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~~~ ~_e4 <br />benders written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance pretttiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shat! be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbu;sament at the rate payable from rims to time on outstanding yrrincipal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, i^ which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />R. ttaspection. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that L ender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. - <br />S. Condemnattnn. T'he proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connecrion with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. ar part thereof, or For conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shah be paid to Lender. <br />Tn the avant of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Aorrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall br applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amoum of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the dale of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. - <br />if the Property is abandoned by Boroower, nr i€. after notice by Ixnder to Barrnwer that the condemnor offem io make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Bnrmwer fails to respond m Tender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the nroseedc at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured hp this i#ortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of prxeeds to principal-shall'~~ not attend <br />or ptxtpone the due date of the mnethtc installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />2Q. Borrower Not Relea~d. F,xtensinn of rite time for payrnem or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted h_v Lender to any succcssnr in ]nterest of Borrower shalt not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liabili[y of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required ro commence <br />praCeedings against such successor nr refuse to extend lime for paymam or otherwise modify amortization of the soots <br />secured by this 't#nrtgage by rea~~n d any demand made be the original Aorrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />Pt. Forbearance by fxntter'tirN a Watrcr. Anv fonc~arance by i_cnder in axercisiag any right nr remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise atTorded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or preclude the esen;ise of any such right or remedy. <br />The prvcuremeni of insurance nr the pavmert ot` rases or other liens or charges by tender shall ern t±e a waiver of Lendais <br />right to accelerate the maturinr of the utdebtedness ,ecured by this Mortgage. <br />92. Remedies Cstmuiatfve. Alt remedies provided tit this \#attgage are distinct and cumulative. to any Mher right or <br />rcrnadv under this Mortgage or afforded by law nr egmty. and map t?r rxrtcisrd concurrently. incfetx:ndently or succassivaly. <br />t3. Sucre_ssnrs and Assigns Boutrd; loinq and Several LiabBity: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shat! hind.:md the rights herounder shall enure to, the respactive successors and assigns of Lender and Aarretwer. <br />subject to the orovisinns of paragraph i' hereof. .~i1 Covenants and agreements of Aorrower shalt be joint :,nd several. <br />'tx rz ,.ny an-~ -f the- ,, _.' t?:is ticrr5a$t afa for ,:^nv;;rtiaxe only and afa n.-. -~ axsed to <br />irfsrprct nr define the pres•isinns hereof. <br />73. latire. i3xcept for an~° notice required under applicable l;tw to hr givzn in another manner, (n7 any notice to <br />-- - .v;er n _ 'tor .,. ,,,~ sage - _ "err by r.-,~ ng suctt r.• - ... hoed ; ctddrsacd .- - --, <br />it•:< P.. ~~A #Trr:. ., h .,tit-- -Sd e ~ Fin: row. na dcseknair by Lnnu:e :n 1. ender :° provided hersirt_ and <br />., ~ -., ,? l.rndrr -, ,.a g.t-r. rt r; t; tied -- +,. ' .cm rccerpt icque,tad. t. . r -, ~ --~, ata«1 h~reia rr t <br />such other addres5 as Lender may desiyn~ate by notiY to Aorrower cu pnn'id¢d herein. 'iluv notice Prnvuird for m this <br />ft c.rt~aEr sit.:( -.. aer......t ,.. .._~ e„ ., Y.:rawer of i rrrairr :*:teu grvrn itt the mauua;r drsignatrd iterzin. <br />, its ism i..~ `.gFi2r~ni#i. e oa.7n r? tit Crrtg,3~' to mPn~ unifCerit! Cite- nna. a•r fli~t>,Ttit: <br />use and nem uniform co;~enanis with iimiud cariavans by µtnaahcuon In t.anslunre a untlorrn srcunty insentmam covering <br />real prnpert ~•. Phis Mnrtgaer shall tx eoventrd by ihr !au cf ilia err;uircuaut :n which Ihr Property is located. 