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_°~'~-~~ <br />~~~~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOANNO. L 23,725 <br />KNOW ALL MENSYTIIESEPRESENTS:That Ann M.. Wilcoxson and Wayne C. Wilcaxson, her husband <br />---Mortgagor whether one or morq in consideration of the stun of <br />Forty-fig/e Thousand and No/100--------------- ------------------- <br />DOLLARS <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagce, upon 450 ~~ of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 725 , do hereby grant, convey and mottgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the tollowing- <br />des.-n'btd real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: _ <br />LOT NTNE (9}, COACH PLACE SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, BEING A <br />REPEAT OF A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SWy,) OF SECTION <br />28, TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE STN. P. M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />CONTAINING A FRACTIONAL PORTION OF RIVERSIDE ESTATES UNIT I, AND LOTS 6NE (1} <br />AND TtdO (2) OF REGENCY BY THE GREEN SUBDIVISION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED <br />ON PLAT RECORDED AS DOCUMENT X80-000444, PLAT RECORDS OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto helnnging, including attached floor wvrrings, all window scirens, <br />window shades, blinds, swrm windows, awnings, heating, air canditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acressories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hueafter atwched to o[ used in comtectian with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said rnongagor teas agreed and does hereby agme drat the mortgagar shall and will pay all tarts and assessments Ieried or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured thereby before the same shall became delinquem; to famish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated ih the sum ot545,DDD, DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION [he oolicits fur said insstranx; and not to commit ur penntt any waste un nr about said premises; <br />In wse of default in the perLxmancc o! any of the tenets and conditions of this mortgage oe tht bond secured hereby, tht mortgagee shalh <br />on demand, isc rnitltd to immediate f~srs~saar, ei the c^ortrsged prctnists and the mortcpgor hereby assigns, iransfrrs and sets over io the <br />rrarrtgagee all the rents, rrnnucs and income to be denued from the :nartgaged prtmix;s during sac!: time ss the mortgage indebtedness shah remain <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shat( tune the pewee to appoutt grey agtnt or agents it :nay desire for the purport of repairing said promises amt renting <br />the same and collecting rite trots, revtnues and incurrx, and is may pay nut ul said <ncasnt slf tcptnsts ut repairing ssi•3 prem;s.=~ end n`xrtary <br />C{JminlSalnnS and cxpetises Ineui'rCd hl rCiiting and rnutagtng the saint =rod t+t Caiia'etlllg rtntafs IhClCilon,; tfte bata[1Ct ietnami*eg, If aRY, to I)e <br />applied (award the dise:trarge ui said mortgage indebtedness: thtst rit,hts ut the sruirt~agrt m=y be extrci;d at any tine durictg the esf;it.^ts~.±,"su~4- <br />dcfauit, irrespective ut any temporary waiver of the saute. <br />Thrsr Errs, t h ever, art open me a . t,fur That i th=.a J Fag -ep-:,v ore 5 sstaturfty of said shares "vy <br />payrrsent; Pay munlhly t s said ASSO('1 A'1'ION s4 ht - inn spe,;itied i ! th }Sand ,t - .et tar h _ _~ rnrt€1 ,.red ~:u3,j•,a1 3a srt$;u=n, ce or befort- <br />tht Twentieth day ,t Tacit aztd evecy namth„soul said roan Is f ally paid per ;,If faxes and asstsimcros teviea against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, t>eioro detinyucucy; famish approved insurance uFxm the t>uildings thereon in ttte rain uF 5 45, DOD. QO payable <br />to said ASSQCIATI(}N: repay to wid ASS(X'IA'f10N upon demand alt nnmey by n paid far wds taxes, assesstnans and insurance with urtemst at <br />the maxbnum ltgal rate thereon tram date of payment ail of which Mortgagor hereby agrees tupay: permit nu waste an said premises; keep and wmply <br />with all the agrcemrnts and conditions of the Bssnd ibr 5 45 ,ODO. DD this day gtvtn by the aid Mortgagor ra slid ASSIX'IATION, and comply <br />with all tht rcyufretnems of the Constitution and By-taws aE said ASS{X'IA'i'ION: thin these presents shall beconst null and void, otherwise they <br />stub rtrnain in full fwex and may be loroclused at the option u( the said aSS(X'.LA'i'!ON after tadure for three monttu to nuke any of said <br />paytnents ur he there months in arrears in making said nwnthly paynscnts. or w keep and comply wsth rite agrettnenrs and conditions al said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor ag[ecs to F.ave s raceivrr appointed furthwittt in sucft lotrekuure ptaettdings. <br />If there a any ctvsngt in awntrship uCtht teal estatt rm>rtgaged htrtm, by sale ur otherwise, thin the entiro remaining indebtcdttess hereby <br />secured slwtl, at the option of Tht i:yuitable 8uifding and Luan Aswciation tit Grand Island, Ntbraska, btwn,e hnutedialely dos and payable without <br />futtiN:r notice, amt the anxrunt remaining due undre said frond, and any other band tar any additiunsi advances nude thtrttmder, shall, from the <br />dole of exercise of soul nptlon, trot interest at the rnaximunt legal rate, and chic ntortgagr trtay then 9c tuteclosed to satisfy the arnotmt dua on said <br />Mind, and any other lwnd tiu additonal adrauas, together wf W a6 aunts paid by said Tht Lyuhahlt Building and Loart Aasucialian of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska fur insurant, taxes and assrssnknis, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thtrcun, from date of payrttnnt st the ntasthnum <br />legal talc. <br />As provided in she t3and secured hereby, whiff this. mortgage remahts in effect the smx[geget may htttafter advance additional runts to the <br />shakers ui said Bund, t}tcir asxigns. or succeswn in nsterest, which sums shall- he within tht security of this mortgage the saute as the fwtda originally <br />msuterl iftereby, the ueaal annwni of principal debt nut to exceed at any time the origsnat amount tit this nrortgagt. <br />tad-ih~ i'stFa. ~iay of Jul.`! A. o., t~ 80 <br />rttt - , :di 1 ~ xspn <br />Bayne Wi t:oxson T <br />STATF.OFNEBRASKA,~~. On this 11th. dayot JU1y IYBD ,txlureme, <br />COUNTY OF tIALL <br />Ann M. Wi 1 coxson and Wayne C. b1i 1 coxson, the undersigned, a Notary I'ubi}c ur and fur said County, personally came <br />her husband, who are Ixrsurully known to <br />rot to i,e tht identical perwn S whose name S dre atYjxtd to tht above~itts[rmtmut as naongagurS and they severally <br />a~nawtedged the said inairumenf ro he. the 1 r voluntary act and deed. f _ ,- - <br />WITNI'sSS my hand and Notarraf Seal ttte date aturtsaiJ. ~',,~ -~~ ""~ ~ ~ _ <br />e.- <br />My Conunissian expires -•'' ~, = .-., <br />- - --- --- -- __------ _, _ , "I <br />t4,GENERAINOIARY•5taleafNabratka ~ Notaryt'ubLc ~~ <br />tP7RExt Nt <br />JAMES W, Ot.50N <br />~"~ +~r Carom. Ea R. Nor. IZ, ]993 <br />