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~~~ ~~~ <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinlaefore provided. <br />That the Mortgagor is the owner oI said property in fee simple and has goad right and lawful authority to sell and <br />rnnvey the same seed that the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance: and that Mortgagor wilt warrant' and defend the <br />title to said premises against the claims of a!I persons whum3oever. <br />To pay immediately when due and payable alf general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water chur~es, sewer sere- <br />ice charges, and other faxes and charges against said property, and alI taxes lea•ied on the riebt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. "The Mortgagor agrees thst there'shall. he added to - <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />to be sufficient to-enable the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due. ail taxes, assessments, sell similar charges upon the prem- <br />ise3 subject thereto; any deficiency }terause of the insufficiency of such nddif Tonal pAymen4 shall he forthwith deposited- by the <br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by tl:r Siurtgagrr Any default under this paragraph shall Fx deemed a default in <br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder. <br />The Morigagnr agrees that there shall also tae added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee fo be su(ficirnt to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any insu caner policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any defieu•ncy because of the insufficiency of such ad<litionat pay- <br />mrnts shall ix• forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the :'vfortgagee uptm demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall tx' deemed a default in the payment oC insurance Premiums IE the pr,licp nr policies deposited are such-as }ar?rrre- <br />owners or all risk po!iries- and the deposits a sufficient to pay the rot-vr pn•mium. the Mortgagor rosy apply the delarasit to <br />pay Premmms an nska required to he insured by Phis mortgage. <br />-avmrnts made by the Mortgagor un:ier the ahoy paragraphs may. at the u{?lion n! the M1Qortgagee, he held F.y it serf <br />enmmmgled with other . sh funds n ats ow v funds Cur Ihr pavmont of =urh items. and until sn applied, such payments are hereby <br />ple'<igrd ae sr uvnty Cor the unpaid 6alanrr of the mortgage indebtedness <br />`fr. prorurt•, dehv,•r t„ nd n ml++n: C r the ; nefit ,d ter 4inrt gaKrr durtng the Ids nC this mortgage anginal polie!es and <br />renewals thereof, drlrv,•red at L•a_t h•n daas to-G, rr• th,~ rx p:ratu?n of .ueh Pche:rs. msunne agamst fire sort other ar>Surahlr <br />beards, casualties, and cnntingenries as the Murtg:agec• may rryuire, trim an amount equal to the indebtedness srcarod by this <br />Aiorigage. and