~l) -UC,°533~
<br />That the Mortgagor will, pay"the indebtedness-as lyereinbeEoce,pravided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is the dwner of said property in fee sitrple and has good- right and fawfu[ authority Lo se}I and -
<br />cronvey the same and that the same-isfree and-clear of any lien or-eneiimbrance; and #fiak-Mixi-tgagor wilt warrant-arxl~defend:tha I
<br />title to said premises against -ffie "claims of all -persons whomsoever..--
<br />Ta pipr -immediately when due- sod payable a14 gederal Lases, special -taxes, special essessmenis, water charges, sewer sere- - _
<br />tee charges, and-oilier-"tares and charges against. said -property; and~att-taxes Levied on the debt secured hereby, and'[o.itrrtriah-the
<br />Mortgagee, upon-:.e'equest-~. with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there sha11'be added~~fo_
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated "hy the-Mortgagee -
<br />to be sufficient`. kn `enable-the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due: a!1 taxes, aesessments, and similar-charges-upoa:th'e pram- -.
<br />iszs subject thereto; arty deficiency because of the irssufFciency of Bitch additioriai payments shall-he fotfbwitK deposited"bythe
<br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand b the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a default in
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, or similar ri,arges required hereunder. -_ - - -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that tlrere shall also t>e added ttr each monthly payment a[ principal and interest iequired here-
<br />^nder an amount estimated by thr• Mortgagee Gr be sufficient to enable the bortgagee to pay, as it benomes due, the insurance-.
<br />premium nn nny insurance policy delivered to thr Mortgagee. Any deficiency because a( the insufficierscy of such additional, pay- ""-_ -
<br />menL shall t>e forthwith deposited try the ldartgagor with the M1iortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagen. Any default under this - -
<br />paragraph shall kae deemed a default m the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited-are such as home-`
<br />owners or all rink polirie?, and thr• det!awt s ~ufficicnt to pay the roil re pr+•mium, the M1tnrtgagee may apply the deposit to
<br />pay premiems on oaks required to be insured by this morlgaP,e.
<br />Payment made by the \SartRa;!ar under the strove paragraphs may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be helei~hy. if"and
<br />camrninglc~l ~F~ith other rt. -h funds „r its owe fund, .'.,r the ptvvmrnt o:.uch its ms. and anti! so applied, such payment-, are hereby
<br />pledged as secunr~ for the w:patd balance oC thr morrgage mrie Medreac To ~tehY.•r t.. , rd r ninta!a lnr the henefil .>( the Mnrigagem during the hfe of this mart Rage original policies and
<br />pra~u re. '-~ n
<br />renewals thereof, dci w=~r.-J Ht least rrn dagu tw(arr- thr• .•,iu rztion =,(a ,uch ix>hr,e, r rrng a ama lire and uthrr in,urable
<br />hazards, asualtie_s, and rentingrncicw as the hiortgngce map require, in an amount equnlu to fhe-indebtedness secured by Phis
<br />Mortgage. and comparx-, arseptably to the Martgager, with h,ss payable daux• to (aver of and iv form acreptahle to the bfnrtga-
<br />gxr- Ir, the rant a ;r=.hc= ;- not :e - •wrd ., r ~.r i»:Pnae ten der°s »f it- rzprra€ron. the 'vi nrtga;;_ce may pr ire !nsura nc-e an the
<br />tmprouvments, pay thr pa thrr-«•ft:r. unrr s rrh < _ shell become immr•rhsG•I}~ due and payable with mterrst at the rniz' set
<br />Corth i .aid note nnnl pauirend -.i,all !x ., can-d h, t; }us ,errra¢e , , , - n the part oP the Mortgagor m furnish sack renewals
<br />as are herwn ryurnd ..r ladnn- t, pas u! nd.;,nnviehennm,i.•r ~.~haiL at th.• ~ptrnn .,f tht• Alortc;agee. constitute a default
<br />under ttte r, rms of this mnrtr;axe 1'h<- .i•~h~rr, ~,f .n: r, y,d.r!.•, ,hail !n th.• !,rot .,E default ,nnsnutte Hn assignment of thr,• un-
<br />earned pn•mrum
<br />.An , r ! ! n,-,I „ :. 11:,._ ., - . u"~n .i ....~ ,.r ., r. ,, -.:. «-rt aeanst ma, hr r!•[anmd by the M1lort gagee
<br />anri npphrd tow„ r. ,.rr pa. ,.r t!`~F rt },. ,, .~. .., rr.. ,,, nn ... • , .,, rtr:.. ~, -.. n. -u: +"dhc ,.-hot. :.r in
<br />part mar 1,., pa!,. ~, er r.. thr tit,,: tv;a;.•r t,• tR ,t•„•,9 r,~ r.•{,a r rr(, it.,,,l•f!ne•: ..r ... ~,AUId n, ,.~ hudd!nKs ,! their plat:- ~.r i:,r any
<br />other purity=«• , r ,,trg-et att_stat~i.:rr r.. +h,. a::rtsae«.:, .,:+h•~::! !c, :.u E -~:~ hrr_,.., th,• mart EZige far thr foil mm<_:un2 ;•._ured he rr
<br />by hr(cm such payment .•.er t,+.rk ;rlaco
<br />'1'„ pn:n!pti.' r(:n .rni.: r,~ ~~r n.,a,id .,.,, u._»n-,w i-»pn:,rnmut. mrw ..r n.,. t. r i. ,, r prerb!sr•n wh Ml: ! ~ }...