9n the <br />avant the( any pn,vistgn or dauss of this Mortgage or the No.e ct?nt6c;ts with apphcat+fe law, such canihet shall oat affsa-t <br />other provisions of thee Mortgage or the \`otc uhich can hr given eRrct svuhuut the conflicting provision, ;utd to this <br />cud tlir pruvniuns of the. A#ortgage .+nd *.*te 'v'ote .ere deetared to err severable. <br />15. Bnrrtr»°ers f'apy~. Aorrower =hail hr fttfm¢iseal a ,:.m forttted c,^py +*, the time and of this 'vtnrtgage at the ums <br />nt rxra'ntiaf: ar it;irf rrc'iJfdaflOr? 1tCrrtt{. <br />i7. Transfer aP the PrffPsrly; Assssrwptimr. If alt or attt' par[ of the Property ar an rntarsst thereur is sold or transferred <br />by AE?rruwrr without Lender's prior wnncn st)nscitt. excluding ta) €hc creatiatt of a hen or rncutubrance subunhnatt to <br />this .#ortgaga. bt ihr ..reason of .r portliest stoney +.tiurity interest for hcw,rhodd nppiianrrs, fc) a transfer by devise. <br />d~-ent or by up~erwion qY i:rsa upon the death of a fouu tenant or tdt the grant of ativ Icasrhnid (nterest of Ihran: vcan or lass <br />oat an option to purchase. i_endrr rrtay, at Lander :ti option, drd:tre elf ihr soma secured by itus 1:1ortgags to he <br />rmmadiamly due and payable. t ender vhail have warvrd <uch option ro accelrrarc rt, peer w ihr sale nr transfer, Lcndcr <br />and the lxrzon in whom the Property i, to 1>r sold or transferred reach ugrsemrni m u-rrsng that the credit of such person <br />is satisfaciars' to C tndrr :end that the intarrs! payable sin the aunts secured by this Mortgage ,half hr at such talc av 1. ender <br />shall request, If ! coder is;z3 watvcai the option to aCCe4etata ptaw:drd nt this ix)ragraph t 7, and ;f Borrower's sucCrssar in <br />intatas[ het exrrutad a written assumption agreemem a.:ceptrd in writing ht i enter, )-er.Jar shall release Borrower frfttn ail <br />obiig:riwns under this Mongaga and the Nt><s. <br />tf tender r°x?seiacs such option to aC.ce?lcsutc, I-realer .hall matt Aortowrr nnucc r+f ;tCCClerauort m acCavtlancc- w,th <br />f.aragf~l.n ;-.~_ 6 'tswt .ritcc shn.,r t.,a --cz a I-.rrt#rt c~,i r-. . ?; h~a _ .r;.m of dare r to a€Rt;. - r;i::u .=ithrr <br />which ttan,rt..a, may pay the sums dec{ared title. it $arrowar f:uh ?a t ~. sash soma ht trx tt, ter eapi, au<n:.+f .uch y,e°rirril, <br />Lender may, without further nuticC or demand au tktrrnwrr, rnvor.e an}- remedies permuted by paragraph 14 hereof. <br />;vnx•Uwr~naat {'csvr;ra.aNrs. Aortowar anal truatrr further cnwrnant cad agree as iofinws: <br />' tt3. AcceirrWEon; Rerrrediss. 1;=cepi as provided in paragraph i7 heesot upuu Borrower's breach of auy covruant ar <br />r(Rratmsnl a[ k)utrowar in this ilortaagr, includirgt ihs cavananM to pay when Aus any sunaw srrurc~t by th6r ~fortga{tr. <br />t.ataitr prior to ascelaratian strait trrait atNire to tturrower as provided in paragraph t4 henv:£ siteciipin@: ti) tier breariu <br />f2) ttrt aettnrr ragatred to sore ssceh brrarh; f3) a data, nai kav than 30 days from tM date the rurlks is mailed to Barrv»rr, <br />by wftteh such brsarh Coact 6c cored; and (J/ that (effort to cure +uch breach on or 6tfure the datr sprsihtd in ihr nutter <br />Wray' result !n aecsMratiun of tht soots sasurrd by this M1forlgaRr, [orrclusurr by jndk•ial procerdirgl and salt u£ ihr Property. <br />'1"1ts noltcs shalt fcrrthsr tnfarnv Barruwer of the right to reinstate aPfrr aaxelerathra and the rlk4t to a.4trri is the farsch:sure <br />prosetrlirrg the scan-eslstancr of a drfaull or any u[hsr rkfermt of Borrower to urcekrathtn anti fareckwurt. I{ the brrarle <br />Ir cal rsrrrrri era ur before the dais sPseilitd in the rtalire, Lauder al t-amkis uptkus Wray destarv a)f o£ ihr suns vrrwcd ley <br />(hie Rlartaaer te: tea imtnrdtatsb~ due and pavans witMrut further drararrd and may fnradene by itrdiciaf pew rrdina. Lrndrr <br />stud bee en£iifsd to asaAsrt !n sash prwesdimg alt expartrws aP furarlasurs, incfuNt~, bul not firaiatd to, :oats o£ dewuurrutary <br />evhlence, a6atracts wtrf title rrpnrta. <br />ti. eo.. i:.w w ::gw, iz: ~'si,..~ate. =`atwtih.t:utu,ng • °.t:::.r s a~~e:era:.a,a .,, , . e.r:t> >.. .:cu rv , ,- .., ,- <br />Sotiots-'cr (hull have the tigiet to have any pecx'redings begun i?y l.endrr t., en lire Chu~+#angsyc ilrx..ronmred sar~~ny t~mc <br />