<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NQ L ~ s 720
<br />HISOwAt.LMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:Titat Arnold C. Wens and Linda C. Ydenn, each in his and-her _ -~~-
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgpgor, whether one or rrmrc_in consideration of the tam of
<br />Thirty-three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and No/100----------------- --i)OLLCRS
<br />Itraned to said atortgagor by The Equitable Budding attd Loan Association of f rand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, uptm 336 afiarzs of stark of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,72D , do hereby grant, convey and trrortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the faQoviin6-
<br />d•.scst'bod real estate, situated in Hall Cotutty, Nebraska:
<br />together with a6 the tznements, herzditaments and appurtenances thrrzun[o hzlungmg, including attached Hour coverings, a!I window saeens,
<br />window sttadex, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acttswties thereto,pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and cgUipmcnt now or heresftzr attached to ur uwd in wnnastiun with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the aid mungagur etas agreed and dues hamtry agree that the mortgagor shalt and well pay all taxes and sssessments levied or
<br />assessd upon said premises and upon this mortgage and thz bernd scored thereby bzhrrc the same shall become delinquent; to furttir#t approved
<br />inwranctt upon the buildings un said prerru_<s siiu;ttod in the sum of S 33 , 6DD. DD payable [a said ASSOCIATION and to dzbver Eo raid
<br />ASSO('fATiON the palterer fur said insurantx: and not hr brmmit ur fxrnut any waste on or aM>ut said premises:
<br />in wse at dzfault in tlw perf rman.-t o#~ any of tP,z terms ar:u .;:rudifiun; u3 this rttorigage or the bo d szrured hereby. the mortgagee stta6.
<br />mt tlentand, err entitled to imrttcdiate [xrsssxion of the ;nortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby asvgns, transfers and sets over to Ehe
<br />rrarrtgagce all the roots. revenues and income to he derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the nturtgage indzbfedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the rtxrrigagre sha31 }rave the power to appoint any agent ire agents tt may desire fur the purpose of rcpairirtg said premises and renting
<br />the same and arllecting the rents, revenues and income, and J mxy pay out oC said incumo al4 zxlxnss of repairing said premiss and necessary
<br />catttmisssuns and expertses incurred in renting ;urd nranagitrg the same auJ u? Enllectutg rentals iftzrefrum; the balance remaining, i€ env, err bz
<br />applied toward thz dise;hatge of satil murt~gt i.^.drht~Jrteas :l:esc t;t.±:ts of ala_ ::atr!g±gii t„ay b? exeres,~ed n! :.ny [ir*.X dtuing the r_vstence of cur!}
<br />detpUiF, irrz-~pezfvz of ary ienrt*r+~ry wa;vzr ui }tie saner,
<br />`"' ihrsnts .. •!:" tdi! Tito..[, ,h.. .vt 4t., - ~ha1t . i.l ITti„ _.. _r hn(,s__ thr s,lv~ - _d -¢}•ar~ by
<br />paymznta pay monthly to aid A.ti`~i)t'iATI(7i oe tirz~smrt spectfxdTPn Pew vunzt`~~saucd hart v ns nearest and pnnr,rpaf a saPB ioa ,ore oe lrzfare
<br />tfre `twentieth day ut rat;h sod every :rrantit, lentil acid foau Ps ~ try paid; pay ail razes and ors :ss ~ant5 ic.ied against -rev prerr?ises arri an i.-tis ~1ar~#gage
