<br />and more pacticl:la:ly dr>:ri}~?d in said ma:tgage ar deed of in~st, end the acca~ptn:~e of t',te xr.:~gnm_~nt and.the
<br />coliectioa of rrn*s or tt>n, ps}-nunts under the Lz.,•s he*eby er=~iE_.,+d r.}>°11 not corstitvte x :-giver of eny r:Ehts of -
<br />the s_~iglee under the terms of laid bond or note and mor:.b ga or daed of Tr*~it.:4nd it ix ezprE:.:aly urdc.rst.eod -
<br />and agreod by the pertir,>s hereto that befae drfGult txxs;rs vxlder the terms of said 7~nd ar Hate end mortgage or
<br />deed of tzu.`1t, al~bmor shall hate the right to coLeci said rents, income and pro5ta from the ritorez_~cutioned Is~~e
<br />and to re4ai't, are arwi enjoy the csme, provided, hoti;atc-r, th_{ even h:tero default a~,=-s ne zcnt n±are i?asn tFro
<br />..ant+ss in advznca r.7tell 6a coIiectnd or at•~pt~^3 n thcut t}:e p::ar F-ritt;n can.3nt cf the a:,i~n~. An;thinQ
<br />to the wntrsry natc;i{hsianding ac~:gnor h:~-eby :..: bn.s to aa~~gn~ sny a za:3 lade }serc'<3fter to it in any - -
<br />murt procedure in.olvirg r ~y of t};e I~• in ~y IA'.n.'-.-~upicp, in~7tency, or .-eoresniv3tian pzac~,.edings in xnp.- -
<br />staie or Feder=1 court; and xny arm all p::yments n:.ar?~ by 1~.=;~ is lieu of rent. ~aignor }.:.vbyrpfointsnzrignce ~-. -
<br />es ite irr'vacab7e attrrrrey in tack to apfr_•sr in ru:y xctian end/ar to Hall--et sny r:uc}r aRard or payas:nt. - -
<br />The nsie tor, ;n the c-cent of default in the pufarrn~ nce of s:ay of the terms end canditionr, of grid-bond. or note.
<br />and martgage oz deed of trust, herby authorir~ the a::signc~, st is nptioa, fn c:nfer andta};e pos~•+~oa-of"the:-.-
<br />mo:tgagrxl pmricrs rand to r:nnsgo and opzr to the c.mc, to calls-ct r11 or any :tents accrzing t`~mfivm-and from -
<br />said 7e~..a:~s, to Iet or re-lot said p;casi_;-', or r~'iy S%aT{ t.}3etrof, to cFn::el and modify 3^_xe.~,.evict tenant_9;bring-or' - - -
<br />de.`~rnd any r<uits in caan?~tion ~;ith the pa;~~on of said p:a:rus-~ In its oz:-ta nt;~ a: as:igrsoz's nsaie. mxL-e repein;
<br />:s r~sigrc_ dc~ appropriste, xn3 p•u-for„n Bach at}:ar acts in carne.`:ian h:th t`•ra manag~-:mt:nt xnd opcrstion of'.
<br />rJ31d } rf'..n:l%-^,.5 .`-°. "u1'.Z A': ~,x., 1n itS ~C.=i'tlOn, i=:f..y c'.:=,~ prOIX?.
<br />'}'te ti~ipt by "k,e r~-,v r',n_s ..n}° _cts, ir-: ?:~ pra5p p:u ..,.... t ; ;~•:~ man±. sq..er t,.ha.irstit:;tia ^f .
<br />forcr]c,•a.-e pnx._.--dings ui.ccr :.Hid 1rartgcpe or dc~-d of irest 1-.haII not c^ e Gu:.S dc;eu7t nor sect varch p:oca~cKiinge
<br />ar xny es?~ purcuvrlt 'urereto. - - -
<br />~sS ee x:.aI! rut }rx ohli;; t_xl to r:=~^.1~ or di-~~.,~x.'-,rge r+,y aI.'rgaiior, or 3uty to be jrarfe ~~ or dirchsrgad - - ".
<br />by xe;ie.-ar louder any of said !_ Lam., v::d the r~ib:aar 7;e:~aby at,~•s to iadexnify the ~a::igaee for, and. fu rive it
<br />hr^_ulers from, ny end rill liability ars'sr:g fram nay of said 1e~~s ar Lrom this r_cs^'gn/ont, and Lh7s a~gnmerit
<br />ah~Il rot p'sc~ rt_~y~rs h;i::y far the c'ani_-ol.:~re, r• rsgtim -:t or :ea,sir of rsi3 premiv~ upon the a~ignee, or
<br />dale the ay~gsree res;xrrWible ar h~};7e for xny negligencz it thu r _,aoadant, spa anon. upkF~p, mpair or contra} -
<br />af slid p:en~.irea r:_:_:lting in lass az injury ar drsih to €.ny ~r~-i, L~~= ~, ~p!ayc_ or stssnger. -
<br />'1'~z ~~gnor r'r~.aata and rrprc.~•nis 'that said ;u~Jgt:ar hnz fivl right xnd ti{7e to r_wiga said leases rad the
<br />rents, incxt*ne an3 I:reL++s du. ar t.o In'~r::e dun t}?~-eu.^.dez, iL.t tLe Yrrms of vid Iea~~ Lsre not Lux;a rhnngtd
<br />from the terms in tha copies of slid j.•s:es srtcnitted tsr iha rzs--; ;nee far approval, that ^o a'..}wr asaignrnent of ace}{
<br />irt~-r_2 t.}r_•revu ~ b`~n nrada, that ila=.~-e :ere no er=.stiu„ dots :t_ urd~ .~ prok;aiana th.,=.^`of. and that eaid s€ffignor
<br />x•iIl twt hencefter c~•nce!, r1:m:rtder or iszx;;inate any of Said Ic~.r ~. ez:+rcine any optiaa schidr raiglai Lead to. each
<br />.Y r-":tier. ar c]~°-., _-, a!t,c: or : ~='~.d~y 'h-E : <ar ~~'~_ _... to t-}~ n__r_~ e~f any; y I~s.ble `+~}u.:m;.~~a-t or ta tha r;-:.ag'n- _
<br />mrnt of the le~•t+cs' nte.-t~t is therm ccitbaut +~ prior :crttea c~r~t of t?~n r.sa grlae.
