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89-- <br />AGREEMENT FOR PAP.i{ING EASEN~NT <br />Grantor hereby grants an easement for the parking o€ <br />automobiles to Grantees as follows: <br />1. Grantor is Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />2. Grantee is Rx de Grand, Ltd., a Nebraska Limted <br />Partnership. <br />3. The Real state is: A tract of land comprising a-. <br />part of Lot One (1) of fractional Section Seven (7) in-a <br />part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W'~NWa) of <br />Section Eiaht (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range-Nine <br />(4), West of the 6th P.M., City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Leginnina at the Northeast Corner of Lot 3, Hlock 9, <br />Continental Gardens and proceeding west along the North line <br />of said Hlock for a distance of one hundred five feet (105') <br />to the actual point of beginning: from the actual point of <br />beginning, continue t-~est along the North line of the said <br />Lot 3 for a distance of one hundred eighty feet (tg0~) ro a <br />point on said line; then turn right ninety clegrces (90°} ,;nd <br />proceed ;~c~rth ., ~a~.-.inco iiI *:hirt.y-five =clef {7::'} ro a <br />point; then turn .- ~,ht nin~:ty cic,:rc•es !40e) .end proceed et~st <br />~, ony^ a ln'r.' t};i. .,y ~.irc. .~cL ('_+') titsi t:i of aT:d L•a r~11 IC-'i <br />the North line of t,ot 3 for a distance of one hundred eighty <br />feet (1.90') t_o a point; then turn right ninety ~-iec;zees f90°) <br />and proceed south thirty-rive feet (35') to th;e .;dual gr~int <br />of beginning. <br />4. The Et~sei~~ent: Gr~,9ntei~ quid i Ito te=nants <if i:r~=ntue. <br />i.n Phase lI of` the t_c>ntinc>nt.~l G,irdet5 :;h~pYir,g .,_:ttc_-r' ,yid <br />their customers, shall halve the e~:clttsive right to use the <br />Real Istatr.= for the Uaikrny ~f other vehicles. <br />5. Coven=sets vi Gt~tntur: Gr<:ntor cevcn~ints :hat <br />Grantor shall construct at c~i~ihtc~en (lf3} p,szkiny <br />spaces on tlse Real Estate and that r~santor wS I L r~~tit inu~i7 ;y <br />maintain t_he parking area. <br />6, This Fiyreement is binding ul,on Gr..inlur .ind upon <br />Grantee and ui.~on their rE~spec:tive successors .and assigns. <br />This r~yreement shall take ford: iru;i~iiiatcly ulwn its execution <br />and shall. eontir.ue~ in full Force. .,ri3 yet fe~.t :n. i 1 : h€.~ ite~al <br />Fates%ta #s fully incorpotat.e~d into And ,tel~~.1„E..-~i ,.. ,: i>.ett_ <br />