j SZ%-AERT..P$9'ATE.DiOASGJkt#~-f~~h-Tax C1a~f fla(fman aaG=FEVtoar& Waft; Vlakion, tk 08461
<br />,as~~ ' ,
<br />"~
<br />j (KNOW ALL. MEN BI' THESE PRESENTSt_ That Bruee. I Christens»n and Deborah A:
<br />{: Ghriatenson.
<br />of` Hall- County and Slate of Nebraska in consideration of the sxfn of
<br />,, s
<br />+ ~ l; Sixteen Thousand and OOfI00---------~-------------=- __~ DOLu1R3'
<br />in hmrd-paid, do-hereby SELLaxd:CANVEY unto' FIt7E- POIt1TS BANR ~
<br />~~
<br />t ~' t;of' Hall- Coui:ty, State of Nebraska the ftillowcng descrtbed p>•emcs¢s sitaatad ~
<br />~.ix - _ Hall- County, and State.-af- Nebraska , to utct:
<br />~-
<br />. {- - ~- - -
<br />Lot One Hundred Twenty Four X12!+) in Buenaviata Subdivision,, an addition
<br />P to the City of Grand Island,-Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />t ~ _ -
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<br />.:
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<br />Tka intention being to carxyey iraravy an absalute ii#e in jec simpic, inetud:»y ail the rights of homasierd and doxvar.
<br />TO HAVE FIND TO HOLD thv premises above described, xrnth aft the appurtenances thereunto belonging,
<br />unto the said mortgagee(s) and to laic, her yr their laeirs and assigns forayer, provided always, and thcse presents era I
<br />upon iha express ronditiun that ij the said snurtyayor(s), his her or their hctirs, exenrtors, admirri.rtratorr or assigns
<br />shalt pay or cause io Ge pant to the said mortgagae(sJ, his, her yr their heirs, ezarators, ndrrinislrafars or assigns, the
<br />pr+»=ipal srtn+ vj $ lb, OOO.OG payable as follows, iv u»t:
<br />Payable on or b~fare 1:(? days, November 3th, 1y80
<br />f with interest occardc»y to the tarwr a»d ajfact nj the martyagors .vriiten promissory note bsari»g ayen data zcdth thasc
<br />t peasants and stuxtt pay ail texas and ass.°ssrNeNts lc-vizd Npon sail rant osfata, and at! other tcxxes, tPyirs as»ct ws.~s.;+aants
<br />itet$ad upa» this rNartgaga or the Hato .which thcs rnartyaga is giya» dp ,secNra, bajara #ha same bacor»as Balinquent, and s
<br />;keep th$ buitdcugs an said pramues insured jor lire sum of $ lu, ~t00.00 lnss, ij any, pnya5ia to tiro said `'
<br />jrntrtgag¢e, then these presents to be void, atharxuire to ba and remain in jolt force.
<br />IT tS t~UXTttER ACIiEED (tj That ij flee said murtgagnr shaft jolt to pay such taws ar pracara sNCh in-
<br />surance, tke said martgagee may pay s»ah taxes and pracura sucti cnsurarrce; and the sum sv a<fyanced, xaith intaresi
<br />~' ;at ltt psr cants xholt be repaid 2=y said mortgagor, and Chia tnartgaye shaft stand r.-s sac~rrrity /vr dhe soma.
<br />i€ s (a) Tirat~ a-facture. to pay any of .raid taanay, cuhtr prcn:ipr.l or interest, xulren iha sarNa becorrras dNa, ar a failure to
<br />~j iraf»p!y wNh any aj it>& jarayoirrg agreame»ts, shaft souse the xuhota sutuaj moray herein secured fo bacvma dos o»d
<br />;enttottibta as o»cs at the aption vj the fnartgagea.
<br />Signed this 11th day of J::ly rg80
<br />.G ~ I
<br />,z [n prtrcnce of .....~:3~~rt;..,.. E.. ~. ..~.'~::i~~ ~~.. - ...-...---
<br />Jw~., ~a
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