<br />:'1vik.lar Fh,.-ezby a;.Yhnri•~~ the €s~,igru_+a to give nyticx is ~rititlg of tlra t-~r;i;;xurent xt €u-1y time to anv tenons
<br />under ,fog of slid. Lam.
<br />4'ru}.°.., ':r ~~.t .,. .!.~ -...a,,,, ~ -Fil1 ~,.~t - .z27._ ~ s'~: al„,~tf b"v~='3'd
<br />a dcfeult. llr,~Jee L`:r tertrls of raid r~~f.e c,. }rt~ndyr.nd r:ut:hnt.. or c;_.t,d of matt. -
<br />L?s-rs Ott Las• t~ - ~ r.. ~ - ~ ~:v ,tom.... tx-- _- -r p}F _~ x~ ~ };_, ~ },.=1! }f- s?~,-~ - mar-'.' :~z
<br />the A-rrr.fl of exnr; r•-ot.e r>r irc>n~# xnd rn:"tr~„r c,,r n. -xt c . i,.:: rt. ?..tr ca, , ,:.1:. ,_ ,,..- ie by tlzc a:~aa;n"~' in eurvug each
<br />x dri tilt nn ilw n.~:igncrr'Y lx>ha7f, ivilh i:tirrc~•:f tire: ran nt the highc_'t re. to for r:•hir'h it iw nolc I~:wfui to trnirxct,
<br />thxil tr•came t=art oC the slobs s,.k°.ued by t}v~t~ }~:c~<t:nta.
<br />T'ha iull Ixrfard:;nce of r~;d mc:rtg=.;e or r::7d G,f trot- end tb.: d_ily rc,~~; led rel:.~~n c.r rr::anv%yrnlx of the
<br />I~.ro,•x-rty d~ •ri2~Kl Ll,t~-ei:1 slxa Il render `..h;s .~_':.-isr-_-.,ent void.
<br />The net prvcs~w'..s c~!!ei:tcd by `µ.t x.-s;~tie-x: u_::t;r t'.1a tc•.r=na vi f1:is :ft-s!~t:,-.:,.Ftst nt:~,ll t-.`: s.F;I+lied in r..=.7:trtion of
<br />tl~te entire iri3eb?Y;Ir.-.,a he;n tine to ki:sr: o1s#.•;;5ndng rind s~'ctlnKl by rsid roorigr=ge or dc~i of t.-uat.
<br />tint-~~•«tl~tstard ing any prt;vi: inn hf rrtyf ~r'tuch r:~i3ht t.a u=r~stru~^d to the ~,aarxr}', the ._sigo~l~'nt .-<["._~f_._KI
<br />hrrelry is itr~~ndod to he .:u ai:in~,Yc ~,ti'r~rr~ i, f: tart .,r~ibuor .a .. .°r.; of !`:e 7.,,c~_s .,sd rears tr:nri)y de-
<br />seritac+ci :,nd not :rervlp tY~e ;:a_~ing rf .t .,.,~t it} ini,.t•'a ":+t~h 1,..."_s s,:d roots :.ri; i~t-rrby ;:;siholx7 :„~o-~datd}.
<br />by sstiinnar Fa a_.;bm cet,tingcnt idriy s~I.~m 1}te o ,arrr nce of :. ..c,calE.
<br />T}s...s = ~1 s,nx::euk s;ppli<-y to t,nd bails thei l-,._.,i~ ,. -n.ta and t` -iz rc-}:,-.°"c;e I--::ir,, ~ur :~n~~ts-torn, ±,x~•cuiura.
<br />Kuccx.~.~.:..*a x.x,d na-: ;ns, ra mt•Il s eny t?~ -;InWne u:: r.Fr of t}re real ... ,f~ -I_-.,~_a1-...3 '-.ri°tn ;e n;3 tZrq r -.;yrxr, of the
<br />c~c,rla ~.• er .?. _Yi „rt ,r..-t n,f ._. '=i ,._ !-''__,s.
<br />I>: ;3'rrh~a ;.'~f~_fr~a. t ~.id qf.-'gnur iv: rte Gr;v~d, . id t_ ~<-t 1 ,,it1 c°ci i ~1t l ~°t _I:ih,
<br />tray sig„ed this ie~=.irument ,It.j.}' _.~ 7y~rJ _
<br />Nk DE C;}? -_~1??, ? a=~. , a C:~ i>rrtska ? imi t 1'd
<br />pa.rit?;_rsi?ip,
<br />By hlid-Cunt i_ncnC F:nterpt ices, inc. , a
<br />,~7ebraskrz con i~x1t ytiUn,
<br />(^'~
<br />~( ~ j~ ~ " F
<br />lil. a Wish, i'rrsicicnt
<br />