TFItS~-INDENTURE; made this 4th:. - - day trf' - -: Ju1~L. ,,'r'I9 _.$Q., by end -between
<br />John:: P. Nei son and Shirley M. Neisorl, husband°and wr`fe th'ir~ his and_.her o~fn riaht
<br />anal aS SpOtISP O~f'fia ether
<br />of dal] Cotmty, Nebraska, as.nmttgagor.S:-, and Grand 7>slmd of .Grand'Ysfrnd, a cnrporaCion
<br />organved and existfag uad~ the'laws of Nebraska-:with ire: prinape] office and place-of.busfness et Grand.Isieiid, Nehraske, as surxtgegde;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said m~tgagor. S_ , {or amt--fn coesfderation of thewm of - _
<br />the rerafpt of which is heteliy aelmowledged, do-_ by tfiese presents mortgage and
<br />farevg-, afl the fnlfowing deacrfbedreal estate, sftueted in the County of Hal 7 -
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wik:
<br />its
<br />The North Thirty Feet and Three,_Inches (30"3'!j of Lot Fourteen (3A)
<br />and-all of Lot Twleve (12) ?n Block Eleven. (11,), in°Coilege<_
<br />Addition tri West Lawn, in the City of brand-Island.; Ha77 Cdunty,`
<br />Nebraska.
<br />~seoi;3 wed aseigna.
<br />Together with ell heating, air coaditio.::ng, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtur -v, inclndinK screens, anmings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades of 6finds, used on or in wnnectton with said property, whether Che some are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />'fC7 HAVE AND T<I HOLD THE SAhiF., together with ail and singuiar the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thareunW be-
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever. and warrant the title W the same. Said morgagor ~`-_h~hy covenant _______with said
<br />taottgs~ tlta[ __ _._t hs y-_-_3r_y.._...._ . st she dshvsry~ hstraf, the lawful owner.-- y _ of eha prtmisr~ aiwve eouveyrzf and described,
<br />_ ~_ a K~ F!~{ ievlTE~hlw wa«afn of inha-;e u~; ;a thnsYiF. F..,.. .t F 1 ,G..e ••
<br />aad ~. re -a,•tzed E r,_ >, .. __ an.. ::lnsr o, ni. eneun.b unees. a.:1 ,..,n,. _._,._hG~_"-wit!
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever agrinst the claims and derrtands of ell persona whomstx.v~r.
<br />pROVIDEL' ALWAYS, and Chia fnstrumane is executed and delivered W secure the payment of the sum of _ ..._... _. - _.._._..__.....~_
<br />Two_Thousand Five Hundred Forty dollars and 00[100,.*****_**1}oiiarai, _2,54,Q,OQ-._._ _ _
<br />_. t.
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and ndvancen as may ba due and puyabla W said mortgagee under the ternra and conditions
<br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secumi hereby, executed by said nwrt.gaKOr S_,,,, _, to said nurrtgaKt+e, payable as expro+.ud
<br />in said rote, and to secure the performance of all the terms and conditions contained therein. '7'ha [arms of Bard note ure herohy incur}.torntoti
<br />herein by thin reference.
<br />It is the inteatfoII and agxasment of the parties hereW that Chia mortgage shad also secure any [uture advaneea nwtla to said mnrtgngor.,S.-_
<br />by said morcgegee, and any and alt indebtedmns in addition to the amount alrrva stated which surd awrtgagurs, or any of them, may awn eu
<br />acid mortgagee, however evidenced, whae.hsr by note, book account or otherwise. "1$ia mortgage shall remain in full force and efbre[ between
<br />Cha patties hereto and their hairs, personal reprnaentativea, suecnsaors and assigns, anti! ell atnauats secured hereunder, including futurr
<br />advances, are paid in tuL' with interant.
<br />'I`ha mortgagur_S-..... hereby assign to said mortgagee all rants and ineuma urismg ut any and nIl times (roan auid pnria~ny and
<br />ttaeeby aurlWrfaa said mortgagee ar its agent, at its option, upon dnfnul[, to take charge of said property um1 coikn:4 rill rents and tncutne
<br />tbetafronr anti apply the same trr the payment of interest, principal, insuranea prenxfunta, taxes, aaseaammata, repairs ur improvcmxmts
<br />nwnasary ur keep said pmpnrty in tnnautabla mndition, nr to other charges or payments proctdtrci for herout ur m the note hereby saver«nt. "l'hw
<br />rogt assignment shall canUnua in force until Cho unpaid balance of said nuW is fully paid. The taking of pnsseaeiun hweundar shall in nu manner
<br />prevent or ratan{ Cha collxetion o[ acid sums by farw:losure or uthprwiae.
<br />lire farturo oftha xnatgagaa to arssrt any ut its rights hereunder ae any pme shall nut tra conatru<a! as n waive-r of its nght W a-canrt the
<br />same at any later times and W insist upon aui anforae strict aranpliance with ell Cha tarots and provtai+~na of aai i nuts and of this etortoa;;e
<br />Sf said mortgagor $ shall cause to Ae paid W said mortgagee Cha cntitn nrnount due n hereunder, and wrdkr Ghn terms and provtnumn
<br />of said noLt hereby satvtatf, intluding future advances, and any cxtenstotts ur raaewsls thateof in ace<iedttngo wick the terms and pnrvw'iuns
<br />thereof, and ff said mortgagor ._.5_., shall comply with al! Cha pmviyions of said note and of ttus mortgage, then thrsu presents shall ba void;
<br />otherwise W rsmsia in full force aad e#fect, ems! said rrwrtgagea shall 6s entitled to the ptrnsnaaion of alt of said pnrparty. and may, nt its optrou,
<br />declare Gta whole of said rota and a31 iadebtedneas rapreaeutad ttwreby to Le fmntadi~ cJy due and pnya4rla, nod Wray fnn+_-lose this murtgagr~
<br />or take any other legal actlan Ur protect its tight. Appraisament waived.
<br />'Phis morigags shall ba binding upon and shall enure to Cha benefit of Cha herra, executors, udrninistruW rs. succnssurs and ussigna of t ho
<br />tnspnctive psltkea haraeo.
<br />IN WI'T'NESS WfiEftE:DF, avid Mortgagor _S_ Fw ,YB.- hereunW set tlle,Ir luurd 5.,. the day and }vur first ^burv
<br />writtwr.
<br />___ __. -- -- _ '!fit ~.,.-~._. t > ~ ~_~ ts..';-:_ ~- -
<br />__ rJbhn (~. NeTson _ -
<br />_ ~:
<br />__ --- ..-. . r
<br />--- Shirley Nf. ~lelson
<br />!.__
<br />