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OVA r -, ';_-d rh <br />tr <br />MORTGAGE - - <br />MORTCAGE LOAN NU_ L - ' - <br />ttxowALLMENSV77IESEPIZESENTS:What Ann M. Wilcoxson and Wayne G. Wilcoxson, her husti~nd <br />Mortgagor, whether Otte or omit; in wnsiderauon.o€-ttte gran of <br />Itrarmd to said rtwrtgagor try The Fgtritabte $uildirrg artd !.Dart Assocvatton of C,rand (stand, Nebraska: Martgtegee; upon 2JD- ~ slteiae:ofatopk of <br />said ASSOCIAT[ON, Certificate No. L 23,726 . do hereby gran[, Canvey and mortgage tmto-the said. AS40CfA'E1QN-n~~,fullowing- <br />dearxibed real estate, sit-i; in Hail-County, Nebraska: ~ - - <br />LOT NINE (4}, COACH PLP,CE SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND,. <br />BEING A REPEAT OF A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER- <br />(SW;} OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 11 MORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE 6TH. P?M:, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA CONTAINING A FRACTIONAL PORTION OF RIVERSIDE <br />ESTATES. UNIT I, ANO LOTS CNE (1) AND T:tfl (2) OF P.EGENCY BY THE- GREEN- <br />SUBDIVISION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON PLAT RECORDED AS DOCUMENT <br />X80-000444, PLAT RECORDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with ail the tenements, ftemditarnents and appurtenances thereunto krrlunging, including a[tactxd- floor taavrrvtgs, all wirtdaw settees, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air canditiuning, and piumbutg and water equipment and acrosorirs thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and ether Lxtures and rquionten[ now ur hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />AnJ wtrercas the sail mortgagor has agreed and does ireceby agree that ttte mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />asscsxd upon said premises and upor. this :~ortgage and the bond xc,~rt~d t~7c~re l:eforr the same shall become delinquent; to $:-nish approved <br />insurance upon rhr ht[ildutgs on said premises situated in the svm of $L / , DUU. Ufl payable to said ASSOCIATION ate to deliver to said. , <br />ASSCX'IATIUN the p~licics for said insurance; and not to commit ar permit any waste on ur about said prrmites; <br />In case of default in the perfrtrmance of anv of the terms and conditions of this mnrM-age n[ rhr Komi ucured hereby, [he t~rtgage~ 5feall, <br />an demand, hu entitled to immediate fx>ssrsswn of rhr nwrtgagcJ prcmtxrs and the nwngagot hereby' assigts, trartsfers and sets over to the <br />rtarrtganre at! the rents, rerYnttrx and ireome to cc derived ferynt the ern>rtaggzct prrrtnsrs during arch tune as the trrortgage indebiedrtesx shall rcmnirt <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have ihr power to appoint any ogres ur agents it :nay drs:te tar the purpose of repairing said premises and noting. <br />the sarrx and enticetitrg rhr rents, rercnurs and income, anJ it may pay out tit said terarme ail zxpensrs of repairing seid prcrrrises and necessary <br />~mmissiuns anJ rxpensrs meurred to :toting and utnnagdtg the ±vnu_ sod of reflecting rrntats therefrom; t?te balance rotrsaia::.g, if any, to ta< <br />epplied toward rhr diuhargc ass sail ttx,rteaee indebtedness; thrsr rights of the mortgscee tray br exrrci.ud at anY titres during tht rxisteaw of such <br />JeCault, irrespective of any tetuporary wivrr .~f the satm- <br />7hcsc Preants, however, arc agora the C~nditi~n.'fhat tt rhr satd Mortgagor shall repay said lawn on or befuro the tnntutity of said sttates by <br />payr-:nt; pxy r:,rttrhty tv s:ad `;,SL~lATtON of t;,r sum --p<=ciiezu to else ikrnri s,:wred heresy as mterrst and pE7ncipal on said loan, ntt <x iufote <br />[he'Twrtuielh Jar of mach sod arerv nx:ntlt, uatti~ sae; Tian ;; fts'_€y ltd-: paY ~ s ~-'~ tuna-s!"