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g~°- ~`"~~~~ EXPANDABLE 1l~IORTGAGE <br />ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan Clo. 5369c-a <br />KNQW A!! MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai Dean F, x2upp and knn .: ?unp, husband and wife. <br />(hereinafter caked the Mortgagors) in consideration of the sum of <br />Thirbf thousand eight hundred and iio/160________________________________Dotlars(S',0 800.00 ) <br />loaned to Mortgagors, do herebbyy grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIA! FEDERA! SAVfNGS AND lOAN ASSdClATION of Omaha, <br />Nebraska, (hereinafter ral{ed "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the t,'ounry of, <br />Aall State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />---Lot Thirty (30) F:olfe's Subdivision, in the C_tp of Gram island, Hall County, 2dehras"ra.--- <br />TC HAVE AND TO NOLD THE SAME: with the appurter!ances thereunto belonging, unto Commercial, its successasandassigns,forever. <br />Said fAcrtgagors hereby covenant with said Commercial, its successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are lawfully seized at said premises, that <br />dtey are free from encumbrances, and that they will forever warrant and defend the Title tc sard premises against the lawful claims of at! persons <br />whomsoever. <br />Provided, nevertheless, these presents are upon the following conditions: - _ _ ,- <br />That whereas the said Mortgagors as members of Commercial have this date executed a note evidencing such loan and agreeing to repay said <br />sum of money, with interest, in payments as set forth in said note and have agreed to abide by the terms o(said note and Charter and By-Laws ot. - <br />Commercizt. <br />That whereas this mortgage shall secure any additional advances. with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, 6e made by Com- <br />mercial Io the undersigned tortgagors or them successors Sri title for any purpose, at any time t~efore the release and cancellation et this mortgage,: <br />~ti PROVIDER HOWEVER, at ne lime shall the aggregate principal amount secured try this mortgage, being the amount due at dry time on said <br />origina( note and any additional advances made, exceed an amount edual to 110 eereent of the amount of the nriginaf not?, but-inno avent shall-- -- - - <br />said note exceed the maximum amount permitted by law, and PROVIDED. HOWEVER. that nothing herein contained shalt be considered as limiting - <br />the a<T:eunt that shall be secured heretry when advanced to protect the seeuri~ty er in accordance w!th covenants contained in the mortgage. - <br />Now, if the card-5?orfgagers shat! pay or cause to t!e paid the card ,urns of money when dun, as set forth in said note, and any outer note for - <br />additidnal advances made until said debt rs tally paG wrt1 interest, then dross presents shat) be void; otherxrse, to 6e-and remain in foil force aid - - - - <br />effect: but d default sflduid be made: <br />raj in any of the payments due on sard Hate. and any other Hate far adddional advances made, as Theism agreed to be made for three months, or <br />!bt to keeping the impravemerts on said premises insured against Toss by reran dt fire, lightning, antl other hazards included in extended <br />coverage insurance in an amount no! less than the unpa!d balance of sold mortgage loan. in a company or Companies acceptable td CLHn- <br />mertiai, Ne original of such poi!cy m pnhcies to ~ herd by Gammercral, and with a mortgage cause attached to said policy or policies, <br />in favor at Commercal; or <br />(c! In the payment of fazes and assessments ir_-vrr~ >af~ ~ _<a~d przT~=ses, er en this mortgage, befar They are delinquent; or <br />(d) If there rs any change m the owns+_=hip at u;e !ea! estato mortgaged hermn. by sale, erther outright or try fond contract, ar by assignment of <br />3dy inte(eSt $e[6an or OttlCfWi SC <br />then, m any of the above setdorth events. tna whale +ndeatemress hereby secured snail, at the option of Commercial, ~mmediate!y become due and <br />payairle without further House, antl the amount due under sale note and nay other noL (or addrtwnai advances made shall, from the date of the exerdre <br />al sard optla^ bear r^ - :he ,T x -- -,.gar a ^e - 3 - -- s ~, ~aae y ._ fu re.icsei. _ ahsty die a:naunt due an sold note, and <br />dry c{her Horn for atldKianai ..dvanr.2 - E_,her w a sr, ..:, ~ ~, tam ,oral .a= u1~ -an o .axes, _„..n.