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~~~~ <br />CORPDRATTOYV ~4TARRANTY REED <br />The grantor MIDWEST COATINGS, INC. ~. <br />a corporation organised and ensting ender and by t•irtue u£ the laws of the State of NebrdSkd- <br />:n consideration of --One Dollar (,1.00) and other valuable consideration--- - _ - <br />recei;'ed from grantee', 3oes grant, bargain, sell eencey and confirm unto NEBRASKA- - <br />SOLVENTS COMPANY <br />herein ea}led the grantee n•bether me or more, the fallotcing described real property is <br />..............kid.1..1......................................_................ County, Nebraska: A tract of land comprising apart- of <br />the Northeast Quarter of tfie Northeast Quarter {NE'-,-NE-;), Section Fifteen (15), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (g), West of the 6th, Hatl County, Nebraska, and <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of satd <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE}~NE34), said point being Twa Hundred Seventy <br />(270.0) Feet south of the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of-the Northeast <br />Quarter (NE'-,NE;}; thence southerly a distance of Two Hundred Sixty-eight and Fifteen <br />Hundredths (2&&.15) Feet to a point on the northwesterly right-af-way 1-ine of U. S. <br />Highway No. 30; thence northeasterly along said right-of-way line a distance of -One <br />Hundred Ten and Seventy-five Hundredths (110.?5) Feet; thence northerly, paratlel to <br />the West }ine of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE'~NEt;), a distance <br />of Two Hundred Nineteen and Forty-five Hundredths {Ztg.45} Feet; thence westerly, <br />parallel to the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEtaNE<), <br />a distance of One Hundred (100.0) Feet to the point of beginning and containing <br />0.560 acres, mare or less. <br />NE9FCASKA DQCt;MENTARY <br />STAM}~ 7AX <br />~~ <br />1 <br />~ ~~~~` <br />~A ~ ~- `~. FlY <br />- Tu h;t s'.. uvri a: r,,.ilri t.Lr ale„r ,~ ,, __.,. r[!s..; t,r~~~ez;.,- e.,,,..;?r,.r wr:?. ,.;!? .-.z=aetrit«. ":ereditEZnenta artd <br />appurtenanaet~t therew t~ciuugetr~ t.~; t,~ r . • ~-rcntec• :r.,f r„ r,r u:te+' ~ h:.irs ,nrl .a.-^,: f;us f~:rrver. _ - __ <br />And the gnr<ntor for :*..•>rl£ rand a-s ~-sr.•,~ensurw d„r~ti iaere}ar rntienaut •.rrtn tlae 1,-rauteo anti rvrth <br />greeter s femrx, amt aa~s~!u., thu, gr~.u; nr a> i:, w-tiaity 4 ~,=.l ~~£ ~,u~i !n•rnn~e.,, t6ai tLr~ urc free burn eneunr <br />brurce <br />drat gran}ur t~s road rtgkrt seed ;asq ftil subil*Jr ty- ter ,• „1,•} '}tr• ,...~„ - -,~a4 s.uri ,: r:m t+,r aarrnn [r sold u~ril <br />defei,~.E iba title to said }*re:as.~ aa;aurs[ Clara l~,tsEnl ~ isum~ „i ~rll p„rt.~na ir,-try&aa;rr. <br />!n ~ritc:era u}tnrr-uf, „rautur has ire°reun4t c,~.~~~=,i .~. _~„-l:.,rr,t~= .., .,~ ~:~ f,~. u.'frs,•,i tr n,.k rt.cse <br />k, Y,'~zfrt+ riit±;ica} };p° j;,s }-'resdc~nt. <br />71:tteei July 3, !`t BO <br />hSiD+lEST f:;~T.NGS, iNt~. <br />`,j.,.aF_-. ~} ~..r~ r .. p:.. jr LF...a ~~~... -~`rf.:ilfl~Eit <br />t <br />n"CA'i'L: ssp' ~«E.ks}l~~h:t, 1 c:„:t,G <._ }}all <br />Hefore mc., n netari prat,;ic ynoirf.e~d Fr; :std ..,nr,tr. r•,-c~+rnally .~atue (ZIG}i3 rd t. <br />Aldersons }•rA;,rriizit :,i <br />Midwesf: Coatings, ;nc. <br />~aoxer Lo tr,a t.u prr ter: i=~srtTert and 5,]cntical p,rr,~„~z mh., ar~ur.~,l tlrc h~ragu=rag roair±ur;r~o;. .~ud~~a•~~~}.uo.+~. <br />IadgNrt ti.ra rxnr atu,~r tl!c~r~•uf t~ }sa hag ;+~la:atsr~' i :.. il ~, ui ;r.ti •.;,'ir i1 i:<a7r v„, •+a. . ,.ua.. r, . ~ .,.,,, <br />•,~M <br />Ste r .• <br />