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8~- ~~ <br />h40RTGAGE - <br />2dORTGAGEf.OANNl3: :~23s72:4'.-.. - <br />IrNOwAI.I:aftNaYTxFSEr[trsErrrs:~niat Richard- L. Snyder--and= Connie J. Snyder,: hus6aFsd and <br />wife, AND-John A. Widhalm and Judith C. Widhalm, husband and-wife <br />Mortgagor, whether one_or mo%in tide of tIx artm~f <br />Fifty-five Thousand Dollars and No/100------------------------ <br />--- ~~aRS <br />foarmd to said mortgagor by The Equitable atdlding and I.oars Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, t[ppsr 55D_ .stttteesbfsttidcwf <br />rid ASSOCIATION, Certificate- Na. L 23, 724- , do hereby grant, ~rtvey and rtrortgage unto the-said-ASSOCFATION=tha~fotl¢a$cg - - <br />desrsiixd real estate, situated in Has County, Nebraalca~ - <br />LOT TWENTY-TWO (22), BLOCK TWO (2), IN SOUTHERN-ACRES <br />ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with aB the tenements, h€reditamenis and appurtkrances titerennio halonging, including attached floor coverings, alt window screens, <br />window shacks, blinds, storm wutduws. awnings, heating, au cmtdiiiattittg,:u~d pltuabing and wattr tquiptrtttrt and atkessories [heret0. pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereatter attached to ar used in runntatron wtih said real estata, <br />And whertas the said rrwrtgagur has agreed and dues hereby ugrac that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />as~ssed ttpnn aid premises anti upon this ra,:-teaks and the '.toed recur€d IhereF.y I,,kfore thk soma shaft became delinquent; to furnish appeavtd <br />insuratxx upon the puddings on aid premises situated in the sum of 5 55 ,DOO. QD payable to sail ASSIX'(ATtON and to deliver to said <br />ASS(a~C1ATION tFtt policies far aid insumnek:and not is cummn ur permit anY waste un ur abum sail premises; <br />in wst of default m the pedoctaeance of any ai the terms and candncuns of lids tnortgagc ur the hand secured hereby, ifte mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, he entitled to unmediate passkssi<sn of tits mortgaged prtmixs and the martgrrgor hereby :.coigns, transfers sad seta over m the <br />mortgagee ati the raps, ren:nues and uecume w bt derived tram the nwrtgagrd premrses timing such time as the mangage indebtedness shall ramsirt <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the puwtr [n app?im any cant or ^gcnis a may desrrc t7x tha pnrpese of repairing said premises and meting <br />tlt a<ua sad ,. vite€iing :hr califs. ,.c~t;uas ant ir~ucre,,nd i€ ma_r pay rm al uid `-ec,nie a cx{,serer of repairing card premises and ncckasary <br />wmmissions and cxptnsea incasr.-d m resting srr,! :tta[tetiing the xmie :uid a €ulles~{, ;tins iharatsunt: ~ }:aloes remaining, s ;tny, to he <br />_ n~ ~ <br />ar~d~d a-.-ar- .t~f:a,ge .,€ ss:+; .,-.,,-e~gt t: 2=a;:_... -~ .:r ... `t -- -- - - - ~+ - ......, <br />a - ....,.L - p.. .,x..t :....d a: any°..L'~ :: ^ ••••:`:v°r:': L'I ° <br />default, nrtspectivt a,i anY" tempcrra:y waiver ut tea same. <br />-nose rtes€nts, t:arweyer, are tp?.r tttki e Ji r -s 'ha -t `t>= yr St ntiga>,.t -bait p.y w d -- n _ c ,atu fle eu try t std charts oy <br />r.aytrY'.r., ; ay ~rns?:ly '. 3 #4,~ :t A-11UN -. .,-st...~- itt-d r .,tz .~ -ter„ „~.?-ei~ ,= tau=ra-a, -;n.i p~ ~r ar -Rr ~.S r.