^.t --. a6,.trae! .xt..ns:dn iharg€s, <br />with interest thereon tram the dzte at pavnent at r c az...W.; _~ar raft <br />PRDVIOED that !a no event, erther beta e or attr, 7etauit. shay; me :rrtcres: sue uador sard note and this mortgage and any other note far ad~ <br />dihcna': a+.rar^Pe ~",.__ _.....,.,_ ..... -axamn- iaw'ur ,~ ,..c., _, <br />PROd Eu :ref. n :he at : ;r , b. ^aki's '.^e _.aY- t ', ,~ „re , ! y _f:,n- . { :+H.trera. <br />advances -; ,herein aernen r-, _e n - - <br />.. ? . a r ~ i In ;1'. vii 11 Cr .~;2 aXeS <br />Cr a$SCSS Sren CS !CYl P_i_i _r an .`te atP t__ __,-~R __„~~C ~. - _ ,,,-vrr. <br />: ,nv 1?tl e20ta ie ~~5e5$ Gn G; '-.n@ ("r2 a SPS 2rP~'R 7~'f Cl ~W,7 rxe I2r n V r~~~11 r!tS ;_,1~4ted_;:111L I ~ ~`~ ~tSi tg Jf ,{;P ~ r ~__, , <br />t- I - ur5t.~`+itn ~>e CI PC - _^. f'.. 75 .t P-@S'-'r r .` r~ - ..aa..lg - ~ S tC-^,^ rf'E :,,.,L~ d- ,.,, tttt VdF i h :i3t-!~r'EC <br />.rer.!wms, taxes and ass_SSU_ntn vp,.n sic!: prrmrsta am7 S;r i ccvsary eapeosos wcmred m cnturg saro pru.r.rses ,, coRCC!urg ren: tnereGau. „nd <br />to apply samd on sard Hate antl any notes rrdaiang future atlv~ances hereunoer o:rtii tha u:deotcdness seared rs hilly paid; and 1'or such ttorposos, <br />the undersigned does hereby seal. asslgri. so; over and transfer mro Commercial alt of said rt:nis, proseoas ono rncanres mcludurg any land cnnbaet <br />payments due mortgage owners ar any other rneames at any type whatsoe vat from rant praGmty In be applied on rho notes afwve-0eserrbed, but sard <br />Ct±mmereial shaltrn na case be liable tar the taitule tc prrctr;e tenants. b; cot root runts, ar k~ psaseeute actions to reeavar posSessron ui sard premises <br />ibe Mortgagors fwther appoint Lommercial of pnraha. Nabrast<a. [Herr attorney in tact- g~emg said attomay power urevacabty- erther an its irwn <br />name ar Mortgagors' names to take all necessary steps 1.?r praeeedurgs .n court or eUrerwrse, Ia causa sard premises to be vacated, to collect rentals <br />er other to CJnieS due, and when vaCarl (, fU refei the SamC, ro c!ake Iii rea50Pab!e repal65 and p-sy tones CAA[ aF Satd ren lS, ;!taf1l;, GfltraCt p2.y;~ei1 tS 9i <br />rneoRrCS and to d0 alt SdCh things eitnei by its G'mr OfhrerS r by arhL'r path@S duip i!nfhOUZEtI and a ~atnted by d as itS atenl fCr SIDtl C~ArCSe- ai;d <br />to charge 6r pay a reasonabir tee far '>udr servrws- a!i of me above to be door' at sereh times' snd in such emnnrlr and au soon renns as ;~ fhe.r ~,.r,o <br />attorney may seem hest, with tut! power of svhsu WUUn. <br />The Mortgagors h®reby agree that rf Co•nree;crz erne r,iuntar -r -c mil -r ti 'y berarrrs r+ -~ r rve t ~ufy n rrv u,t -~i i [,Per feu -e r-~ p- <br />U! the hare!nbelore descrlhed ren! estnta ru to th!s morl,~ge .-r ya P n-.,c cr r!utes, rtner thar a h+eclusu +~ r,utw~n, th t,t~~.~ruin er .rrtpan=r. .v t~ <br />aeimtwrsa Cn::~ercia! fa, all rraY~alad;sL ~nc;,rted t. C:'r: -i .~ ., Ford ~ ,>rr e dr- ~. b e 4 ~::s~,~~a.urit . ~„rve itm! !h soh,.:. <br />dASCrrL+od 'teal errata pt any ~r-', UPr of tr ctsrdeti,nr>n t:ncP, r.t. ,•.wr; :, ~~.rdeni drr!a r a. r^, otba-a an acgr,rm+ t ..., t _ da~sa_:„ <br />Rwa[detl, ffie p[af¢eds idr Me toning antl ter the ~MI$meraGxr !+.r 5..ah ecyc fd,a= td top ext+rlt u! tl:e UI a moat r Iht . J.fnu i a'nd ;naerrec <br />it25S secured try this ruortgage, be and t-h~, huaeby are. assr~ ed t ~!nmerer,r- and sr*.ali tie Gard rarhtwrth to Ccma~rc-ar la ha a{ip!ipa 'r 3rcomrt ,r <br />the fast matuang instaltme~tls ct Sack -not tt*:etl=.ess. <br />,, „, <br />Oaled fhrs.__-_ '+' r,~t.., <br />,~ <br />_ - _. <br />~ I <br />_-. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ....' ~. <br />COONTY Of itRl~l, ss <br />~ _ <br />O+r this t:,r 6a G! uI <br />t t fu ~ i irtuFy- pulp it •t v,l o, ., lnuu ti ,r i.i ;~N <br />thA atwvv narnd irrsan F', f':a) r° arc'. Anr. ',. , , , ~: ,: t„ . r„_. <br />r w ~ ^wfe C - t-~ ~ r3 n wh .rare . ~! ,~ ar oc r ve h 1 - - , ` cr <br />.,, e!;.,... .o-ry n..F.., w,e~~+F ,1:1,. ~u c-~,r si. - - , :3... ,f: 4 .ire,. <br />Y` <br />klT;fFs, .r ~ q G o,~ ~, ....i._ z. , :op u , star ;- ->~ R!95.~ - <br />f~3aCiri.~rdJ ~ t.„ <br />a d'~ <br />s, ..i~_% _t' ~~ <br />