnaumbrance and that snid party of the first port will wnrrnnt and drtc•nd the title to card
<br />- premises against tiro lawful clafms and demands of all psis<~na whomenever,
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and Chess praaenLa nr¢ uprm these eondflhrns:
<br />LVIiEREA3, snid party o! the Rrat part leas executed arai delivered in ihr snid party of the second part by
<br />' promfseerynof¢ dated July. 14, 1880 and .due and payable in full ~~anuary 14, -
<br />l,o8i
<br />_.._ _ _. _
<br />and whereas, the party vt Lhe Rret p+[ri has ngreeei to keep thn :ntithn!; a, ; any. up.:n sni.i in-rndzrs. urarlrrct :.
<br />irony ar eumpnnirx approved 6y sold party of [he acrnnd purl, f xr tbn Odl uunuminr e:Jur u!;nusl Letx by tuc and nn,Jsb:: mtH n•;r
<br />exfended rovcrnge and deliver to sofa r•.r[y of th¢ acc¢nd port the policy or puilrtrs r +:nni:nng stnndnrd t ortgago . i-nt•o ,. Ih
<br />the Yosn payable to said party nt the second port, nc assigns, and has n[; re:•d to lacy nit tn+u~, :, ndr assn ssntc ;!= a i:.t ....,.: ~•: r::.~
<br />ices before the aarrte, by Saw, become uelinyur•nt, and hnn nxna•d ifnrt tf snot i:arty :rt the arst i+anr:!. r~~a ;, .., s.xh
<br />insuranea, or tads to psy all tuxes na aforesaid, then snid f:ar ty :rf lhn srrond p:+rt ur hx:Idrr hrreuf, n,:r, ,' ~: r:, ncr
<br />and taxes, nr either or them, and ail n!nonnLS so paid by said party ..t the .v vend port :droll brr:r uxrrc+t ~::[rt tr:• i.
<br />per Genf pet annum from the date of payment, and this mnrlgni;r .rhnil stnn.t as s tri[y thrr¢fnr. : ,:..! „t:::. t .,
<br />added In the amount of She mnrtgag¢ debt, and [hr snm¢ recov rred ns or pu rt therourr Vow rf the ssi:t Iln.l.: Ir +~i the 6r . ~~1. ut
<br />shall well end forty pay or cause [o nr paid the said r.un of m nay :u sr:d n;+tr ,:. sttb :_ _. ,.
<br />lag to the tenor stud elTect ¢f sold nr,te and ahnil krrp .said inn! tin„- :,( ., ,rtnl •t.,tst n:t
<br />"<ecasmsnt;= rani and shall dsty hnep, a:! perir:ra .!! tte=• rtt .. _- z ....
<br />l!r, esenta t¢ hr nail and void. Flat if snid .si;n, of m n ~ r • pall th.,,M1 ( r'r t --t
<br />!s dot, or !3 paid buildings shall nui f:,z kept roam,d ,. t,f ,r -. •r r.1.. rt tl a inn,_v and n . „ „ ,
<br />not pnid nt r Ixfore the time [he same became ny taw dciiu quint n tt I U) rt t t .. 1
<br />perinrm nay r- V!'nn nia herein rnntnxnrd i n hnrdrr h ,: v rnli h.tve. r , i.i l,:.t - elc:'.'t Y. f i, tt ,r ..,., ... ._.
<br />l~ayabte at a:ry flute attar sash failure nr delau'f. ant may •E... t.r. t ,tt t .. t.. .. ~ ,, --..... ,
<br />_ r'
<br />.=pzc•- nt „' afar:; act;z;n a n .~ titr -rt i.°r - tt~= .,., t
<br />:
<br />ANU IT IS P"UIL'P}IER PIL4VIUF;U AND AL'ltEEn Thut the sa nr aa,:a.o,:~:,r .nan :.:,.s :,.n ,.:, .. ,: • a:...-. ,._; ,•._....,...
<br />morfgap,e cr the r.er• seeureu .r...reby, trrge;t:er ;: i.h .: .:fir. -r,..-.. --r :,,.,.--:,- :,-~, ,. . .. •.
<br />Jyerra;:§~, aga;a~-i lip said }3 r,:-t~n~r= .,r t°,v irfat r..1,lNr -. n_~ -.=ate ,-.- -- - ._ .. .. ~.. -., , .
<br />ANU lT IS FLtRTFfEft I'Rrtplni. t) Arv it At',Rh.I P .h..v t f -f s t,„ ,,
<br />that our n1 :'. _ ondiu.•ns for ma this ! n,,,: :h, tt tk-, .:
<br />herein d.:- [ I ,ts [hc persvnnl nt i~•:tr J .. II .- K •,
<br />an` P l h nl, r mains u paid, if ~ a) i S"' [S 1 -
<br />r r ty, .r any Part thcrrt•oi, re stir 1•, trail !h,: r, K t
<br />sit thcror+!, ¢ the Mcrt; g¢rx [fo n,r nape •.r ,<. t [ ~ t ~ !
<br />Ehe card eat estel e- as doe e r ate dx cil:nv t c 1 ~-t, 1 -
<br />~ut!nnY dcrtan• arc unpaid urine iPal •Salan~••. ,: n.[ :n. ,r .t ,,. th. .,r. ....: r .:.. ,.. , ..., •, . .,. . .. r ,.
<br />~ti. ~FfS,~ttittl8ip ~~£C~~,
<br />IN PRI;SF.N.^F. Oi' ~J`~~t.,~'~ ~.••~Lr~'7-~'°' `~ ""'/
<br />r `tN ~7'.r ~. r..1'.'.: 'j C' j ll~.
<br />ffY'ATId tTI•' l1 F.HIkA9tiA. Ij ftti tiria 1l+ ~ E+_ ,lily at '' l! I ~` :1 1` .u L3 iJ
<br />-=~rruaty n1 i~-all. 1 ~ Aetrare me, a 5~§a:y itthlir m an,t t,rr fnr sold c5unty pvr.unanr , :.,, .,, :, tx,r,,
<br />natnrd Pet2'd.5 ~~a~akev iC iUS
<br />- to hr ihr let: ntira! pr s.n, whu.i~ na n.r .,. ,, ntfrxr,J t„ the nlr.,rr tn:u+,tnt. :::
<br />Rs gra tdt:, nr::! ilel~. nt n+ir.ii: r•, an [,1 Inv!tun.:•n: t~• :: ti t:t „.t .., ft
<br />r::t r. . ,i. , ..
<br />4V'11'i,4IaSS my ha:aJ and col ..rmi Ke.,i tttr date ! wt ,,.: „ ,.ud
<br />:.ty e;;K1'n i3al,:,r * i'1t E+9 ~~t~.s. ~j1 t°x3 .-~ 't.: ., r~ itt. ,r
<br />f1i~~QY' fUir 4t 9Rbifia
<br />SAfiDlip
<br />-,- _~A Cornsi.
<br />