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80-~~~~ MC3~TGtAGE. <br />Txfs nv~ENTUx>, thla 9th day ~ July is 8~ ': ty ~a }~wn~r: <br />f~ftni'OP R' - t aP~rh_-;a`T_ cin~nTa rBr5Gil~ - - _ <br />r,f.-.,Nw-l-l County, Nebraska. eP-mgrtgagor~, and.Gxsad-Ialsad-Tncat Compagy.,of Grand Island, a corporstian <br />drgartiied and existing under the laws of Nebraska-with its principal office and place. of business at Gram Island:-lebraska, asmortgage~;, <br />WITNESSETH:_, That said motYgagnr~,for andin consideration of the imm of;~ ., .. <br />the receipt of which is hereby aeknowledged. da T by these presents mortgage end wp~r~vat6am18 astatg6ees"eRs#iiii~aswrs and assigns, <br />forever, all the following destTibed real esters, situated in the County of ._.~~].,~;_ - _ <br />and State of Nabrasica, to•wit: - - - - - - <br />Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) in University Place, an Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County,. Nebraska. - <br />Togathsr with s}3 hosting, air csnciitinninir. liglttittR, end plumbing equipment and fiztums. mcludirtR sctmnn, awnirrga, storm wintfewa end. <br />--- - doors, and window s:ra+f~ ar blinds, teasel on or in eottaae[ion with said propetty, whethsr [hx aama are now ixatad on said property ar hernsftsr <br />- -_ p_ leu~ed thereon. <br />_ - ; f) HA:"r, n;:U':'f) ;#(tL.F :':-11', 3;:A.'F.. w~E.har w:[h a„ ar.-u' s:nt,,n r sea ,.cneroant.. n~ z3¢inraerits a:ev nypnrt~,a,s-ss tMr~nir. n.,- <br />.•_, ttia~fne, of to nnvtviar aDliertttin}nK. fefeb'8r, aatd warrar?t tfl>< i?€lo tr1 €h@ -"_:atr)a. dal+Y ml[~a~'r3 _ .. -- il'4YtY iM`2Ft@[t€ S.~_ w}tFl 9atd <br />mortgagua that .. .. ire . '?... , ut the delivery }u~rtvf. rho lawful ownor of the premixes xixrve mnveyrci and rieacrlbati.i. <br />-- snd,.____.__.}_'.r.,.. naiaad of a grxai anri tru3efxnsihie carets of inirentancs therein, frze anti ci:wr of sit cucumbrnnrrn, and shot _ ho .._.... wfii <br />- svaRailG alu7 tiilfand the title ibettltt> inrevpr bitiinat lra• t:lximx and (iemaiXia nl ati j?elasns whnmsr.>Prnr <br />1'ROYIi)GD A1.4VAYti, and [his ins[rumsnt !" n,excutnd arxi dr3tvered sae secure ! he paymm~! of the sum at _..._- <br />_~_F_i.x€_Ihollsansl .Ihir_tef:ll _dsalla~rs. dlzd._UOIlD4 *******•*****T7aliars is `l.,tll3_Ufl_.. _-- _ ,_.._ i, <br />- wish interact [hereon, toge[hsr with aurh char,~e am! adcana n as may i,a due and payxblr w said mortankxv ocular t hr tarmx and mridiaions <br />of iha p,utausar,ry note al even skate herewith ntad sot'tirtxf horeiry, exa.:utacl try :.std murtgartur _.._. ,,u said nxrrtK~:a'. E~ya}rya as expel- anti <br />in said acts, oral is assure the prxfnmeance of ell the terms and cortditwns contauner! thereon. The evrtns nt sxcd oleo are trerr!l,y mcrxprxateti <br />hotarn by this relarsexo. <br />3 t 1) the int~sainn and agrsarnsat of the parietra harolo that this n,wtgt:,pa shall airxa xacura any furors ndvanr:ea made w said m4rtaca+ttu _ _. <br />Gy aaai mortfsagss, sled any seed ail urde}ri.n3n,,aa sn addition to t!tr arnuunt-ab:+ve slates} whit!. sa ui mnrt.Kaitara, a any .ai them, cnay rewr ter <br />saki r" ~--. hew.v~ ev~tertc~A, whas_her by ~,~. h~~k ~.