<br />MORTGAG£IAANNO. L-23,723-
<br />~'Owgt-LnfENS~€`rHis£pRi?seNTS_Ttrat Richard L. Snyder and Connie J. Snyder, husband and wife
<br />AND John A. Widhalm and Judith C. Widhalm, husband and wife
<br />Mortgagor, aditether o~ or tttott; in consdetaFpn ttf the-~ of
<br />Fifty-three Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------- DOI3:AR3
<br />laanea to said mortgagor by TFte Equitable Building and Loan Asxaciation of Grand Island, Nebrssita, Mortp~gee, upon. 530 steates of stxltof
<br />rtid ASSOCIATION, Ctrtittrau Na. L 23, 723 , as ttreby grant, t»nvey artd rnattgage unro the xsid ASSt]L9A3'tON°iLe-faBawing --
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall Cntmty, Nebraska: ~ - -
<br />together with alt life terrertxnts, ttrtdrtamtnts and appurtenances rhertuntn txbngtng, tncludirw attached flour coverings, all window xrtxna,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm wmaows, awnings, testing, atr wnditianint, and plumbing and water cywptrtent artd acavsories tttrttn, pumps,stotcs,
<br />refrigerators, and othtr fixturts and eyuipnxnt now or hereafter attncfred~hr or aced rn cunrxcunn with card rest cstatt.
<br />And wF,creu tltt said rtwrtgagur has agreed and Berea hereby xgrr:r that the mortgagor sha[i and will pay all taxes and essresanents levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon t`tis n,ortgagz and ibr lsund scoured thertlsv baton ttc saint stall 6teasnte delingtxnt; to fettnistt apptvved
<br />inawanct upon thr bwidings un said premiats snuattd uz tiro sum of S 53 ,ODO. DO payatk in viJ ASSO(.'IATtON and to dekivar to said
<br />A5SIX;iATION the poiitirs for said instuancx..utd no! t , annrmt ur perms nny wash uu ur atxaut saad premises;
<br />!n tax of default m the perfarmanct of any of tht terms and cemdiuuns o€ ehts rnnrt2sgr or the bond stturtd hereby, the nn rtgagee shall,
<br />nn dtatand, trt entrikd to imrr,esiiate pusetssion of ttzc n:vrtgaged prcrntsts and tht nx rtgagur htttby auigtu, transfers and sru over to tfie
<br />murtpa$rr aIi iht rtnu, rtvxntets amt mrorste to tx dtrrved [rom iht rruntga¢ed premises durrng such Burt a the mortgtrgr hrdrbtedrrta shag rctitain
<br />wpaid; ar:d tht mm~gagee shall hava the prrwer in appsntst any agent ur agtnis n m2y Jrarre fnr titr twrtxat of rtpairitgt said premises and renftrtg
<br />lift xatitr and mlltciinQ rstt rents, rcvrntres and incises. snd n. n+ay pay Brut ui said inrumt ail rxprnz*'s of repaisiug saiti prtrxsazs and rttcexsary
<br />tcsztrminsnsH* asld ttpt>~.s€s tn~urstd hz s~~itxtg xsnnga:g t#<e nrr anJ ~ ,..-tle~ :ng :~s;t.:s rt - ^:; t?st Halance, ttnrsiuhzg, if one, (o t-><-
<br />ay,•t.Y h :/:: v .atjte :, t ,)its' 7 ,s.e... n - t - rir5,iulGC , ul (~ cx2ri:,x at ai am iiiTie doling nn txi~ten2 tit iJtii
<br />Jetaulr, urcsprctis~t oil any trmryrsary warvr+ of the sans
<br />These Prextnts, nnwevtr, a e upon rite f'nnJrvon, i Foe vt thz uzJ ?anrtg:;#~rt <Finli repay card lino v =~ nufum the nwtuuFY of vuJ stares by
<br />pavrrmrn. ~ r~.r+ ~ s +~~s~.. +.4Tif ~ ~~ _ tc isa : = tr:_ ii«.ru sr : u i=rc:=r ~ ..ne_rc.i a::a p inupai c xatd Turn. un ur tsiure
<br />ttr Twrntxttr day of eatit asJ curry rzmoth. u?ml vrJ`hran rs ~hJly p'e d, ply an taxeaaml aastsasnrnt+ #rv7ad sy„ vtsf said p¢mtsrz and un ors Mortgage
<br />arrd tbt Bona secure) thesaby, brf ne dthrzyuency. f rurusFs apptuw:J msarasset upon the budJ+tsgs tlmrrrrn w the sum of 3 ~ 3 ,000. QO Fmyabk
<br />isr said ASS~fX.iA'TION, repay to sat) AS.SCx'!A'Tttl!d utxrn demand ah money by n part t.u snub taxes, asscasrntnts and insuran+x wtdr mttrtxi at
<br />the rnaxrmum legal rate thrrnrn from Jatc ut payment an ut wtsch Mnrtg;tKUr l+zrtby artres to pay.tserrnst nu wattr un said prtuusrs: keep and cutnpty
<br />with a#i ttc agretmm~ts and pmJttusnx ut tbt Bon) t,^t $ 53 rQi](}, QDthss Jay grveu ty thr xnu1 ~tongaaur to sasJ ASS{XIATtON, and wmpiy
<br />with all tlrc rrytHrrnKnis u€ tlsc f:urrsu[utson and !ly-Laws of ssrd AAiS[><.'t A'TIf1N; ifzrn thrsc prrxnts shall hrwnx nsdt and vosJ, uthecwise tbry
<br />slta9 tensaur in tut! Inter and ureY bt €oscciustd at tht capons ui rht said AS5C3('IA llL4N utter Luhrrr lac there muatbs to makr a.uy of wteJ
<br />paymems or tx three months rn arrrnrs n+ oinking ss+J nxsntti) gaymtnta, or to kcrp anJ cumpFy wnh tits sgrttmzntx and vnduiuns of said Band;
<br />and Murlgpgsx agretx to hour a tr^aravzr opts>nueJ fenehwult in such force&sswr ine.>x-ruvluzgt.
