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t. <br />44988-I-1$-. <br />TffiS MORTGAGE is-made this 71th _ day of duly . _ <br />19: ail, betweeix the IJlortgagoi• Michael L Honeycutt and. Linda.M_ :Iioneycutt~ husband atzd ~' <br />r3 t - •••~ <br /> 8 etem `Borrower"); andt}teMoitgagee;_PIRSS.FF.IlERP.L,SAYIiIGS <br />AAIII .LOAN: ASSAC.IATION. OE. LTSICOLAI : _ ....:... ...... . ..: , .... ,, a cotporation organized and existing <br />tnidez thelaws of. the. S.t.ate.of.Nabraska ................:,"whose address is: -.1235 "N":.Street..:.. . <br />_ T.:istc:2ln, . Nebraska ..68508: .... : ..........:......:.:......:.. , . , :.:. (herein "Exttder") . <br />Wxeu~s, Borrower isindetited to L,enderin the principal Sum of..THIRTI:RN .'1;HQU$ANA:A.NR A'Q/(00--. . <br />_~- ~---'-"-----"-~--------- Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated, .of even, date, ,l~erectit: h. , , (herein "Note"}, providing for monEhly installments of principa}.and interest, <br />with the- balance of the- indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due- and payable on... , . ,lt7ly. l,~ 20A~ : _ .:...... . <br />To SEGURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,"with interest thereon; tfie <br />payment of alt other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith tt) protect the security of fhis <br />Mortgage; and-the performance of the covenants and agreements ofBorrower herein contained,-and (b} the repayment <br />- of any future advances, witfi interest thereon, made to 3orrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2I'heteof (herein <br />"FuturczAdvances"}, Borrower does hereby-mortgage,-grant and- convey to Lauder the fnllowiag described pragerty <br />located in the County of.........Hall................ .. ..... . ........ State of Nebtaska: - <br />Lot Forty (40), Wo1Pe`s Subdivision, Fall County, P7ebraskis; <br />which has the address af.. 50;, Joht?a4? .............................. %rattd, Isltr~Ct_ <br />- tsemet7 tc~trl <br />NebPp9ka .b8801.. , .. , .. , . , (harain "Froperty Address"}: <br />i5lmtn ~rW Zip Cone) <br />?ncerxen with all the improvements now or heteatter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mines}, oil and gas rights anC profits, water, water rights, and water stack, and all <br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be <br />daemed to he and remain a part o€ the property covered by this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />properly (or the leasehold estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold} are herein referred to as the "Property". <br />$orrower covenants that Forrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby com~eyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and chat Borro~~er wilt warrant and defrnd <br />generally the title to the i=saperty against all claims and demands, subjeet to any dcciarations, casements ar restrictions <br />listed in a schedule of exceptions to cavcsge in any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property. <br />kE~ttA-: too Femur-stns-~ruaAlttut~c uatts~~~t l~.i„~e',t~nt <br />