in eompanu-, ace,-Pmbie =rr the !t_~r,cageo vith !n„ p •ahlr clause m favor of and en f.,rm acceptable to the Stortga- <br />gee. In the event auc pulley w nut r +errl ~, ~ r beft,m n•n dnvs ~~f a;u rxp:ranun. the Mnrtgavrr may praxurr : sur~rare on the <br />improvements, pay the per n ther,dr,r_ mid ~sh .r .?ail Ter n ,. m<diah•I}' due and { vab!e eut6 mte•rrnt at the rate =et <br />Eorih in said note unh! paidrend amU Iv~ ., cur a .., ?hu r. ,, art'ndur• ,.n the part oC tie ~S]urtgagrr rcr furnish sort: n, swats <br />as err hereof re'<lw red ..r fedora to pee : u .. ,,. am ,-.t ).. , i nder .hill n[ the ,:p t:on .d the Start gage,, vu n~trt utr . deLsult <br />under the terms ..f Ih:n :m •rtKagr Th,• driuor.~d w, h ;", n,i, r.hull in Ihr „•nt ..t d^tault <, ndntnte en .ass:gnmrnt eft the un <br />rarnrnt per mnrm. <br />Any .i _r n,., v ~~.. Sir,rrna;; <•~ ! ,-, ~-,•n ~. .~.,. .r ,,.. .u =•,I aKamtt n,,tr hr' rr•rv m,•=i i,r the Sinrtgagrr <br />and upph,ai l~warri rthr ~,avnu•:x ~~F th,• •I:d~t i„ n-h. -..~. r.n ~ ., -,,, :t~pt n,n :d •hr Sinrtaagre -u_,. _. :~ither ,t hr,lty :u ..? <br />_art .. or paid ....: t. U ,rtgn- r t:. „- ._ ..t„ , _ •r - :d ..t.. _ ... ;,t ._. ... <br />other purp!r•o- ..,r <rt?yr~r t .+t C, at•,r: :. ,.. ~ •+, rr., «,,,, ,v., -`_ .rfi.~: v.. ,, r . ,: n rr.,...v n,,aa< - r -ire ... ,r.,. ,:. ....r d h, ;. <br />bV bef, err ,U, ., (:Hyvneivl rerr I.x,k pia. e- <br />, ,. <br />l', pr -raptly ,.i,; a.o,r, ~,td ,.~, _,,,hhi„ ~ r ., ,~,. ,.,. ~,,,.. _n.r._. _. th• ._ ......rn w...rf: .::a: !, <br />corns ,.r ,.+:-fr--+-r.! I . '.c.;, .,, i -. , r: _:<,. ., _r r <br />.. m..g.~.r .~._, _ :... ... ...:. .~ _, : .r ., .a ,...n ,. ..,. w <br />cli. .ft l.c~r. nut a .+,1. _t.,r ;i •. .., ,. .., ,.1 ..: ,:rr , _.,. _•.,-.., •- .• _, .,:, __. _ ._-, ..:, <br />-;:ad t'nr{,ere:. .;..r :• •rrn:ut - :... t, ... ..::,: , re r•• ., . :: !: .... ::;i . .... .. , ,. ,.. ,e , r.,... ,v a. ..,. ,...r,-. <br />,.. .. ,.., -, _, _ ,~,.e <br />to the r..n egae:a•s. = nr - .. r.-I ter- .._ f , r,-! . <br />Tbat +huuld the nr n .r e : i rt:o r=-„1 lx. r.rkrn .,. LCn:ng,~,:. .,. ,.,n .4 ., ~. u6h: . upr,., rr:, ,.r ,,,ro L.:r,,,.: n:.n <br />proceti•+hng, or under thv r:ghtir,.f ,r. .r,t ~,,,.r.. .. _~, ,d ha-r mnt:ra~; th,~ Af.. raq,eq„• r. all 5,. ntrtir.i i:~n. ,umi~•u,alirzna <br />awards. mui any other payu:ent , . relud ahr-r,.6 ~r ..uri nhnlJa6r . ntath-:t . r t-, :ut,nn e, r mvuen.~,• ru,r,•ur :.r _u ~i pr ...>utr• s eta <br />own Warne env acHun , r Pns r.~chua; , r I„ :n:rt„ .,, npn .., ..- .. „~n I<':n: .., .n ...n n,~. fora .. a,, ,.:,h teA, ne ,~r ~1, 1;1 ,arf: <br />canpensauon, award*, dacna{;rs. nght u[ actuu? ami pr • :u ,. ire rrhv . v ••d ao rnr 'eLn 4;aq«•, who era Y'. after dwJuct.rng <br />therefrom ali tLS r•xpamsrs, a•Ieas+• any moneys ,,., +rd by d ,rt ,q yily ti,e ,nmr , n der uoL-6P•dnrns _a•cure,I hrrcdry "1'hr Shsr~ <br />gagor egress to execute .urh further a, rtttnmr nt, ~•f tau. ,.. u.atnnr ew aid,.