<br />~~® ~ ®RTC.a1~lC~
<br />THIS--IIdDENTUkE, made Utia Rth day nt_ JU1y - Is?j.Ek-, by aad.lietween -~
<br />Harlan 12. Pufi~ochar and Anne- M, Pi~ilebchar. htt~Jaand and wi Fe a h in -his and~a>= awn
<br />rig t end as spouse of the other, --__
<br />of ~ Hall County, Nehraska,:aa mortgagor ~:; aavi_Granri Inland Tmst: Company-of.Grand-island, n corporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of Nebrsa&s with its principal of5ee and place of business at Grand Isliutd;-Nahraske, as: mortltagee:
<br />WITNESSETH: Thateaid mo:tgagot__~,foraad in mnaideration of thesum of
<br />Six Thousand Gne Hundred Ninety dollars and 42j10D *****.*****•*~ ,,6,:7Q0_$2_ ~
<br />the receipt of which is hereby sakimwledged, do , by these presents mortgage and warrant untG'~id - ~' "` ~ ,i~;ss and assig
<br />forever, all the following d~^ribed real estate, situated Fn the County of _.~_ Hd l 1 _
<br />rmd State of Nebraska, to-wit: ~ - -
<br />South Half of the Northeast Quarter of'the Northeast Quarter (S~-2NE;NE4} of 5ectinn Four ~,
<br />L4_}, Township-Eleven (ll} North, Range-,.Nine (9}, Mes± of t!le 5th_,P.M., axeepti::g a
<br />tract 287 feet by 95.1 feet as described'in Deed recorded in Book 129'at Page 591.
<br />Tngother wich~ a[I heating, air conriicioning, iightirtg, and plumbinK eympment and fixtures, enetudinK screens, awnings, storm winrkrws and
<br />doors., sad winrluw ahadna or hliada, used nn or ip cunn[etian with sold property, wrtt€:ther t,h€r same are new Ixar[.ed cn said F+nperty or hereafter
<br />-placesti Lhcnron-
<br />TC Hi;b'E- ~NI) TG H4LD THE SAiIE, together wit'.; n!F and sinlufar I~t;a I:+.wernun^.€s. har>'dif.amenis and aFRUrtennnces LhereunH, be-
<br />t2~ngtnry, ur in anywise appaftaining, forever. sod warrant ttre title to t'r,;e na~r;:rt+. I'3s.€d morKaga: 5 _ hereby rove:tart x•ith said
<br />~_.-~ mnrrgsge~ titer - .._i 'sts jf__ .iii-i.,_... , st tyre d~:isery t:ereni. the law M~ui t~rw.rw: _.5 _ ui €:^.e pnrmss<:s anove cure€rt~ ,t dead dtscrii~ati.
<br />artd-_ di E _ setter] of a good and ~dalaaaehle aerate of inhencance thereto, fr€r arad cFenr of ,r1i eucunilzranecw_. and thni __L h„~_ will
<br />- warrant and defend the title therein funrvcr against t}ze cretins and demands of nli pursnna whansr>ever.
<br />RROV IDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is nxctiu[e€i and delivered to secure the payment of [he sum u( _ _._ ._, _ _ _
<br />Six Thousand One Hundred, Ningty,_dollarg and 42j100 ******~~auan,~ 6,.1.~_Q,42 _ ,•
<br />with interest thnroon, Lognther wiW such chnrgaa and advnnees as may ire due and payable to said mottKeKee under the terms and concinzans
<br />of the promissory note of even date hnmwith and ;x>c:uretl hereby, executed b}' raid nvrrtgagur . S to n.ud naungaget•, paynbie ns exprcased
<br />ixr said cote, nod W aacu_re the performance of all the terms and conditions cuntuu€€.d therein. The terrzts of seal note are heneAy incurparatcxl
<br />- tretnin by ttda eafervncn.
<br />It es the Fnteatitxi area ngreamant of the yarerea Aerat.o that chts murtKaXe shall else estates any tutors advances made to seed mortgagor _ S.
