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<br />U~tFOxsi Covp::wlvTS. Borrower 2nd Lender covenant and agree- as follow=: <br />I. Payment of Prineigai and Interest. Borrower shall premed}- peg when due the principal cf and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. orepaymen*, and late char_ees as n..*ovidtd in the Note. and the primctpal of end interest <br />an ane Future Advances secured by this Morttta¢e. <br />Z. Funds #or Tries and Insurance. Sebject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender. Harrower sha31 pay <br />to Lender on r<5t day monthly :astaltments of arincipal and mteres: are pa}-abie under the Note, until the '.rote is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to tine-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assesmenu which may attain priority over this <br />?dortgage. and ground rents on the Proaet•ty. if any. plus vne-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if an}•. all as reasonably estimated initialty and from <br />lime to rime by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />"I;le Funds shall he held in an institution the depnsiu or accounu of which are insured o: guaranteed by a Federal or <br />gate agency (including Lender if Lender r such an institutior.l. Lender shall appig the Funds to pa}• said taxes, assessments, <br />;nsurance premiums 2nd ground rents. Lender may no: charge for so holding and apph•ing the Funds. analyzing said account, <br />cr verifying and compiling said assessmenu and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and apalicable-law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borower and Lender map agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that toreros: on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower env interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall gn'e to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Tee Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Leader. rogether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premmms and ground renu, shall exceed tee amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessmenu. insurance premiums and ground renu as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on momhly mstallmtnu of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shalt not be sv~cient m pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground renu as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall nay to Lender aaq amount aectssarc to make uo the deficiencc wtihin 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upov payment m fait of ail sums secured 6p' thts Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower- any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under pazagrane 2S hereof the Propem• ;s sold nr the Property rs otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, tie later than lrtuaeriiateh' poor m the sale of the Property er its acgwsvon by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of applicaticn as a credit against the sums secured by rtes Mortgage. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless appitcable law pme;des otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under pazagraph :hereof. then to interest payable en the Note. then to the pnnctpai vt the Nore. and then to_interest and <br />onncipal on any Future Advances. <br />S. Chat~es; Liens. Borrower shall pay alt taxes, assessments and other charges. tines and tmposiuons attributable to <br />the Propettt• which may attata a pnorin aver this Mortgage, and leaeehoid pa}mitnts yr ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. a not paid m such manner. by Borrawe,- making pavrnent. when due, directly to the <br />paste thereof. Borrower shall promptly iurmsh to Lender al. notices of amouaa due under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shat' make payment dtrectty. Burrower shall prvmptlp tumuli m Lender recetpts eyrdencmg such payments. <br />Borrower shall ~prampti}' discharge any hen which bas pnonn~ veer tau \tongage: provtved. that Borrower shall tint be <br />required to discharge any such hen so long as Borrower shall egret rn u•nung m :he oavmcm vt the etatt~anen secured b+• <br />such hen m a manner acceptable rn Lender, or shall in good forth contest such iron by. er ~defead enforement of such lien in, <br />1 jai prucecdtn~- which vpcratt to prevent the entorc-.moot of the leer or tcrtetture ai ilia Yrcpcny ar nay parr thereof. <br />~. Htaasrd Insurance. Borrower shall keep rite ;mprovements na>a rauune ar hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against loss b}~ fire. hazards included wnhm the term '~extendcv urvtragr .and such cites; ha~rds 3 Lender may rceeure <br />and to sucF amounts aztd far suet ptnvds as Louder ma+ require, pm,~!dc. that Lender shalt not ..