4.1-SUP.YtVORSHIP.WARRANTY-DEED - - _- FefMrcb-!`Toll Companr:aancufn, t3e6r. -
<br />~~~
<br />Bernard Cochran and June Cochran,.each in his-and her-awn right and as spouse
<br />of 'each- otfier ,herein called the grantor e~hether oae-or mare,
<br />in oonaideratien of: TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10,000.00)
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, cell convey and confirm unto
<br />Kirk G. Arnold and Manila D. Arnold husband and wife
<br />as ,joint tenants with right o£ aurvivorship, and zwt as tenants in cornman, the following described real
<br />property in .............~~......................................... t;nunt}q Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (7) in Block One (1} in "Koehler Piave", an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ~ATEMENTATTACHEE} -.---
<br />JU1111980'
<br />S~.C~ BY
<br />Tn lia~'e =utd to hell ,_]te {1bovL- deseri6[et i[remise~ t~!cethcr ~citi[ all tesFements, heredita[nenta
<br />anti appnrtenances thereta belonging unta rt;r „rnn[«~es ,.nd to tl[eir :F~~signs, tn• to the hei[•s Fin+[ tensi~us
<br />uI she --un~9cp[• of Eticw istreer. - -
<br />.lnd grantor eoe,: ??erei?y uocenant acHh Yltt« ~Can7!~es invl mitt[ tSieir FssiE;r~ zuul u~itl. the L-c;rs
<br />and assit*r., t4f the sn rvitiar =, :em [Fat grantor ~ -tix=iru i~i'tl ;[,' sa=d yre:u F«rrs, •ha t t? t4 t>3 free [rata
<br />enc[[mbrnneo except easemeai:s and restrictive covenants of record
<br />..fl.tt t,y2 ~[.vU. ~.2~ - .e,..L .Ff... ..~.'~.=t .l.~Ff .r=.,= _ =-.Fk'? ._•. -d:ns .Fi[. ..: L ;,...~.....'= t-~......«-.. -: (... -. ..[
<br />ae~enn i.ire I[L1C rn sa[n iiTi`i`.fltie~~ . ry:4TnS[ rn t' :::T 3:[: i`la{It:E: t}[ Ptl. lll'raa aY F`.'il t)tti:;nt«Vf!{F.
<br />It is the inleuti[au of aingttxri-L~ :t!errty [hxt ut the vvaut rl the deittdi t~Z t`t!iier' ~'i ri:r ~•r:Fn;t.F.y,
<br />the entire fee simple tittr`. ea the teat estate siu[Jl vesi .n ihe -,urrIrinR bra nio~~_
<br />i)ated July S I!t 80
<br />r" t ~ •'
<br />.....,.-.. - .. .... -..... ... 'w
<br />~ernarcl fC/ochran ~/7()
<br />... - ...., .. - .. ,.. -... .. ... A- U[[e CO CZ'iraR fe' _
<br />t,j
<br />STx1:TE ak .....,......''EB1tAShA i'~t~:;,t,i 's .. !.l~~.t1h ............................... ....
<br />13efarc u[e, a notary lz[ttziio qualified ±'or said sv<t,a=y> pe.'SOnttflr «.ani«-
<br />Bernard Cachran and June Cochran, eae;h [n his and her €;,t+n r.ighc anc! ~t~ ~ap;;u;;r
<br />af.each other,
<br />knotr?i to nu to be tdea i«ioutirtti pera.ua ar pt!rsuus FgFo ,.~uutJ ti,«r Zirrte~vulp; in;.irn~arnt aiuil t=r~uttt 1««[{y+~it
<br />tl[e e.>-„e'ubi?F[ P.k[eret?f to ttv~. ham, hrr sr their c©laan;tirk' a~ t :~n!i a•!~,Fl-
<br />~.
<br />f ,F
<br />ICf~31N'fi ~M,N~i~ - ~'Y rtiFn[€aia~,i z[ ~t~irn:~ .. : ... .... .. .... zzi ;,.~
<br />