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<br />-230--A8r®emeat far Warreatq Dasd 'rue anirm,n o«nana s>arnrr a>;a~, t.v~,w, hen:.
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<br />THIS AGREEMENT, made this 21st daY of D e c e mb e r
<br />}
<br />Louis J. Roschynialski
<br />ry ? 9 ,between
<br />hereinafter referred to
<br />as thesetler(s)ond Donald A. Dennhardt, Jr., and Cathy S. Dennhardt, husband
<br />and wife, as joint tenants with rights of survivo~eretergre~er~e~~oc~d~th~~.~
<br />~~~R~3•SF.TH, that the seller(s) hereby rovenant(s) and agree(s) that if the buyer(s) shall farst make the -¢al
<br />mtrnt(s) and parfornc the covenants Irerrinafter anentioned ors leis, her or their part to be made and- performed, the sa+
<br />saler(s) agree(s) to furnish buyer(s) a good and sufftcient abstract of title shourixg a merchantable title of recaid'1
<br />the premises hereinofter described in the seller(s), and wilt convey and assure to the buyer(s), in fee sintpte, cdear of a
<br />eneumbrarues except as stated herein, by good and su~icicxt Warranty Deed, tlse fallozrring tat, piec¢ and -parcels
<br />-.ground, to wit:
<br />Lot Ten (10) and the Easterly Twelve and Eight Tenths (12.8) feet of Lot
<br />'Nine (9), Block Twenty two (22) in iiussel Wheelers Addition to the City
<br />,of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />i n-
<br />F
<br />,
<br />And the-said buyer(s) covenmrt(s) grad agrees/ to pay to said seLler(s), tfee Burn of $ 30,000.00 '
<br />Thirty Thousand dollars and no cents DOLLARS;
<br />in the manner following: i
<br />Dollars, cash in hand paid, the receipt xuhereof is hereby acknowledged, and She balance payable: {
<br />Buyer agrees to pay seller rent payable commencing September 30, 1980,
<br />in advance monthly in the amount of $350.00, at the residence of seller
<br />Louis J. Roschynialski, or at such other place as the seller shall direct] '--
<br />Buyer is hereby granted an option to buy said property anytime within
<br />60 days after commencement-of the rental payments which begin September 3Q,.
<br />1980. Lessee agrees to furnish such items as carpet, paint, wallpaper, a>d,
<br />paneling as may be agreed upon between the parties of this lease, and said-.
<br />rent shall also be credited for the amount of rental paid with the above items
<br />as ^ dowr, payment nn ...'•i premisPS. ehnntri 7t,c~eP r~vnrricp rh;~ gin, Chien
<br />lessee is not obligated further unaer this lease aad in not required, to make
<br />further lease payments beyond the month that ehe option is ~..ti~~uted. The
<br />option may be executed by written notice 4'rom lessee to lessor..ailed)
<br />at his home address.
<br />with interest at the rate of per cent par annum, payable on ih€ evhale sum remai»- .
<br />ing tram time to tbn€ unpaid, and to pay all general taxes, that tree}r b€ legaltp levied or imposed upon said land, sub-
<br />seguenl to the year and all instatGnents of special assrssrrtants er specie! ta.ras becoming due r,r dalinyunnt
<br />after and keep the buildings in a reasonable state of repair and insttrad
<br />far $ !f there is a ntortgnge an said property, pay interest and trues thereon up to
<br />It is nnHanil_y ngeeed that tirn€ is err rss~aiia! dement in this crrntrarr. .~lnd it r further :,
<br />agrtnd that in case of any payment, aytl'tar of prinripat or interest, rernttirting unpaid for a space aj duy.r.
<br />after the saute shall beeurne dna, and in Bose rJ failure n( sloe said buyers/ to make any u( the alan•snid rt~•ments ,
<br />provided for harvin ar the brcarh r,f any outer rea~nuarat corn kti+ted her€in, tltls contrtul sl:ali at the vaiion of tfa,- sr??ors s),
<br />ba forfeited aced detarniner! and ehe i?ary€r%s) ska11 1orf~iE alt payments made hCrcande`r, aced save?r pay+naetts shalt be i
<br />reiainad by the seller(s) rrs lirfuidaled damages in fat! satisJ<ufiun of all tit€ daarages seainined, arcd sxllerjsJ sna11 have
<br />the right to re-enter and take possessi:rn of .cnid premises ufurasnid.
<br />That thi_r aprearnant shall nn he isri{lnrd by bn}~rfs) ~eetltou< the u=rittKn eartr't°ret cf the s=~ll2ris).
<br />!t is ne:rtsu:hy agrasd thy' :r?l the :a~~t>ernts and agre.tnen.'s &;r~ira co:ak:inad slra?t r.rt~-ua to ~.nd (~o nblirntory
<br />upon the hairs, executors, ndminisb'atars and assigns of the respective pwtirs.
<br />IN Ft'IZ'NESS ZVHEliftpf%, the parties of these presents hax+e• hereunto sc•t their hands uad sa;rls floc drty awel year
<br />fu'st above a+ritten. / ' / -
<br />Signed, .seated and delivered in the presence„of t`.~r~'4. 'tS,!`:±Yet ~'a,. _(i_. S.)
<br />n ;
<br />' Edsaa nfi, In erle tt.Y~. ,;i f-t .,~ t :,, ~?_ s. -~~z /~ ~ ~~
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