>xr. ~r aaFare <br />ttee 'iWenGaificay +?P t:ach and e+nrrr rnontir, until road !salt ~s IullY Praid; pay ull (axes auJ asscssnacnts PtviaJ agantsi said premiss sad un this Mo[[gage <br />atsd the Band zecwed [haeafiy, uetut€+itltnyucnuY.!urmsh apprun:J uuuran;:c u{run the buJJtngs ehateun ui ilea rout t:t c 55,ODD. DD ptyahk <br />to aid ASSOCIATION; atpay to surd hSSOCiAT'1iJN u{xrr demanJ all money by et patJ tixr sutit lasts, ru,assmems anJ msutanct wdh ntmcest at <br />the maxinmm legal rate thtret*n from Jate ui paynx ut all of wtuch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay, (?ernui nu waste on sand prenu+ts; kelp and comply <br />with all !ha agraanreu[s and .xxndtlauns of the Bernd fm ~,. 55,DDD. QQ titu day given by t15e a+til Mortgagor Iu urd :155tM'IA'i7(.JN, attJ comply <br />with aB iht ragwre rntnts of the Coosutnnon and By'-Laws of xaid ASSIX'IATHJN; then them prestuts stroll P,tconre nub and void, utharwrstx they <br />sitaPl retrtahr m lull iLtat nnJ nutY be i+ntckrseJ rtt the vptrou ol'tha scut ASSLx'IA PION altar tadwt tut three muntlts to reaps auy ut sarJ <br />payntcests of 6t ibrtk srwnths ut autaas m making saW nwnthly payurtnts, ar a: ker.p and mnrpiy wnh the ugratrmtnts and cmtdrnuns of cud Bond; <br />-aod Mtotgaltot agrcr.y to have a rctasava appoutitd f of thwtth nt sua}i torautustut prrxaWingv_ <br />n tia;re is anY change ut uwturshep of fire real estate mortgage) Ittrein, by sale ur otharwtse, t}eau the tntirk tenaaming irtdebttdueis heroby <br />sei:arad shell, at the trtHiun o(1 Ftk t#quitable Buifdtn~ and Ltxaa Asstisiatiart of (-rant Isy,.nd, "tahrg,yg, I+ecrartta irnrtMdWtaly rites and payable wilhaut <br />funhtr rmtka+, sad tits artwum rerrutrning due umier aid bond, and any other bond fat any addihunal udvancts made tharoundar, shall, from the <br />date ni exercise of card spinet, bear uet€rest at the ntaxmrwn !seal rate, and thin nwrtgagt nwy thin ha inroslused to sahsfy the anwtutt Jue an said <br />ttaetd,mid arty other ixrnd for additio»al advsncrss, ttrgathar with utf xuuvn {ratil by s:uJ 1'hc f;atuitalrPa Building artd Loaa Assttctatian of Craad !stolid, <br />Nabraak'a for insurattct, texas xaid aasassuttrta, slid atrxtractmg extensrsn elaarges, with u~ttrtst ttteroun, fecal, Jatt of paynxtu at the ntautrnan <br />talc-. <br />hs pravidad en tilt Bong sz;,prttd ht[eby, whits this muztJ{age ranwmx ~n artist rho nrurtgagrx guy hereafter advatte:a adddioreal sums w flu <br />ripJtars at said Road, tttep assigps or succksia?rs in irrterest, wiucPt xun;s shalt lx within thk a+:curity ul this nwutgage she scan: as ilia hinds origuraBy <br />secured lhertby, ilia total ;tttumnt of putwJpal dabs not to axcuad at vty 4rtu: ^m att{yutrl aamunt of 11us na~rtgage, <br />)h~Jtttis ll~i3 sjay al Jfiiy ).-#t, Irate-r <br />Ri ard` I.. derv.:; - .._.~..__..._.__... / n t fly .,~ `" ",,t,;,t~... ~...~. <br />Connie J. " nyder Judith C. Widhalm <br />;,~Tr~r~ or Nf~lirlSlU, <br />ss. CSutltu nth. day at Juiy tar ~Q ,httorattM. <br />L'Ot1NTY 0I~ HAF..1, <br />the nadctsrgtkJ, a Nataty 1'ttblic m auJ Eat saaJ tbw-try,t~ •ra:?naliy cattK <br />Richard L, Snyder and Connie J. Snyder, husband and wife, AND John A, Widhalm and Judith t.. <br />Widhalm, huStaand and wife who arE? patsunatty enu+vn t,t <br />tits tat Fu; tiu tdantica! patron 5 svlagse ttaµte S dre aPPixei{ to rPu: ab.r.c rrtslmttant as niortgagut 5 ard they scvttaBy <br />at~x.nawkcgad iht said inat[uvtent to be th@i C votwstarY act and JktJ. - . <br />t}'I'FRiF ttay haul and NotariatScal tPtc Gatti alortsatJ. <br />My Cnmmrssnan cxPi:cs ~~`~? <br />6[gEkAt ttGIAhY u ; ~ -t ~t1a ! Napery sy~i,tic <br />i9z&tra at JC} t?t bra' '~ t S~ .. - <br />Aiy~u it n~-_t l -r-«-,t <br />