*euwre that the »maunt of <br />suer. cavera;Zt txcetd that amount of c . trace r„qu~r=_d t ..._ .... - ,. ,.. ,.,, , ni= ^;gogti <br />The tnsur arcz caner provrdi:tg :he rnsurance s:aii ~Y ,~ha>er. by ~Borrowar ~subRC[ t- approval bl~ Lendrr~. provided. <br />.a__' sue` ar,-, 'Shaft rr bP „~:, _ .... -. +s •° .u <br />~.a, usre-;i-_n_el.~ -._. ... ...... ., lets.,, a,.. „rl:c.~ sh;~i „- p„r:d , <br />provrded under paragraph a hereof o 'nut _ra;d m~-tic!; m ~ ^:n3' ~,.~~r ~_ ~ _ ,~~ s--ctrl ss~. -- r-~ !; ,_ .. _ <br />IIISL'1'aIICt (.a:ntr. <br />Alt InSU7anCt palicltti and renewedS Ihert(`l S[i»l: (rr [n IC?rm :i..^epta DiC ;c~ LCiltler Anil 5hali inCludC u ,[attcl:e(J rn Urlgagr <br />ClaUTt In faY(rT (`f and ]n farm aCCtptaiJiC iC! LCndtt. iCndet shalt hayC the nghl Ifs hold lhr pJIICICS anJ rC trewal> ttlC[CC+i. <br />and Bgrrewcr shall pramptJ}' furarsh to Lender all renewal nauce> ane ul recetpts ai pard premwms In ate rvtm ei ii?ss. <br />Borrower shall grve prompt nauce iv the insurance earner and Leaver Lender ma} make pmvl vt toss a ns+: made promptl+ <br />b_v Borrower. <br />Unitas Lender and Borrower otherw•rse agree rn w~nung. ;oar. once procceiis shall be applied ie resiv:auoo ur rep;vr ni <br />the Properly damaged, provrded such restoration ar repair a e<unumica.Uy :rasrbie and the arcw its i this Mortgage :, <br />not thereby imparrrJ. If such restoruuvn or rtpar rs not reenomrcail} teas hie ur 1, the security at th;s Mongage wuulJ <br />6e ungaued, the insurance procttds shall bt applied to the sums securtJ vy this '+~lortguge, ~`ith the excess. r' and. pale: <br />to Barrcwer i[ the Propcrt: is abaadanev M Borrower, cr a Harmw•er tads io respond iv 1_ender wrthm 30 Jays from the <br />dais rrvu ~ r4 rirarleJ oy Londe[ r0 $OrrOYJCr that (tie InSLLran L'C L'atr?eP nner> If` SCtlle a Calm for itil LLranl'C htnell[S, L-ender <br />is avtlrorizW [a collect and apph the insurance proceeds at Linder ~ upuon e;eher iu rtstorauon or reparr of [he Prnpem <br />er to the stuns sacuttd by this Mortgage. <br />unttss Leader and Bei`rvwer vtirerwise a:;ret ;n u riling, any suet application a pructtd,: to pnnerp:xl shalt not extend <br />or postgane the due dare of the monthly utstaiimt^ts tettrrtd to ~r: paragraphs ! and ~ herevt yr change tnc amount tit <br />such tnstailmtnu. 2f under paragraphs i8 hereof the Properzy a acyuved by Lender. all tight, olio and interest of Borrower <br />m and tv any lnsurauct pahcia and m and to the proceeds therevi resultiag from damage u` the Property prior to the sole <br />or acywsiuvn shall pass to Lender to rite extent of the sums securty ry thr> Mortgage ;mnttiilateiy pr;ur n, arch sale c?. <br />a^~se~i*Tn- <br />6. Pa•~et :~atia;. rid i3~!-it~wui~r vt ;'rc.prny; C-ondominiwrss: Piaurted l-rut Ueve-lupments, Hcrrrvw-er <br />she!! keep [he Propcny hs uad ttvasr and shad not comma waste ur permit tmpaumen: yr drterioraneu ul tar Proptny <br />and shalt comply with the provuiotw iri an} itasr it this Alortgagr r` on a leasehold. 12 this A1orll;age ;. nn a :nut in ., <br />candatalt»tun or a pla.-uied amt devetopmcnt, $orrnu'cr shAil ptnorm ail vt Borrowers obhgauons under tar deciarauun <br />or eovtnanu ereanng or gcvcra+ng the condammrum or planned amt development, the by-taws and rcgulauons of the <br />condominium or planned unit development, and ennsututm documents. If a eondvmmutm nr planneJ unit dt+'riupmtnt <br />rider Is exer:uttd by Sorrowtr and recorded togtthta ,vote rhea !atomsage. the cvyrrxants and agrrsmcnt~ i`l . rater <br />Thali tx in:ot•Iwrstsd m;v and shall amend and supplement the co`~enants anJ agceements o; [h;s Mongagc as ;l the r;drr <br />ware a part hualf. <br />7. Pntrftsiiratt of I.tu(}xrs SrcTSrity. If Borrower laJs t~> pertvrm [ht +rovthants an~i agrtemenn toot arnecf ;n th;+ <br />hsortgagt, yr rf any action yr prnctcdtn~; ;y cnnuntocod which materully afiecu Lenders :nterest ur rhr Proprnt. <br />;rcttld"tog, trot not 6matd tn, amintnt damson, rnsvlvtncy, axis rniareemtnt, yr arrangements sv ptuceedutea imuiamg a <br />caalctupi or des:edent, tistn Ltndtr at iender'T apuvn, upon ueuee t(• Borrower. may make such arpeacnnces..tnbur:,y ,use: <br />lts:tns and tare st, h action a. rs :tt:zsTary to protect 1_ehdtr's rote: est. ~trctuding. our not Irmrte.: rr•. ,.i:svursense n; <br />r°_®E::,^.ahle a ;.,. a sw~ art.'.' G.,^„ry ,~; tbr;? ~ ry - kt repo r_ i_cnJu icuur-c i -are r. - a a 1 s ~. <br />condtnon of mahi.ns the loan stcurtd 6v tits 45oraaec,r l}vex ,cart hit y.:?•iin,. -,~ ,a...~,,, ,,,~.. <br />inxusaace is e;7ta anal such time as ;he rtquvcment fat arch ~nsura_ncf rermrrsit_ttnr :. ... r.. „_r~_ ...._ ~,,, rf,_... - ., ~,. <br />