<br />Said promissory Hate was giveu to secure a loan in which the Small Bitslness AdministraEion, an agency of the
<br />United States o€ America, has parificipated. In compliance with section 1071{d} of the-Rules and Regu!ations'of
<br />the Sisw11 Business Administration (13 C.F.R. IO1.I (di ), this instrument is-to be consttved atu#.extfareed in accord-
<br />atice with applicable Federal law.
<br />I. Tlie mortgagor covenants and agrees as follows:
<br />a,-He will-promptlp paythe indebttdnsss~evideneed by'saed promissory nofe•at the:iim~ and:in the;-
<br />manner therein provided.
<br />b. He will-pay ail taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or mtuaeipal charges, 5tus, or
<br />impositions, for which provision has not been made hereinhefore, and will promptly=detivertbeofficialrecaigta _.
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />c. He will pay such expenses-and tees ae may be incurred in-the•protection and maintenance-of said
<br />property,-including the fees -of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for. the. collection--of any. cr.all-of __.
<br />the indebtednees hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee'. sale, or court proceedings, or in spy. other
<br />litigaiian or proceeding affecting said praFterty+ Attorneys feesreasoetahly inenrred in.nny other.wat-»haN he
<br />paid by the mnrtgagar.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby scented, upmt the request of the mortgagee, its
<br />successors or assigns, he shall eseoute an+3 deliver a supplemental mortgage nr mortgages covering am'
<br />adduion_=, impravements, or betterments [Wade to ills praperzy° hrreinahayr dcaceilted -aml all property
<br />acquired by it after the date hr. reof i all is form solis(acurrv to wort lager r. i'u rthermnre. should mortgagar
<br />tail to cure any deiavit in the payment of a prior or ivierinr rncnmbrm:ce ou the property described 'b7
<br />this instrumenF, mangagor heretic curer, to permit mortgagee to tore -uch +iefault. but mortgagee is trot
<br />nhliga[ed to da so; and .uch adyattcrs -hall become part n[ the indehtrdnrs =reared by this iustrumenl,
<br />suhjeM in the =_ame terms and canditions.
<br />r. "IYte rights created by this convrvance shall reneain iu (u!1 Cores :uui sliest during auy pusttxnt+vuvm
<br />ur extension of the titne of the payment of the indebtedness er idrnce+l lrv ,aid prnntiasurv Holt or any part.
<br />thereotsecureti hereby.
<br />~. He will continuously maintain haznrd insurance, of such type m h•pes and in such amaunte as the
<br />mortgagee mac tram time to lime require ua the improvements not. or h<.reafter ua -.rid property. .uul
<br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. All insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable
<br />to mortgagee and the palicirs and renewals thereathall 6¢ be61 by- mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br />loss payable riauses in favor of and in Cann seceptable to the nmrtgagee. in event oi' lase, morigauar will give
<br />immediate ataiirc in writing to monga~ce, and mortgagee mat' make pr+wi at loss if Hat made promptly by
<br />tuartnagar, and.~aeit itu.urunse camnany canecmed i~ here!zv authorized acid ciirecte:l t.x nra`se. €avrnett fnrsuch
<br />loss directly to mortgagee instead of to mtuigngor mui nwrtgagre µrinily, and the ineur;mce proceed+, or any
<br />parE drarevrf, may be applied by utortgager. r,E its nptian pith-re to the reducu~.n ni lire indebiede.;'sa heeeiry
<br />secured ar to rite rretarapon ar reitair of the property dantnge+i or destroyer!. is rtrrzt of t`areclasure of Llt ie
<br />mortgaie, or othee transfer of title to said property in rxtinguishmrnt of the indebteduena secured hereby, ail
<br />right, title, ;md interest ui the mongugor in and u> ant ensuranec policies thin is farce shall pztt.~ to the
<br />purchaser or nwrtgaue+• ar, at the uptkut ,.f the nurrtgag+-e, rnat br -nrr+•ndem.i b.r ;t rrAuui.
