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$~--~;~ <br />MORTGAGE - <br />MaRrcaGE toa*1 No. L 23, 722 <br />xxowaLLMENBTTHESEeRESENTS:That Quentin L. Hooker, a single person, and Wilda I. Hooker„ <br />a single person <br />Thirty-five Thousand and No/100_--------------------Mortgagor, whethertmeormore,inonttriaatationof~t <br />Iw,ned to said tsartgagarc by The P.quirabk Wdiding and Luan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon - 350 , of sttick'of- . <br />raid ASS~IATION, Certifrate No. L 23, 722 , du hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION tits fiillowutg,- - <br />d!xcribed real estate, situat!xi in Hall County, Ncbradta: - <br />LOT FIFTEEN {15), IN BLOCK TWO (2) <br />IN BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together with aft the tenements, hareditamcr.ts a[td appurtenances thereunto hetongiag, including attached 11oor tm~erings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equigmen[ and acteswries thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and ether fixtures and equipr:terrt new ur irerrafter attached to ur used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dtrs hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assemrttnts levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon thts mortgage and the bond secured thereby t!eCure the same strati become delinquent; to famish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said prcmrsns situated in.thr sum of $ 35,QDD, DD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver [o said <br />ASSOCtA'TTON the puhcies Cor said insurance; and not w commit ur permit any waste tin or atwui said premises: <br />?n wse nC default ir•. the perfortnaa[ce tit any of the r=rm<artd ccmdrtium .mot [iris mortgage or the bond secured hereby, rho »tortgatgx shalt, <br />tin denund, be entitled to immediate pnsiessrun u! ==-he murtragod prrn»:<es and the nxutgagux hatch}- assi~is, transfers sad sets ever to tht <br />rrturtgaoee all the rents, revenues told mwmc to tw darivrd Crom the nxn igagad premius during suet time as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgages shall have the twwar to app<t:rtt arty again ar agents tt mnv desire fur the pmrrose oP rep!dring said premises ttnd renting <br />the same and coliectiteg the rents, revermes and ineunrn, anJ a may [ ~y nut of xatd income all expenses of repairing said premises and nc xssarY <br />tit <br />-- ntmrsinns and expenses inrnrreo in teoung arts nana~.q, tit ssRte -ud ! run stir -rnrals thcrefiom: the t?atancc remaining, iC any, io be <br />applxd toward d~ d;sl!nrge + f said . ~ *tg-ter. it.ettb._1,.e~..t:e_, r.firt.. r..:,._ .:w.,~aFC4- r,aY ;>e exercised at any ti[tm dtufng the sxistsrce sf such <br />treraLLir, :rias~rii4 R: any teRtiglafy '~aeier !,i t»c' 33iiic- <br />'ftyTsr, F4ecenle~ h.t!, 3:.. ~..,.,.. ,1.,. [•,,,,. t.+...,. a'1.-tee .r ,F.. _._.,, rf....e....._. <u...