<br />by quid rnnrtKeKea, ar#1 any arad nli mdabtadnass in uddi[.ion to the amount uka,ve atuteti which surd mortKa};urs, or auv ni them. nruy awe to
<br />sad mortyragm, however evidetroed, whether by note, hook account or ntherwtsa. '1'ttis mortgage shall ramnm m full four send eiF€x~t Iretwt»,n
<br />tfxa partiaa hereto and thou heirs, perauna! represantatrves, sucaasrwrrs and nvseKn. until all nmuunts sacumi hwruundrr, mclu€hng futur.~
<br />adyanws, m~ uaid in Full with ut(x =wt.
<br />The mortgagor __.~_ hereby €essegn w +md neortKaKau a!1 rents and encases anutnK ut any and n!1 ttmaa from saxd pnrper€~• anti
<br />laaeby authorize saai mortgagee w na aKant. at its vptivn, upon dafaul:, m take chaegv of said prvfx!rcy and acoflrs-t ah rants nruf mcunm
<br />- tlter~efrom and apply tree earns to the payment of interest. principal. insurance premiums, [oxen, assessments, retools or unpmvemva[s
<br />aseeesary W kanp said pr.>party in in€uu€cablti axafition. yr en vth~r rhargex or pnyntenis pr~v€d€!€1 For harem a,r to the ra,ty hereby s.a n.d. 'Chu:
<br />ra~f, as~w€,t Atr~E}:Ynxc,nti;. ~ fcr<ka rant±l ~~ a€€daid lxnkat~a at sold ante i.s F!~th• cxad. '?'ha fakirs of nesxaas€:s~ ir•~+under shat! rn nu manner
<br />prwsnt or reptrd saw tanrtgggee m the coilantian ai ssid sums by foreJoaura ur otherwise.
<br />The failnt~af the usttrtgaFiaa io nsaett any of its right.a heraundar at any ume shall not tx+ can"LruNd an a weever of ri:+ rrgb[ tc assert. the
<br />save at any IaS.sr t.FmR, tlnd to insist upon and erefarr:e strict cumpfianr:e wills all the eerua and {uuvisron-s al sai*_i rri,tx unrF of thLS mari}taKe.
<br />4f eat61 nx€rtga}Ior $ shall cause ca 6c paid to said nRxtgageY+ the entire amount due a henrunder, and aerate the tcr3n, and pruv€,n>ns
<br />nF said ante hereby aecared, ituludittg future advnttvas, and any cxrenaiuns €u renewals tieatwr! in ncrvrdance with the teems and pnrvrsuntc:
<br />- ehorovf, and if Said moctgegtuS__.. sFinl! ecaarpky with al! the pmv€abns of said mxo alai of this rnortgaitt•., then thnsu prcaent.s shall hr vurd.
<br />- a4Lerwixa to ramatn in full force anti affoct, and said mnttgngea Shall ba entitled to iho poasnssmn of all of said profxzrty. acx! may, at its nyuon,
<br />tlecktre tlas whole of said note and all indebtsxfnsss repcasented thorvhy w be irtmtediatsly due and fxayahla, and may k>ter:lrwe the rnurtKage
<br />or trace any other legal aetiwt W protect its-right. Apyraiaatnant waivul.
<br />-, 'l'hhr rnaMgaga shall fsa bintliteg upon atxF sheik enure to the Gettefit of the burro. execuinrn, admueistrawrs, sura~ssura nr+d a+,rgres ul t hey
<br />r€>ap&cziva partiss,hatatu.
<br />- .IN WI1`Fi$SS WH>u$},4F, said hfortgogar _.S. ha _ya., 6ereunGx rat ,%.-. .+„r~.i,t^.. .hand ., ~ the efa,V and yv~x• f;rst ubu.r
<br />wttittsn. -
<br />...~
<br />r,
<br />- -. ... --- rid'"'#S~"' .--r-~.,, -:..~a...~. ..~=;. _....
<br />oar ran rc PtFnt:GC1}~tr
<br />~, ... _.._.... ,. _. .. .. - _ _ -__ ___.- xi-s:.lv. .i~:1 __ 1`.,,,,c,t.,~tis:'r-Kr.F-..-. _.__.--~-
<br />Anne M. PuncoChar
<br />