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<br />Lender's wrrt[en agreement or applicable taw. Horrower shall pav the mm~unt of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by i_ender pursuant to this paragraph 7. wrth interest thereon. shalt become additiorat <br />indchtedness of Horrow•er secured by this Mortgage. Unlsss Borrower and Lender ;agree in other terms of payment. Bach <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Horrnwcr reyuesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at [he rate payable from time tc time art outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to apphcabJc law, in whidt event such amounts shad hear intcrest at -the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense-or fake <br />any action hereunder. - <br />3. Tnspeefnn. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the. Property,:pravidect. <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying :€asonabie cause therefor rotated to Lender's <br />intcrest in the Property. - <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cmtnection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shalt he paid to Lender. - <br />Lt the event of a total taking of the iroperty, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by thi^, Mortgage_ <br />with the excess, If any. paid to Horrnwcr. In the event of a partial url.ins; of the Property. antes, BMrower and Lender <br />othenvisc agree in •.criting, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion oG the proceeds - <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the cum. secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fate market value of the Propert}• immediately poor to the dale of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Scrmwer. <br />!f the Property is abandoned by Borrower. nr if. after notice by t,cndrr to Harrower that [he condemnor otters to make <br />ao award or settle :. claim for damages, Horrrnver fails to respond R, lender within 3Q daps after Fhe date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to colicC and apply the. proceeds. at i.cnder's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Properp' or tr. rite runts secured in• This Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Hnrmwer otherwise agree in writing. any each application of pmrreds to principal shnil not extend <br />or postpone the due dale of the monthiv installments referred to in paragraph. 1 and 3 hereof or change the amount of <br />such msiallrnents. <br />iH. Borrower yM Released. [cteneian of the nmc for payment nr mndificatien of amortization pf the sums secured <br />bl' Ihr•: ?1i i,rt gage gfanlCd h\' ?.C ndci t„ an\' sncccSear ::. iml'rC`:[ ,+f Hnrrma'e( Shall m,l npefate to fCIC:tSe. in any mnnnCC, <br />rho liability of the orictnal Hprrawer and Horrnwer'c successors an intcrest Lender shall not he required to convnanee <br />proceedings agairst such svccessnr or refuse to extend time for payment or nthenrise modify ;vrprtitatian of the seams <br />secured by this MortcaGe by reason of any demand made by the original 6crrmver and Hormwer's cuccessnrs in intcrest. <br />1 T. Forbearance hr Lender \at :: ~Vaivcr. •A rep forhea; ;tnee h~. Lender in rycrcising env