<br />if ittere rs any t:Sungt w awiu.rsiup ui tix teal rsutr rrxrrtgaycd twrorn, by xa#t ur uthr:rwsse, then tht entirt remasning indabtadtres, Iw,ehy
<br />.~ttrrtd stiatl, et tfx epfxn uf'rtst !-~ n'trbli ~ ildat:g nt'_st l.:+an Asxxsatxs:, of f'ta:xF lsknd,N:lrro. ;'a,4At;imtt hun~,lrataly dot arul payable wthunt
<br />furtitet nuszwr, anJ tfu nmcsuat rcnwwirsg Bur undrr rani iron). and uny utfrrr bon) €ur any adduirrruJ advanaYS tnxtk thereunder, ttutll, from tfw
<br />data csl rxrrcut u(sa84 aptiurt, trear mirtrai at #izr a?axmiurn legal rata, and this uxxtga$t nary Oren bt ('ore 3cxsrd to aatizF'y tht anwunt dot sw soul
<br />bond,atxl ariy ugws bond irn additu3na4 advasi.xu, ta~ttsrr wuh all swrss t>:ttJ try saw 1'Ttc Fymtable Bui{durg and l~rart Ass~suLstaurt of (.rats( island,
<br />t«atyraska (tx inwrutcr, tsxtz anJ asscwuoems, ana aLntsrartut,t txttn+xan ehaigts, wnt mtrrtsr thntoo, from Jalt of payuttttt at ttre nsaxtmum
<br />~~-
<br />As pruvukd to #ht Butnf secure) hztrhy, wkcite tars muetgagt tenwns ru effrcr t#te tr»xsgagtt uny htn•aficr advttnur addnicxrat sutra to ttw
<br />trtakctx of said Bond, tt?eu axsi#tas szr s:trsts~JCS ue mfr?est. zs=blots swiss slurp W wstttils tFrt r czuitY ut tttiz trxrttgage ire sarsK as the Cimds nttgirsally
<br />sreutcd ti~tcby, ttte less! amount of pnnci}vJ J+•tit nut to txcra-d at uny tins itzt suigucai a:€xxun of thrx sizuntKxgc.
<br />_t~tedttus 8th~„ ~,tyr,t Ju1Y ~,sxl.,te.+~'s0
<br />{
<br />-.~ ~,..~' ,ter ~ -fit, _"~ ~-- .,.___.......
<br />~r~~~, ~ ~~~~~~ ~, ~ r
<br />Connie. J. 'Snyder "~x v ~ t ~ ~ la m
<br />xc. tin rtir, firth. cap u# JU 1y t•1 t5Q brlute aw,
<br />C'tTLiN"fY 411= BALL
<br />- rtro rux4trsagiuJ, a Nistaty Puhlm in aril tlrr soul Ctowtty, per xaawlty ctarw
<br />Richard L. unyder and Connie J. Snyder, husband and wife, ANO Jahn A. ldidlta]m a(td tudith C.
<br />fvidhalm, husband and wife ~~ „.#"' at•e ;rrtahtally ktraiv;aw
<br />rs+~ Was t{st ideniirat p~rsasut $ w} tiaxr>fi S dr8 afYtrszNi 6o ttu ath.rc irtsi.r+#ussnt as nxr~iga,ustt S and they scsvra#ly
<br />aekr ~ywtrad the saki itzsirrit S+. trr lilt ai r vuSmitary az:t and dtsd.
<br />Li3TNi:,SS my Ftatut roof. Notarusl Seal flu Batt aksresaw- - _
<br />A3}_ Cbri:uts,n c~rr>;a _ "'``~ _ _ J ~'~•
<br />s€reeat t!~ ur vt i € aat:sa,ta ~ :~ ,~,~ t~`
<br />tnhsw xr ~i?Y Fd !a A,La,kr ,/
<br />.__W..~,.-._.. _ ,....--~
<br />