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V rc eg: o-.a ~'' <br />To HavE axn To Hot.n the same unto the ]iortgagee, as herein provided. -iortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the iliot•tgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbtance, except as hereinothex•a•ise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ;lortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />the 3ortgagor in and to the above-described premises. <br />PROVIDED Auvaxs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to <br />wit: <br />i4iortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or ox•der, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of Eleven and one half per centum (ll. Si'o) Per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Mortgage plus Incorporated <br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthly installments of Five t3undred Forty Five and OS/100 <br />Dollars ($ 55.05 ), commencing nn the first day of September ,19 80 ,and continuing en <br />the first day of each month thereafter until said note is fatly paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of August 2010 ;all <br />according to the terms o[ a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor further agrees: <br />1. Fie will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />ti,7e, c=ithaut premium or fee, the entire indebtedness or any part thereof not less than the amount of one <br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall he credited on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms of the note secured hereby, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trustee, (under the terms of this <br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid: <br />(a) A sum equal t.o the ground rents, i f any, next clue, plus the premiums that will next become due <br />and payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged pmpertp, <br />plus tries and assessments next due on the mortgaged prapet•ty (aH as estimated by the Riart- <br />gagee, and of which the Mortgagor is notified) less all stuns already paid therefor divided by <br />the number of nurntha to elapse before ouc month prior t.o the date when such ground rents, <br />premiums, taxes and assessments tcikl become delinquent, such sums to be held by 14Sortgagee <br />in trust to pay said ground-rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments. <br />;L) The aggregate=d±he sxmuunts payable pursuant to subparagraph (a) and those payable an the <br />ncitc sacurr~ herebt~, shufi he pai=l in a single payment each mmrth, to be applied to the foliow- <br />ing items iu the order stated : <br />tt? ..nd r.-r:ts ±ax;s, rises=nerts, iix•e and rther ttazar=1 insurance prentiunxa; <br />!tt) intore°..=.t=.n ther:atesecurc~dttcr=Sby:anck <br />ttrtl s!'no!'1tZatien of the priuciltal of salel note. <br />. ny PPeiex;r: u..hc am_...n~ of . suc~lt -gat.: rtt,° payment chalk, unless made goad <br />v th , llt= for k: ~, .a the <l Ie =:.tte t era. t,e:xt sttc4t payment, constiiitix• an event ox" dei'ault <br />under this nun lgnge. At Nortgugeti'S option. Siartg:xgur will pay a `gate charge" not exceed- <br />ing low- per ccntmn (~l~i) of :my instalment cvheu paid mare than fifteen (15) clays after i.he <br />due date thereul• to cover the sutra ex prnsr iitsalved in kandhnt; delinyuertt payments, but such <br />"late charge" shall nut be payable not of thr procrerds of arty sale nxndc la satisfy the indebted- <br />ness sc,turcd hereby, unless ;:uc•h pracecds au c suilitient to discharge the entire indebtedness and <br />all proper costs and expenses secured t}terehy. <br />3. 1f the total of the payments mscle by the \iartgagar under (a) of paragt•uplt 'L pn!c~Kling shah <br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the ~iortgagrn•, as trustee, for ground rents, taxes ancf <br />assessments or insursutce premiums, txs the exxse may be, such excess s_ltsll hr, cr..dit.~d by the lv?orcmag~ <br />un subsequent payments to be made lay the lttortgxgor for such items or, at Diortgageo`s option, as trusttx:, <br />alwil 1[e refoudod t.o Aortgagor, lf, lruwcver, such rnunthly payntonls shall nut bu suttickc~ari to paq sucks <br />items when the same shall Imeomme due and payabke, then the +iirr•tgagut• sk7alt paty to the ;tiurlgugc~•, as <br />trustee, tui<v amount necessary to make up the rleiiciency tvitlun thirty t l}!1) days after tkritteu ttoticefrum <br />the Mortgagee stating rho atnouttt of rho defuiency, which Holier m»y be given bp` ma61, If nt any time <br />the Mortgagor shall tender to Cho Mortgagee, in ac,un-dautce cvit.h rho In-ovtsions of the Hato sc'<:ue•ed <br />hereby, full patixuent of the +~utire indebtecine~ t -,t ~seu~1 rl ~?•et~y +t r 4iattu~~~ ,, as lr•ueG~+, chart <br />in curugutiug the amount of such indt'ht{rdne~, credit *ar th<~ aerount of tktr Rtot•tgztgut• any t-r•=1it ttalanee <br />z~umulnted under the previsions of ta) of paragraph 'a hereof- If there shall tar a do=fault undm• tray <br />of the provisions al this mortgage resulting in a public sale. of the premises covered hereby, ar if tlto <br />Mortgagee acquires rho prulnrty otherwi•tea after default, the 1lartgagece, aas truatev±, ,hag apply, at the <br />time of the commencement of such praceedings, or at the tints the praperty is nlh<?rwise acquired, the <br />amount then remaining to credit the: 3iortgagvr undee (a) of paragraph $ precedinng, us a credit on the <br />interest accrued and unpaid and the balance to the principal than remtaining unpaid on said note. <br />4. The lien of this instrument shall remain in full 1`itrce nod aiTect during any postponement or exten- <br />sion of ttxe tirnc of lxaymcrxt of the indebtedness ur any partlhereuf secured hereby. <br />F>. He will ley all ground rents, taxes. assessments, water rates. cud other suvvrnntuntal ur munici- <br />pal charges, fines, ar impositiwts, levied upon said promises anct that ho twill pay all taxes Ic•vicd upon this <br />tn4Ctgagr, ui• the debt secured thereby, together u-ith any other taxes or assessments which utay be 1,wied <br />under the laws aS Nebraska against the Mortgtrgeca, ur the leuatk holder of said lrrinaipal note, un accaunt of <br />thfa indebtadttu~s, except sshcrt pn_yment far elk such items bras the=retafor~? l.x~m xttade under t_z.) of f~r.x- <br />gralxh 2 Ireracif, and ho trill promptly delivc,r the erNicial rtsceipts theretar h, thr 5htrtt;agc<•. 1n defetult <br />thereof fire t~lurt.g:xg,?e may pay the sana~e. <br />