-Yir'<t=~et731 ~~ pr€niss and uu-this .'.:att- <br />anJ rhr [tnnJ secwrJ thereby, brture drtitryttency: I'wnish appraw:d inzurauce upwt the bwWingx thereon m tlxe sum of S 2~ DDO, DD payable <br />to said ASS(X:IATIUN; repay to utd ASStx:1ATIUN ogre demand ail mtmey !ry tt paid for xuch taxis, assessrneuts and irtiwnna with interest at <br />the maximum Ieg;rl rata thereon from date of pavmrnt all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permrt nu waste tsn said prcrnixes;keep and comply <br />wiUt al! the agrcerttents and wndtUOns of the 1Wnd (or S 27, DDD. DO this day given by the satd Mortgagor W satJ ASSCx;IA'190N, and comply <br />with alk the regwrements ul the Consuttnwn anti by-Laws of said ASSCx:iAT~ION; then thcsr pre-.»nts shat: becunte n!=!! anJ void, otherwise thev <br />Shat! remain m fort farce and may hr furcctusrd at tltr uptton ui rhr s:nJ ASSCIC;IA`i`tON after (aihtre for there nxnt[lu to melee arty o[ said <br />paytnenls or he three months in nnean m ranking +ard nnnuhty puyarents, or Iu keep and comply watt !hr agrcenx'nts anal conditions of said Frond; <br />and Mortgagor sgrces to hair a receiver appointed fartirwith in such fotecl.rsu:r proceedings. <br />Ii' there is any change m ownership of the teat estate nwrttixgrd herein, try sale ur otherwise, then the enter ternnirting indebtedness hem6v <br />secured shall, at the optiuu of Tttr t?quitabk QuJding a[td Loan Association ot` Grand Island, Nebraska, besxrrttr inunedintcly der and payable wiltwut <br />further notice, and the anxrunt rcawmitrg clue uMier said bond, and any uthrr bond fat any additional advances made thrrrunder, shalt, from ihr <br />date ul rxerrtse of satd option, hear internsi at rhr ntnximum legal rate, and the nwrtgage uwy thmr be (ororlusrJ to satisfy the a[tmuat der on said <br />lwnd,and any other txmd for additwutal advat~ tis, [ogrlhrr with all soots patd by said 1'he fiyuitnbtr Rupdirtg anJ Luan Assuriatian uC Crand Island, <br />Nebraska for insuranar, taxes and assessnents, anJ abstraeUttg extenswn charges, with interest thereon, from Jate of paynrottt at the maximum <br />irgal tart. <br />As provided in rhr fx+nd secured M.[rby, wink thix nwrtgagr rrrttttirrs in rflrct rhr nwngager may hereafter adwattrr additional swua to the <br />- rtwJttrx of said Hood, their asxigns ar sturrssats in mterrst, whuh swus shalt he within rhr security of this rttottgagr the same ax the funds originally <br />secured thnraby, rhr total anxrwrl of prtruipnl Jebt not to excrrJ at any Urns rhr original anwunt of thix enortgpge. <br />I?.ateJthia 11th. dayuf July A.i?.,te 80 <br />~,; r~ 7 <br />STATE OF NE}ti{-~SY.It, ~ ~. (>n this 11th . Jay of J U 7 y 19 $Q . bnfbre me, <br />COUNTY Uw flALt. <br />the wtderstgttrJ, a Notary Public in nnJ for raid Cowtty, persrntally wnrc <br />Ann M, Wilcoxson and Wayne C. Wi lcoxson, her husband wen are per,onauy known ur <br />- - --. <br />me tit tae the idrutiiral person S whose naaxS die afnxW to t!w x yr rnstrwm.r t xs mortgagor 5 and they severally <br />sdtnowtedgad the saidinstnrttw^nt to #x their voluntary act and decd. ~ .. -~ -"~ <br />f <br />w47 NiSS m hand snJ Notarial Seal sloe date xl'nrasaisl. - <br />I xGENEFFf N~}¢C~~;~ I~~ _~' `~f i ~- <br />1AME5 W OLSnN ~ _ ~ `'~~`"~_r^~i'(~ '~ .%_' ~ ~~ ~ ~-'`l-~-r..t <br />mt~~1 Aa M Camm. Exp. Nov. 12,1989 ~.Y~ ~, ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - -~ ~ Notary ~l'ublic <br />