~.,unt .rr „~rerw~- Th~.::.v~arm~;ii ..~.n re„rain ... [ ,€1 iur.-r, mrd ., h.,€,..rrrrn <br />the particw hsmw and rhea heirs, firraa,ai repraaatnativea, au+xxrnaorn and asaigirs, unit! all ntexwnts ae. -ure..l luvrurr<far. rncludin}; fueuro <br />advam:e+i, era paid in foil with interest. <br />Tire nwrsgegar-_....., tauaby aaug» .S- ue ana} trrc5rtgagar a!! rents Hard uxnme xrtairtat x€ any and sit ricer: fn,ne .axi property and <br />heschy autkurrrsx said max[gagtx nr xis sgrxtt, st sts opta,n, upaan default, to t€zo cl-.argr at °atrf praptaip atu# eahxb a31 rrnus and uaonte <br />- tltac#n:~ aril apply the aaraa 6n t6a paymmr~ of internat. priacipai. inaurarseo premrun,a, taaiaa, asaaaaatarta. rxytaira or i,nlu'trvamevita <br />ra,esaatry tx, ksep wiri pevpsrty iw Woaatable nnnhtu>n, or u> athw a:ltartfnw ar payments pn+r irk*ti fc,r iwrein eu ut the awls h+xnby srv.~urtrcl. '!'hi.. <br />;;gitrrwnL aha11 p)nUnua is fotC: uut}i 41'b? unpa~i iwlwuq ut swti :u,ta w IU11y pau7. '~hc. txlclP{{ ut (ar>~s+~u,n herr4raler rlwil m r., munnr, <br />-,. _ .. _..:_-~_~~~~-[~i '~~` ~a~~*.r~.~by 'fit ~ ~~ <br />i #re ~t'-,o-e-~ tom. >iy,.•-tray-~ ;r+ amt acs o1 t:a : ~hta t`~~~ ., ::,y t;•~.e a:«ai3 «h §~. ces.~ rui,-w a ' 'na.vur cf :t ~.b-hc t,a aasr[ : . <br />aattW at eery false tianx, ern{ w inaisa upon alai eniurcn xiri+:t cetupliaar:a °°+}th a.} tlen Farina and pravc.iansTUl weal noels and ut rhea narrtgartet <br />If said tnort,or sitati sauna is tee paid to nerd nwrtg~xc the entire arncxi ni dun rt hrraundar, arnl and v the forms and ix.n. enun:s <br />ref said no7a-h.rat,y n+xur>,d, !nsluriittg future ndvaacra, ^+xl any a tsnainns cu rvrwwaia t}ursul in w:4urdrrn,°a wn}r the tcrmr wed prravkya+ns <br />tls€-reef, ' s€ ~~id>~?' __... _ shall txtssply with ail ire prsxv%suatis of saW m~ sera at this nrvrtgai;r, t;uKt lix~u pcx~o;ta :alut',i ix= w,~i. <br />atharw-iron is: eamain is fstit frrrsa sad efface. and said morty~,Ya.- a#ati 1~ nu'sit;ni to t;,n fiesaexaixrn of all of sa=d f~p~ty , ani mtiy. at its sryrea,is. <br />dartarrt the whtala of acid pole and all entiabtednesa ra#rnwxatad ihereky to tee immediately dr+x and payable. anti. tuxy Frrra:p,du t#t6~a rrrr,xtKa,tt., <br />ar-take any otdrar laga3 nttinrs ts-ptrttact its right. Appratseoaaaa waved. <br />'i'd1ia taortgaye shall bs binding upon and Hirai! enure ut the b:n,ta/d of [he houa, nxacuWr«. admrntai raters, va n@aarxs and ussitlns of tha• <br />reapacetirn paeCsea hurotu. <br />1N 1Yt"f~!f-4#s 4v3fiHE:fSt, said 3r4gxtt~Sru _. 2sa&-,,. _-. .. }ll S. }}slut.. inn day sari >~swr freer n}u+~n <br />written. _ n •a•••~° ~:.:~w,gar.}.rl <br />---- - ------__.. __ -1d' a~ ~-L~. <br />t ~ rya 7€ j ra~r3t <br />