rihf w remedy hereumder. or <br />.aherwis€ aRnnicd by appiica Me I:n:~. shall not br ;~ waiver o£ or prc.anda the cxercisc of anc sttnh right nr remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or :he pav meat of lases ar other hens „r , t~at1'e; he i ender sh:dl n, t he a acaivcr of Lendei s <br />ncht m accelcratc the mawnty of the mdcbtc<!nass ,wurcd by the, Rtott Carr <br />!2. Remedies Cumulative. \II rcmnlies I:nn ailed .n this Uorttape arc J;a gat .:,n, <IUmdativc in an1• other right or <br />rmedp under Ibis 'liongage nl ,tlFcrdcd Sc I:na-.rt rywtc. end mac he rsra cased .en: urr.•tnly. nuiependentiy or eucecssivel}'. <br />!3. Sncrrssors and Assi[;ns Hound; ,faint and Srarrd Liahili»: ('options. the ~ vcnants sod ,Igreements herein <br />runt a~ncd shall hind.:uui the rich;; hr rounder sh:di none to. the rrspectrv. ,...,a,v and ~.:v,ieus c.I I coder and Harrower. <br />st,u,. .r ,,,, <br />_tt to :he PrnElsum° c. aph ! ergot. :111 - rarnnats -n ,..~ -n - , f 'tree ~•~:er ,h.7R he la';nt and sex•ecal. <br />[ate ;options atn~ hcadincs >t th ragnphs of thn R9nr[_ea_ t ~ I,~r - .or,~o Dols end an no[ m he used In <br />ante rp:-el nr define the prmlaorn I:cn•,•,t. <br />I4. Notirr. inapt (or an}• nolaa' reyuu-rd under applicably I,t„ :,, !,t arven I .. ,.'brr manner. L+! any nohcc in <br />a<trrn:arr nro•:.ded c-r u? Iltrs \ < tuaec iy,ll - ,:as° - y ..~:'-b IJ. n,, - c `- „r - -, . :Id : s_,i ~_-~d Horro•aer at <br />the Proprrtv addrlvs or a v ah ~n face .r td.cs, e.. Hr rr, a. .n : ,:. .,, .c .t« :<~ t code' s nruvrded herein. ;mil <br />,mil ar: - r,. t. ,I! - ~r. -.d ,. ,.r -, ,. __ -. -,_ t .. yr to <br />rich nrtxr address as Lender oat a vin:.t, r t non.. bore . s I, r. r.d., err , rt •xat a nra`vr4 ~„(~! ^i tl ,ibis <br />:Igo . .u. L-c ezr - ., I .. -_ ~ - - -i.- end #v`~Fs`r`;~r~ ~. <br />t5. CmEc'rn;--.ariga„€: .as €. r..nti•f ., .'+€ c. eau=tv. ,. .,. ., i,t.. .-. '-. ,.Hal <br />a .+s. <br />use .Ind Harr nnifnrm oovcnants ,vlth :anutcdwa .a aataan, M ,,.~a la,~ri I,• -,,. ,~„~~t aitgYt#ftg7p.>p~f:'S!n~fl!~-tOVCrmg <br />real prnpcrn Ihls 41ort Gage shalt he ,- ,-ernecl I~, the tau .d the ~uu„ilcl u,^ ,_ ~,.•yrir}r`ftiF"f"r'tgscrP4"tC'M^GtCd In the <br />evrm :hat anP pn,vavon or refuse o. thl, Ak,rteage r the 'V,ye .,,ndisn ., uh .:ppira.: bir law. , Ic lr ,. <~nlhet ,hull not :dfeet <br />other pr u, ovum of thn \iongage nr rho Nntr „bath :an r aer, ellr.t -., a'iu nrl the ,onfla Ming pro v,ion and to this <br />ac c~ <br />end the pn,usions or ;hr Von gage .mil the Vats eIr .irJaa cd a„ i+r ,eui6Ja• <br />!b. Harruwrr's Copa. Hot n,:vn ,!:;d1 he 1•u na,hc;l .~ ., r..~ .L.n!a - ,pt , . ,a :etc _:.,..,f Ili:. 'donearr .tt : u un.v <br />.d execution ur ,alter : conlauon hereof <br />S7. 1`nutsfrr of the Property: Asr.mnption. it .v,. ,~r .:m ;:a;t of the i't„pr: tc .. -, . ,utcl.,l Ihrrcm is ,aril rn Iran•.t et led <br />by Hon'oa a- anhuut 1 under`. pour •-a Waco,<nt u:iudmp r.u the .,~.-nm .~1 ;. trcn r rn, uathrrnro sn6,+rdmatc t„ <br />ihn bf ortgagr, thl the arcahon of ~ Ito r. hf;c r., uc: .,, .rHS tole: r,l '~+r `-....,,c .:,=:d gq,lcut~_, c. _ uanslu by ,:Ievise. <br />Jcscen( ur hF oprtauon of I:v.a upon the ~Icath nl~e , Hal acnent , r.