+, a i+ _` _ _- _ <br />_ _,aa. ,c,xsv '.a;`' iuati .;n i " uGfsF,< iAie ~ ~t~etti <br />payr~nt pay mo -thly i said ~SStX. i [-fIU4 .Cat awn +pemuca i r to Ikmd . .ore i hr!oby ax in[amst rd pnnppai tin said lua r m tit before <br />itte •i~x~ntierh day of t..dr and ~ ry murrY,,.mcr staid loan is f uriy patu; pa; it rase.. umi usxsxsrnrnts levied against said premises and on this hinrigage <br />and the Hand secured tttercby, Mtirre de(inqucnc} ; funustt app[ovrd !nswancr u}xm !ht'. buildings ihorcun ra the sum of 3 35 ,QDD, DD payable <br />to said ASS(X'IATlC3N: repay to said ASSIX'IATION upon demand all nltmcy by a paid fin such laxos, assas~rnents and insunrnce with interest nt <br />the maximum legal rate [hererm Crum dale o!' payn[ant ult of which Moti_gaeur he[eby agrees to pay: pennu no waste tin xard prrmisax,krop and cmnply <br />with ail the ngraentcnts sad cmtditicux tit ihr &n:d tart £ 35, DDO DD ibis day grvan by the said Mo[igagur Ur xafd A,Stitlt[IATION, and comply <br />with all the reyuiranunts uC rho ('unsuu!tion and Hy-L1ws of said AtiStJ('IA7lC);N, thin these presents shaA become ±tull and vmd, uthorwtaa thtlY <br />shall remain in full I'urce and may be turscfostd at rho option of the card aStitjCFA'1'tUN after failure fm three months to make any tit card <br />payments or be three nxrnttu m arreau in making said ^uuuhlY letYttxutx, m to keep mid comply wdh the agteoincnts and conditions of said Mond; <br />mid Mortgagor agrees to hays a receiver appoin[e~d furt7tw»tr m sac-It furecduswr prn~xedtugs. <br />If there is any cbangrs in csvtxtahip of the real estate tuurtgagad ttrrein, by sale ur athetwise, then the enure retnafniag mdobledness hereby <br />secured shalt, at the option of The tLyuttahte Ihtitding attd Luau Axstx~iatiun of grand raised, Nebraska, boeurtte irnntediatcly duo and payable without <br />t'urthet notice. attd t!w atrntunt rnaiain:ng :foe m:det said :.ars!i3, and any other frond fur any addititinaf adva»aas tirade thereunder, shah, from the <br />Jato of axarcisa nt'said uputnt, bear utteiest at the mnxanum legal cute, and this mortgage ma,y than be foreclosed to xaUSiy the amount duo on said <br />bond,and any outer Iwnd is additiurwi advnnax, u,gelher with all sums paid by said 1'he fiquitabla building and Luan Asx(rciauun of Grand Island, <br />lNabtasfia foe insutauac, texas and axu:~rwuts, and absuaturtg axteufion ctrxtges, with intutcet therzun, Crum data ui }rayuuru at the nmxunwn <br />,.pal ialC.~ ...-''~`'~~,, <br />~~.s p,ovidt{d in rtes. F3und ssctucd hareiry, while this nwitgage ronums tit street the nxritgagec pray hareaC[rr advanue addttuutal autos lu the <br />ors of said F~nnd, their assrgru ur wcy~-~z'ssUxs m ituere t which sums shall tin within dx s+:auniy of [hrs mungago the settle as rho foods originally <br />`tired th~,**arolty, thu tole! arnount of ppr~ficipat debt nut t > sxtvad at any tuts Uu -n}t nal amour[ tit this »xn'tgngs. <br />tt~f~d ft's Bt f `/ ia, t:€ 91f l,, .. z , t ~ SO <br />ti.._ <br />Qut?nt'•n L. oo r ~ r <br />~t:.~.~.~_E~,. ____._.__.. _ <br />` Wilda I. Hooker <br />STAVE fl€~ NIsSl2ASKA, ~ ~, pit tltiy 8th. ti y of slut y t't 8D , irolura era, <br />- CQl1N'I'F' OF tlaLL <br />- - tt>r undcutgnad, a Nrrtaty 14rblic in and fur c:ud ('Query, peisunntty wtnc <br />Quentin L. Hooker, a single person, and Wilda I. Hooker, a single ~~rson <br />u are potumally known to <br />nu to be the idcn4wl persextS whoa,. nan;a S are affixed to the nboye ursuumant as ~urigagur S and ~tl~,;-` !~evcrally <br />ack.nowledgad the Bald insttunu:nt to be their voluntary act and decd. - <br />Wi~ h[ S1 ntY hard Notarial Seat [ha <± .a , Carzsaid- '~ <br />tai, G-mn;iq .w -°_ - - t ---~~ _ _ ,-, / i r% <br />-~ :n i Yaiaur st t. of Mahrasta ~ - ~ . 1 ~ ~ ~f~ :: ,~,_ <br />' JQY fh. OkRLLEY mac-,...,.fir „~ . - -. ~ ~-G,~ .S <br />taxaxu xt 13~.~. ...r - /j Nr~F} Pu - <br />MY Gumm. Fate. savt, t, 1961 ,, <br />