<br />g. He will keep all buildinus and other intprateuteut, un ..aid peupeety w ;;ood repair and eunditian;
<br />will permit, rumrnit, or suffer no waste, impairment, detertura;imt al said proprrn ur ant part t6rreoi:
<br />in the event of failnrr of the n:ortgagnr to keep for buildings un nail preattne~ :. rd tha,r rrrctr+i +nt -a+d
<br />premises, nr iugnovetueuts lherrmt, in good repair, the nxrrtgager may- make ~ac6+rrlnurs as in ire+hscrrtion
<br />it may deem necessan for tSte propce per,er. at uui thereof; and die full auunud ut ear6 .uul teen -ucli
<br />paynuau s6a!1 he imtuediatriv +iue mu) pavehlr: .urJ nbail br n^cur<~+i bt for heu of this mori;:.rg+~.
<br />It. Fle will nut t•uhuaurily create or permit to he ~ n•ated ogautnt the pnepcrn~ u:bject to this tnurtgegr .toy
<br />firn ar Liens inferior ur superior to the lien ni this murtgag,- w:thuut tia:• ~nttrn rone+sn of the mortgagrr; slid
<br />further, that he will keep and eoaintaut the -suer tree !roar thr• c laun .,t ail p<~r.nu- -.++pl,ly m;: labor ,,:
<br />- maleriul. for c+utstrucGon ni arty and all huildinge or uuprov auu-nit out, 6eiug rrceterl or t., 6e rrecte+l ou
<br />said premises.
<br />lfr• w'i!1 oot ern! nr uaalga a+ty part +.i the rent of ._ud nrurt~agrd l,n,prrt+ ..r drnurii.h, ur r. Hoer,.
<br />r:r suk-uuttially alter any 1>utlt!i :}; a~;t htut ;br ar; lieu rona:~ut nE the nurrrga;:c<~.
<br />(. =iii awatdaaf danteges in eotWeetian wttlt arty cotrdeautattuu tat puLhe a-y „I ar orlon w any ul tb,-
<br />praperty sahjrei to tht- mortgage art hereby a~tunrd and .halt by paid b+ atnrtgatEer, syhau may ap!riy- die
<br />~unu• to pat uu•n[ of the in>tal6nrui., lac due utnier said note. and nu+rtgagrr +, le+~n•bt ant6w eaed, ur der
<br />name of tits evortgngor, to execzttr ,tad deliver slid acquittauce, t6rrrul ,rod t.. ,yy„~.J Iroa+ .u++ .ac6 a+. ar+i
<br />6-. ~l~ho~ ururtuager nlral! hate the rig64 to ut.perz the martga H+-+I prr~+u a.,-~.i~ .+n+ +~ .i.,u+.,blr rum.
<br />2.' Clofault in any. of the cavenanU or ceuditinns at this instnnncut or of dre m>ty or loan ages.+rncut w•eure+!
<br />hereby shall tertniuate the t'CtnriuagaYS right In posr~sion, use, and enjoy mrnt of the pro pe rn, at the optutn of the
<br />nl4rtg4gee or his uemi}tnn pit being agreaxl that the rttaregagar shall hnu c• such ngb! until defaulu. l you acv snch
<br />,lcfauit, tits nsor[gagre al:a!f !r.^e:rn:e the owner of H!! tat ilea tents at:.i l=ra4ila z+-crumg asft<^r dr{salt a:..rurrtt
<br />frr tltr a,+,iclrtcdnca,.x sccu .gal nere`n}, with tl?r.. til;ltt~-to erle+*r uy-est Haiti proper . foe the yrurp4r , r!;<z^i:rtt; :._:::
<br />reutF ue:1 profits. '!'lt~ t,.Qa n:;..r.,. s!:vll ='. -s a.~ a~-~,. ~;~:~~... of ty' .....;!+-,,. -_, Frr ,-.,...• ti:F, . chat.
<br />