- danragr. mart. ,d acnun and pns~e.•d. ~ Ihr <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That m rase of lettuce to fK~rturm a ,~t tia~ , r.a~n ntn hr~r,~u~ a„~ 1hntKag,-,~ n -- t,. , rt,r~ Siurtgnpor . 6,d:alt ,., t. Ihur., <br />a n <br />no .zmvnartr+l, thsi the .+:srtgagx errs: r,,.: -„~ .,ua a,; ~t r,..,. -,-a,:, -.-.,,, -r. r -,..:, „~ - th.-err, ,r.,. .,. r ., y,:,;,. r ., r <br />repay uPan demand env moneys Paid or dtshu errs br the ?turU:.+r.:•,. •t,:r am „t the dt„n,r iwrt, ~,•~, r uri such rnonrys toKe•tber with <br />irtkarasl thur+an+ at the rr+te providedl m seat note .hall M•r.ane ", .. rc6 ,rdd du• :ndrhtrd rr,.n hrro-hv ,rrun•d sad : r, . ta• .rr <br />elad_•rd to rtiry de+m+• Ic rt chr~rng +hr. rturigegr ami !-r psrd rut ter - ,t.., , ..r h -,f s r of .ate? t r m, , at d r~ths-.~, r,r~ <br />{raid: that it shall sot he uhhgatoty upma ehr i{utlgagrr to utqurn: u+ro the ,ahctrty t an cehrv<- r. mtrau.-r-3 ,. n ~n :r.i <br />vaneing moneys an altar.. suthonzed, but nuthrng hen•an +-untamrd shelf M• runstrurai n+ requrnns the tr\iortgap.•r err, art=,a rtr~, <br />ntuneys fox any such purpose nor to du any act hemumler, and that M1tor<gagrr -•:ht+ii nn[ tnrur am {t.-rxunet 6nhduy L,~cau„• .:i uu, <br />Ihlttg it stay do or Draft to do heseunder <br />In event c±f ihr default h,v Diuatg~er :=.a qa<• y_~y,nrnt of sox uti-tr linuan a. r, ~3alrr.t t=a v. :. h„te ,-eu nr! fx«+ea•, ~- <br />atl the peCftrrntance of Ihr ohiikataan m Chas msrfgagF -.r iiv fht not.• •recurr:d thx eel'}- the Start ,.+r,r- .(tall hr .~ni~tlyd rr ,E:, .d.,~ tt,.• <br />debt aeCUreti Iw,re•LY due and taayahh• w-athaut nut ire. and tia• Mnr tgugrr .boil he en rd lr.! at .r_ optwn:_ :,dh•n,t n~,trct• , nhre by :ht-t! <br />or by a r~eiv-rr to Ix• appuinirr2 by the c.avart the nK,f aced warhout regard vu the= ndr<.tn:xn .•f r +r rrfr Pro the- rod+•trG=dn,•,ti + <br />aur++l hcsrebY. to enter u{xtn and take par.4cistnn nl Ihr n ,rrgagrd premtsr., : nd to rohr,:t an~ta r. ahr nr:t~_ rtiu,j on,t ar r„tits <br />thereof, and apialy the name, .Irrss ntsty u( ofmration and rollertion, a{x?n thr+uulrbtrdnrsn trru red by thin ru„etgugr, rents, <br />isxgapgy+ri-trrctftin Ming }a~nwd to th.. Murtv;xgrr n, further va, ur:ty for the I~=va vnrnt of ,+It ,n+t,•htr-,!nr4n ,rriarr<{ h.=n•hv <br />'Phi Murlgag+m shall have the pow r to xptwvat nay rtgent ,•r .9g.nt. ,t n dr., ur h,r th+~ purp, ~e ,:. uu:N s•ud t,n n <br />r»es, reraLng the name, +Kdlecting ihr; rents avenues ,urd :noun sr, a,nd d seas pelt ors ,d sav,i : unar aii rn!a+-au ,.,u erred i. rant <br />ing and managing ttu• cams and o7 cullreGng ihr rental Ihrref nxr. -I'hr 6alxnce nn:, .. rd un> .hn!! hr. :~{~tJn•d toward the <br />ditu'harga ut [he mortgage indebtrdm~s 'i'Fave as+agmar.nt :n lu lermurat.• and Is=,•:m,~ nun end . n:::p,•n ,~i,~n,r .i vu. m„rtgnRr <br /> <br />