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TRUST DEED <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and enxered into this Sad _ day of July- ,.19 $9 <br />try and. between JERALD ~• SUCK ANfJ HA&ItYET P. Bstot, and CORNIOAIWir31LTH-LAND AiZD TYi"I~ iPIS. 'g~tgz. <br />Husband. and Wife- <br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation; Beneficiary. <br />WITNE5SETH: That the Trustor do by-these presents grant; bargain andsell; convey and canfiim vrithPoitseraf,Sale. ,`- <br />urto the Trustee the folt=riving described Real Estate including ail buildings, improvements, and-fixturesof every: kind-polar-. -: - <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated. in Hall County, in the Slate of^Nebraska: <br />Lot Two (2), Wol£e's Second Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall. County,, <br />Nebraska <br />an~i.nnssetcinn of s;;id premises nau~ delivered unto said Trustee. <br />"i'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the_Trustee, <br />his executors, administrators, heirs, attd assigns forever. And the Tntstar hereby expressly waives, releases, and xetinquishes <br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and <br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from :ill laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption. <br />of homestead, And the Tnrstor convenants with the "Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purposes: WHEREAS, the Trustar did on this date execute a <br />promissory note evidencing a loan for the prine~ipa; amount of Sbs9~.57- ___ and interest <br />thereon according to the terms of the note.; said note herng payable in equal monthly installments at the office of the <br />beneficiar, ;and lanai p«yment t?ein~ clue r>n _ ___ ?~ L4 ~ tya`~-,- _ __ I4 <br />It is agrzed by` and be~kvvoen parh~-s hereto that nnht ifEing of ''~c Uce of liet:rult, the Tnrstor shall: t I }pay all present <br />..~ :, ...~ ::r <br />and e :_ ; : ~...:e ~ z.,.. i,. :. t~;~: g° :i±iit '} ._ _ :,_r_rP f.. i_..._ hCE':r] :i_cii:~ _.. <br />actl9nabie; t~l keep alt Imprf)VCmentti ere(;ted on Cho lapCl 11}~Ured :151i1.tV ht ti Cllllred Iratn time t0 Lnne by hant'tll la[y <br />against toss' Hy tyre and other Hazards, casualties and canitnt;encies. rn such atnaunts :aid for such periods as are reasonable <br />and may be regit~•ed ~y bent=iicisry, and to keep ail ,?aiicie> nt su_h insurance in force'. or ettCCt upon the property lrerei» <br />described constantly assigned and delivered to henetictan•, 13t pay and comply with al! the terms and cvndi!ions of any <br />lien, claim or indebtedness that may^ be senior to ur take precedence of this -Crust Deed as won as any such payment un or <br />of such Lien, claim or indebtedness shall become due: and upon lailure of Trustee to keep any said agreements, heneticiaey <br />tnay pay sucft tax, pa!,` for such insurance or pay oti such Betts ur claims or ;ndebtetlness as the case may he, anti [he <br />mangy so expencietl with interest at 9~~ pcr:utnum shat be secured by this'I'ntst Used, and the Crustor agrees to repay the <br />same upon demand, and upon failure to tie so the balance of the attached Hate shall become unnredtately due :md payable <br />at the option of the baneflciary; t&) specifically confer apart rite Trustee the perver ai sale as provt<ted nt Neluazka l;tw; <br />(S}retain q>ossession of the premises and collect the rents and revenues therefrom. <br />Upon paymartx oC alt the sums scoured by this 1'ntst Ueeti, the F3eneficiary ,hall reytiest the (lustre to t~eunvcy the <br />pr9periy and shall attrrender this T•ntsf Deed and ail notes evidencmg mdehtedness ,eeured by ,Iris 1'ntst ileeti to the <br />Trustee, Trustee shall ruonvey [he property without warranty [o the person or persons legally entitled tixretu; but u' <br />default be made in the payment c?f said note or any part thereof or any of the mtesest tlterron when due rte m tree taithlu[ <br />performance of any or either of said ogre-ements as ataresaid, then the whale of said note shall become due and he paid as <br />hereinafter provided, and this deed shall remain in force; the trustee or his attonr+:y may' proceed to scat the property m <br />its entirety or in p:treets at the «ptirm of the irttstee hereinbafore described at t>ublic ,ntcnon, to ttt>= hit;h~st bidder. Inc <br />~~esh. However, the power of sate herein conferred upon the tnrr~tee shall not br exrn•tseti anti's 1 i 2 the trustee shnii ilrai <br />file farreeord, itr the office of the register of deeds of crash cotmty wherein thm uttst prupertr or some part or parcel <br />thereof is Situated, a notice of iiefault, idetrtifying lire tntstre by staling the names of the lntstor and names thereat :utd <br />7~ving the book and page where the same is recorded, a description oC the trust property, and conutinuig ^ statement that <br />a breach of an obligation for which the trtrsY property wa_s r:onveyed as security has occurred, and setting lorth th4 nature <br />of sud'i breach and of Iris election to set} or cause to be sold such peopc:rfy to saeisfy the ubiigatian; and t _' i after the lapse <br />of not less than one month, thss trustee shall. give notice of sale as ptnvided by Nebraska law. After nonce of default and <br />lapse of_not less than ono month, the trustee shall give written notice of the time and place ni sale particularly descntring <br />rile property to tee said by publiaatian of such notice, at least eve times, once a week for five consecutive weeks, the last <br />publication to be at least IQ days buC tto*. mare than ?0 days prior to tiro ,ate, in wnrr newspaper huvtng .s Keitentl <br />circulation in each county hM1 whidt the proputy to be sold, or some part thereof, is' situated. Upon sudt ,ate, the tntslee <br />shall ttxeCUte and deliver 3 deed of conveyance a( the property said to the purchaser or purchasers thereat and guy <br />statement or recital of fact in such deed in relation to the exercise ottite power ufsale and sate tit the prupcrip rescribed <br />2U47 iNE) „~. ~~.:.. <br />