<br />and the Bond srcwrd thereby, belore dohnqurn y:lunnsh approved inswancr. ulwn the buddings drereon in [he Burn of 5 33,6DD. DD payable
<br />to said ASS()LIATION: repay to aaiJ ASSOCIATION upon demsnd a!1 Homey by ~t pard tuc ouch taxes, assexsmmsts and msmance with uUrres[ at
<br />the maximum legal rate therzmt fmm date of payment alt of whrch MUrtgagur harcby egrcrs to pay, permit nu waste au said premises; keep and comply
<br />with all the agrzctttr>nts and condthmts of the Eland lire i 33 r 6QQ, QQ th:a day grveu by the sviJ bktrtgagw err w:d ASS(XaATI(lN, and wmply
<br />with alLthe reyuiretnents of d~n• tbnsutunun and By-Laws of said ASSCx'iA710N, tt+en rhrsz presents shall becunta null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall rotnain in full &vce and map hr farcioszd a[ ihr upturn oC the xuJ .4SS0(.9 AfION alter tedute for three months w make uuy uP seed
<br />paytPnnls ur ba throz rtumths ut arrears ut making said nnadh(y puynrruts, of to keep anJ comply with the agtcemams and c~ondi[ians uCsaid Bond;
<br />acid Mortgagor agars to have a retein•r appeinted furthwnh in sUCh foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If thzre is any ctani~ tPt owuztshtp of the teal estate ntcutgaged hzrr.n, 6u sale ut athrrw[sz-, learn tix entire rcnutittiug utdobteileuw hemby
<br />scurzd shall, at the upturn of Tht 1-'yuitabk Building and t:oan Asiax~iaturn of (;rand lsiand, Nzbtaxka, beuanu inutrrdiately due and payahk without
<br />feather ntsi4r~, and ihr a;rnrunl rz-;rahting du=- undzr aai bond. acrd any stir: Fond for any additrunai ad ~tP•„`a nwdz Uxszunder, shall, t;um !rte
<br />date of zxrrcisa ul' urd upturn, bear interest at the maxtmuw legal rate, and this mortgage ritay thzn lw Ibrcdused to satisfy the antuuni due un said
<br />bond,and any other bond for addtdunal adrances, argztlwr with all scans pard by card The fiquitnbk Bwlding and Laaan Assucbttlun of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for igsueance, fixes anJ avesxtmnts, and abstracting oxtcusiuu chatpcs, with rutr.~est thereon, from Ants of p~aynwnt at the maximum
<br />kgaltatz.
<br />As pmvidrd in rtu Bomi seemed hereby, white Ntis nturigage tenwurs m eCtt,a [rte mortttagre auty horrattex advaaca additwnnF soma to elta
<br />makers ui seal Br»td, their aasigiu .,r sur~ssurs in interest, which runts shad be within the xemity ut this nrottgagz the s'aux as the funds uriginatiy
<br />-secorrtt thereby. the total amount ,.f prnicipal debt not to zxcaed at any simz ihr original amount uC[his mortgage.
<br />_ 17_.~t ibis ?ctrl - 'ty ~. Qi_t_ 1 }• n. P , '" RQ
<br />_ _.. _. __
<br />Arn C:, eon ~; „ ; ;
<br />p. ~~ ~ ~ ~.
<br />Linda C. Wenn
<br />S'fATf:OF NEBRASI:A, ~ ~. nn this 2nd day of Q U ~ V !^> i3Q . brfuro sic,
<br />C04rN1'Y ON MALI.
<br />the undnxtgrtcJ, u Nwxry f`ut:lir. ut and fur seed County, prrwttally came
<br />Arnold C. Wenn and Linda C. Wenn, each in his and her own right, al~t~inas spouses ~n~akr~ neoet
<br />~ are
<br />tin is tie lho identical pcrw:u g w;roso Harm S are afTixed tc, ttw alruvz inxtrm[xaai as aloe tgagar S and they svztaAy
<br />7
<br />acknnwIedged the sarkd btsfnmunt to bz their vvimttuy act and died. -
<br />~'I73N1iSS my lran;i an..a N~•taria! tiea! !ice date aferesaid. ~ r _
<br />GEtltattRG ~tt~ ~ o--[ ~--:~;~a - *~iirs~y ru},Sic - .
<br />~~sarta st dQY M, f3f> tY
<br />th rata n. CtiP~ pie i, t$d4~
<br />