<br />r,me •hunaged ,> dent r. ry e,ir ! F,~rp ,u,i i•r. mr,,. iu ~ ,. .•-,+.1!rir. rr .-,nil r,. p.nr :, n.l [r. ~. frr.!n r _ -rchnnn~'e hen nr ..1 hc•r ~h.•n =r
<br />, r ~ .. t n ,
<br />rtaun t a oar st .yjs -,. i. r-anats•d c - C r~ i!rn --- a ~:,,, .tPtrr ._ .nut ,.a,aiw « r -tnti r:utsat,r«- t.. t~x sir
<br />.'til prvt rtr „„r l•a rot,a -.c „n _. .--r.„_,~ .r ... .. ... ...... .. ,,, ..: ,- .r .. -.rr-.,v ,_.,.. _: rRY-,a,e
<br />IE•t ,h!•S.:hit• r .. h. .r .~,. e - ..-r. I.. !, «. .. .. ... 1: .. !.-. ... h r. x€
<br />f 11H1 in sslf! , • - .F.-r .., a ,ni, .~e, .._ , .. ....... .n r-r!pr. ,•tri ,.rtr .: t -i
<br />{acnr<xh ng. +,r under !hr nght ,,, :! ..... ~ .•~ ~~: „ ,ar!rr !.ter ..: c ,.,," U.. r!t;e.:.-. ..re ii t.. ,stir ltd t„ .ill ,:rcn p.~naatura,.
<br />uward>,, and anti :,then pHym=nt -., „'h.-! !ham-:. f„r .,:,<I whHltif}»' e-n t!th~i r.,. ., ",;:t:,.:, !„ ,. „,,+rv r ,tpp,•;tr re, u;x! pr:.sat•u to to its
<br />awn narnr :toy Hctnrn ntau ., .. ..:Hti,- . ,. npr,.;,,,,,.- ~ -, !;I. :.,. ,.t -, .. , ~. ~.!~~-.: ,. !!t, .~:, l: .+k,n- .r •I.uv ..- ~~t! .r.!rh
<br />cam pensution, awaxls, da moan's, oght of sctn,n and pr .cola a :• herrby a.mr„r,rti to the MociKagea•, v.-hn nmv. aPh=r drducunr,
<br />thetrfram s!t its +,xf>r+'-s+'s, n•iraae arty. rnuna•r~+ s.. +e «.+6r u r :vp{,iy ibe~ -. -,t..anv ind«•hte•«h:«.4..,e rd hero=txy ~i'he Mort-
<br />gagor egress to .-x. -site -:;r~h faettrf r ._~, r,ntr. -ni- . , , .. ,... .. .. u..,.-,.., !K .r,-1 ,, , .,E -,. r~~r.:t!rr3 pr,n. «r7.. as the
<br />M1tor[gntt«e may requrrr
<br />"S'ifae t - ! cd iatiurr w perf,vm any of thr , a v, + not- henv,- the• : ortxuy;ee !* -~ ~n rh,~ bbutcns•:r • h.~halF ,~„ r.thmg
<br />ro nrvenantarc9~ ithat thv \t+.rti,agee ma•, at,:. Sn any a -t !i r!n i- ..-,_•::- -tr,- l.+ pr -t ---t th.- I.: •: th. r. •rt rlHri th«, \inrtgnr;c.r v.rt4
<br />rrpay ulx,n tfertcaud any mot ~y-s paid +ra rb±hursed hY the M„rtgaFe-+~ far any !,P fli« at ne p4 rp«xr+ and curb n,., !«•v, a:uether with
<br />inlcr€xt thanrn at the rate paraded in tcaul nuta• «.hatl iwr.a e ,n urh arithU,,nat m,iehte,tm:.. horeh•. ~,. urrvJ : nd r ,av ta• rm
