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2.1 Revised 1578 <br />Huffman and Fcltan 8 WWi, iYaito4 Ne. 68467 <br />i~i~4~AlVT~I I~EE~ <br />David tiI. Runge and Margaret E. Runge, Husband ~ Wife, each in his <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other <br />................................................................................... Grantor. whether one or more. <br />in consideration of X12 Q©Q.:QO...t.`~'}4~~.Y.~..~hAUSaCtd..aTld..t10./.,.QQ--.------:-.-------.--) <br />........................................................... receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to <br />Regency Construction, Inc., A Nebraska Corporation, Grantee, <br />Roger~Lu~'~t, Presiden~~ <br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. ~ 76-201) in <br />............ Hall ......................... County. Nebraska: <br />'Phe Alortheast One Half {NE?s) of Lot Fourteen (14), and Lot Fifteen (15) except the <br />Nort.}laast 2n' thereof, n Rlork ~Lree r;l Second addition to HolcomW`s Highway <br />i-Tomes Subdivision tc the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follrnvs: Cotm•~encing at the Southwesterly Corner of Said Lot Fourteen (14); <br />thence Northeasterly along the Northerly Right of Slay of Wyandotte Street for 42.30 <br />?+'eet, to the point of beginning; thence Dlorthwester:Ly rind parallel to the t~lesterly <br />property line of said Lot Fourteen (14) for 116.1, feet to a point on the Northerly <br />property line of said Let Four"teen (14); thence Northeasterly along the Northerly <br />propery line of said Lot Fourteen (14) for 36 .' feet to the Northeasterly Corner of <br />said Lot Fourteen (14); thence Northerly along the i~lesterly property line of said Lot <br />Fi#'teen f15) for -2.1 feet to the D;orthwesterly Corner of said ?,ot Fifteen (151; thence <br />Northeasterly along the Northerly property line or_" said dot c'ifteen (15) "or 55.00 feet <br />to 3 point 20 feet '.+esterly t'r~n the :~?ortheasterl corner of said t,tt '; (teen ;151 ; thence <br />Southeasterly and parallel to the Easterly [;roperty line of said l~,t. Fifteer, (:5 for i38.2 <br />feet to a point cn the Northerly Rir-Y;t of tiny ~~f Wyandot,te :,.reel;; t.i.ence :~,outhwps_te_rly <br />along the idartherly Right of Why ci' Wyandotte ~;treet 1C5. Pet tc the L:oirt ol` <br />begi: mid. <br />1.~.. <br /> <br />C.~ <br />