+w.rar+s+c-t.n+s~~ <br />..., 1 rndcr :na: :; 1 code: ,gni,•n ,le, Ln: ~ _. .uan, ~~r, cr eJ Is 'lu, tit,-,t t;^.; tar r„ be <br />nnmcderielV' due .old pa}'abld I rndcr ,hall h.ISr ., ,..,rd ,.:.~.: ,q+ll, ~:~. i. :,,,Ica ~:ar ~,l I ~ ~ ahr arc ,.~ to an.irl 1 parr <br />.:nJ the pdnon to :a-ham the Pr„{pct r. , .o be .,dJ , ~ -~nsln avJ ,,,.-.~ ~. ~:., . ~. ..... ~ tt,:ll :.:. -. rd,a ,~I : i,h ~, ,on <br />satisfaciorS rt Linder and th.a the uu cl r.t I,,n able , ~ -a ,a,. , .. -.,.~ n 11,.I av.~~ ~ -h all a„ ,, aJ::,ar ,, t rndcr <br />shall requept If 1 ender has seua:aa !hr , I tr, -: I , .I_aa a,-,ac , :- , I ~ ~ a" . ~ -,,:.aph - :naa I -= r,-we: - r:;, sot - <br />ntterest has executed .t wnUrn assumption agrrcutcnt .r. erptrd an ., un,~1 ht I rn,lrr I anciet ,hail nrlrase Rnu,,:,rr In,w all <br />nhOgatntns under thin Mortgage and the Note. <br />IS Condor cxern,n wt,h ,+puun !n aa,e~larutr I :,.,,,. ,r;.I!1 :.. li.,a:,.,:rr a:+a;.: -•I ... elaa .loon ~ : ._„~I,{alr_r t,lth <br />tiai.igR- 1 .. erca, Ui, ,. it.,. ,treM1 hP„•__- Pr .-J t .:... . . .. .... .. ,,: . -„ .. , ., a ... .. ,...~,. <br />sahl..h Hor!nwct nl,:} pal ahe ~utn, tie. Iar a,I d as it ii t,~...a -„ ~ - ~in• a• ~ ~~„ I!I.. -~ i .~. I„~: ~,: <br />f.endr~r m:}, a-rthout (art her ounce ur ticm.tud.,~ Ito:r„u c:. a,ru ~k,c ~:-:. .,n.~h., a•r, ut un; b, „u ,u' .. ..,. <br />--i~o~~.Uv1e-uxno t'<)v Eli a+t,a Hot n,w cl .u ni i cn,ie: aunhcl =, ,I... ,~:,t ~.,,~ ,. „dL~.:. <br />IN- clrrelrratiun; firmedics. k',xacpt as pro. tiled fn iarattruph 17 hrre,~t. ~itom Harro+. re's bn•aah ul ana + semmt or <br />agrermrul of ISnrrawer is Ibis >turf>;ogc, ine?uding the roe nnuty to par .. ba•n Aar ens sours scarred 6, thn Vmtgage, <br />l Boiler prior to a€ceirralion strati mail nutiee b tlornraacr :es pn.+idcd m pararraph IJ 6elrof spec it)inp: III Ihy hrrnrh; <br />(Z) the action required to cure rude bttadr; 1 it a date, nut Ic+. Than Nr ,tae. Il~nu the date the notiac is ~r aiird to IEw nnvcr, <br />by w{rich such breach must br cured; nail 131 thin laih:rr {u our smh hr a•aa6 uu ~ r before the data' yn•cdu•d ~ r the nutiee <br />may result in ucceleraliun of the soon secured Ir} Ibis \lurlg;rt;r, foreclosure tr} ludra,tl pnu~erdurg and s.Je ut the 1'rupert}. <br />1'hr notice shall funkier inform 6ornrax•r of the right to re iuslap• alter aa,cletuuuu .tad the tight to a. crt m the lure. insure <br />prureedittg Ilu nuu-caisiencr of a drfauh ur an} ntlrrr Ja•lenne ut i?m ro+acr to•r atiun and larva losura. II Ihr breach <br />'is not cured on nr brfut'e the dale sprcilicd in the mdicr, Lender of Lender's opuan In:n ilea l:ur .,il of the ,ems ,c. aced ht <br />this :kio~tgageta ir€ inem€diatr!t due arx{ pa}ubie wil!:aat fur!lrrr dernuac! :u:c! ma} Iruealau' ht lunc~ia! pr~.eedin„- i cr,der <br />sleall hr rntilted to culiret is such prat c•aiir:g a!I ca pourer ui forerlaurra, ins tudi::g, but nvt !in:itrri t: ~, ~ o,n ,af doe uarrnlan <br />evidence, atrsiracis anti title reports. <br />19. Borrower's FliLht h> R€iostate. ~Jonvn hstendmg I rodeo ....Ida at a, ~.n ,+t •an ~~., -... ~.a~•d f-., .a•,, sL•a t~•ee~ <br />lioa n,svrr ,Irnll have the tight t,~ hace an pro:vednag, Leguu bs 1 .ndra a ~ , a.,, _, -~. , A).~ .. ,- ~ <J - .., <br />