<br />eluded in nny tlax-rv•e kvvcinsmi; thrn nurcty;eg< an,f hr pa!d . ~t ..t !i!,~ r,-n r. ,.r i:n e.•rd, ,,, .adr ,•F na ut premes<~, if and :•t h,-rw!se
<br />paid; lhat rt shall nut tx• of+hgnlory »p.!r fhr Alurtgnhrr to aniu:m mn= sh,- ~and:t, -.. ..n< hrn. !ewnlo~Hmti•~ r rlnun !u ad
<br />Yaia9flg mtmrtya as a1liiYC] aLL(tit,FtEeJt. bti lr n,)thtirrv iierY'lti t'ntitarnt`(t t,t4F111 t:r r.e ,=kr»a~d ;axi f'!{Ulfntw sir!,: ~i»f [j71.y,Y.• 1+: artsa!ter .!n4
<br />mtutiYa tar any rich puriwt>re ncr to Liu anY act her,+under, and that Mortt;a~t-«.~+t«,,3I n«t4 incur unx pNr.+.•na! h;ak,rhly hecau.r •rf an.
<br />thing it may da nr omit to da here:utrder.
<br />In thu wont of f-hv dcCault hE 6iurtgagot w the pray-n,nnt <,t , uz tnrailm,att.: = rqu ,a by tb.- N„t« rd he n•by
<br />.-.. <.
<br />debt cur: 1 turr~li;, vi,..- as..? pas~.i:de •.r-iih::;ri not:.r ....:! t!. P+.. - t ll 1... ,.,.t1:d at :tx ::; .., t. e:+:»t ,,..t:,~~• eut.~ r . r, r..-,::t
<br />r+t }+y a r<,c~iver to h€• apprtirtf{d by the coo r' iht•rek,f. anti .vrthnu t~rsry}}a F,) t:: It,r ;t!1 *.{uarv „1 soy ar c.ir+t. r:,r rh.• ur.tkirE:=threr€+
<br />cure:F herrby, to entry upon and s„tkt^ (asKtnaw.^,ion of Phe uurrfgags`t`r Premt~s, anri to enlted xuH3 rec~nivc t}te rents. !slurs a!x! {,r,+ti!r
<br />#hrreof~and apply tlsa !ximw, l~s,+ c-t=sts „F c -+~r-oleo pared :v[t,-,.•u•,n uP+,r+ t};a rrtdv«bt,~dn,-,.~: x. rent hp t}v. r,, ,rtFar;r. ,ar.± r,•nis.
<br />isauea amt prerRlw heiutt Ae reby a.~!dgn,•ti to the M,rrtptai;r,. a:. (urkher 1r.,: itv far the• pn rtnent of nti +n,h=trtt~.t u.•,a s,v. urc,l 1»,rrhs
<br />"F'kr ."T'tartgagc-r ~xe}I haYr t'.:. Fr. HS-xr h, ai.Fx!rat xnv ngrrt :,r a;,~nis !t rr,ay :irsr,>- k,r !h;i t:.!rr~~• ,_, !.-i!.,!nnr, ea,=! pr.-n.
<br />LM':9, !t!Yrtlna tLttl Satne, ixliie¢:tmg ibR' £eftt4, tY'YrnUe--! Sind itte Ulnt', arld !Y mat pay' ,•rti a,t said 1 .a ~ r \{H ar-i :flv. tl;J'TC'Q !. r»{
<br />iifg aml managing the same a,nd of cuilrcting the rental> ihe•rrln,,rn The balance rernaututg d artyasrhall h,~ ,.,pp!!.vl t„went ine
<br />dtacharite n( the mortgage indebtednc-rw. This stss+gnmcnt ,a t., tr nn~„Ht,~ ., ad M•c„m," r, u., .,nd „~.,,I »i>t.n rrteH•a• ,.. th,s nx.rtgnea
<br />
<br />