,. ~ -.~~ m+ .ESTATE-IIH0R'1'GAG>r-(With T'ajc Ctavsc) Nuffman andFetton E Wolt, Walton,tk.68951. ~ _.
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Robert L. White- and Lois Zde11 White;
<br />Each- in his and her own right- and as spouse of each other
<br />of- Hall County, and State: of Nebraska.- , in consideratiox of the srtar of
<br />'; S~cty Thousand and 04/100---------------------°--------------------^--_-_-~ DO"LI3&RS
<br />j ix-haxd-paid, da her¢by SELL. and CONVEY ante FZVE POINTS BANK
<br />of'; Hall Couxty, State of Nebraska- the fodloauing d~scribed'pre»dres s#wtdtdd:.
<br />{x- Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to~arif:
<br />i
<br />The. Westerly Seventy-Nine (79) Feet of Lot Nine C9) in Block Three (3)
<br />in Pleasant View Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall- - - _
<br />i County, Nebraska
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i
<br />i
<br />r
<br />T,he intantiau being s"a cans~ay harrby an aasciure title xn fee sirnpia, iRciudiny ail the rights of haanastaad oad da-z~.
<br />TC H.~p'E rirvl3 Tt`i t1ULr3 the prenxisas above dascrioad, zcgth aif the appurtenances ttereatnty Stia»~rg,
<br />lento the said nwrtgagee(s) a»d to his, her or their hairs and assigns forever, provid¢d afuroys, and these presents are
<br />upon the cxprrss condition that if the said anartgagor(sJ, his her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns
<br />shop pay or reuse to ba paid to the said morlgogea(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, adsninistrato_rs ar assigns, the
<br />principal scan of $60, 000.00 payable os follows, to at~t;
<br />$fi0,Q00.0U payable on or before I80 days due, January 5, 1980
<br />avith iruarast according to the tenor and effect of the anortgagors written promissory note bearing evrn data zc~th thaw
<br />presorts and shalt pay olt texas and assessments lecdad upon said real estate, and all other texas, levies and nssassmants
<br />toaried uporo this mortgage yr the Hale u~hieh this +nortgage is given to secure, balor~ the same becomes dafinquant, and
<br />heap the buildings on soil premises insured for the sum of $60,000.00 loss, if any, payuofe to Eha said
<br />+nortgagaa, than thaw presents to be voiri, oiherunss tv he mad remain in full farce.
<br />I7' IS FURTIiER AGREEp (r) That if the said mortgagor shalt fait to •'r'+~" such tax-as or pracara sack in-
<br />swonca,_the said morigagea may pay such taxes and procure ruck insurance; and the sum so advanced, zvith r"ntarast
<br />at 1G par teat, shalt be rapoid by saW mortgagor, and this snartgayr shall stand as security for the smna.
<br />(z) That a failure to pay any of said moxiay, hither principal ~r interest, mtaexi the sarna becomrs due, er a failure to
<br />co+xply with any of the foregoing agrcemc:nrs, shall cause the whale ruin of nwney iterain secured to become due and
<br />eottcctibte at once at the option of the ++wrtgagae.
<br />Signed this- 9tts day of July rg 80 ,
<br />~ ,
<br />{~~ ,+ ~ ~
<br />1 In p e 91 ~ t!/ ~/1~~,`a".~f..r',F .r' A:.t~'~
<br />'F'a"~'~~~rVi~~~~l~cJ '.f~.~~-..... ,... _~:'..~L.^.s.i.~'.... 4. ,~fG+C..' .4.,~. /. F.t..:S.w.... .. .......,.
<br />