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z:: <br />Ro - ~~~~- <br />MORTGAGE _ <br />MoRTGncr•. LaaN Na. L 23,721 <br />Maw ALLMEN Br T{dFSE PRL•SEN'iS;That Ll oyd-I. Tucker and Jacqueline S. Tucker, each in - <br />his and her own right and as soouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mom, let consideration of the stmt of-- <br />~i_ghtaP~ n Tho~tnd and Nom--~----------------------------------------------- pauaRs <br />{owned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Buitdmg and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 1$D shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. 1. 23, 721 , da hereby grant, rnnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSO(:tAT[ON the following <br />described teat estate, situated in Nall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT NINE (9), FREEDOM ACRES SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />together with alt the tenements, hereCStaments and appmtenaaces thereunto helongutg, muluding wreathed float awerings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air condttiuning, and plumbing arzd water equipment and accessories thereto, purnps,stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other i'txtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the will mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the :norlgagur shall and will pay aB taxes and assessments levied a; <br />assessed upon sa[d premises and upon this mortgage and Otr band xcured hereby 6eforc Lhe sane skull become delinyuent; to furnish appmved <br />inwrance spun the huildings on said premises situated is Ose cum of ` 1$,DDD. DD payable to said ASSOC:fAT10N and to deliver to said <br />ASSOGIAT{aN i he policies (or card insurance: and not to mmm~t or pemvt ang waste on ur about wid premises; <br />In cast of default in the performance of any ul the terms gad condnunts u( this mortgage ur rim t:und sxcured hereby, the mortgagee sha71, <br />cm demand, ttz uniittzd to intmudiatr }xrsscssion vt tt:e rsn~rrga~-d ;?rcrn!xs and t7[e :nartg3gee hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />mort~rgre aft the rents, revenues and utca[rtr to br drnved from the rnartgagcd prcmtszs during such umr as the mottgage indebtedness shall rcnrain <br />unpaid; wail thz ttwrtpgzr slew{{ have the pr?wcr ru appennt a€sy agzne yr ay;zrrts it may drsin (vr the purpose of repairing said premixes and renting <br />~'•- - _ .3 xtt~er:. ,_ rer:ts, - nt:-s a ..:. - ._ anS , ay r.ut - .-umc ~yt ~,r.-;a.- v. -epait:ng v,id s a.:d ne:wssary <br />wutrtrusHr~ and exnznses uu_urred~' !cntmk and~tnartagutg tiro sa€€re and ~c~t ~ ~+illectmk rentals therctrum; .the 6alancr renraming, if anY, [n be <br />°o;,,..a~c! :cw-nrd - a._t ,n:w taas~ ,n;;abt- - ;these Jr -! :t;, f-' - Fr -x..trs< ,rr:° dnrng th extstenee a[ soup <br />defawr, raespett:ve of :myµetn}xxa;y xofvrr of the same. <br />;k-su ~ sesenis, M.~~~e;° ~. .:r-• op..xn r:^.~ t'ernci.:.tro.-s oat :i tl:r std M1i.?r1ga;;v: sizaii :epa saui 9•;an vr: ur wl::rc tfse usaturify of :mid ehates by- <br />;3ytTM..,r, ~ -the; €z ~ t s._rx_} ;I~tc"`.? . ;r ,- -,'-'u+i_u+ - ,~ rte .., ~~s his«hy x ,.:€z.:. € :.n-± r: t.^:_ -! vn ~a:€1 liars, rya .xr h,~f,rr <br />the -fiweuord[ day of zach and every month, mtut satd io-an s fully pard; Pay ail taxes ;ard asscssmun[s leveed against Bard prennsus and an this Mortgnga <br />geed thz Band secusrd thereby, trufmr drhnyurney: lisnusit approved uwurancc ulwn the puddings thzreun m the sum of S 1$, DDD • DD payable <br />m said A5siKtKT10N; repay tv wed aSSIX:YA1'IUN upon demand all nwney txv et pard fur such taxes, assssntentx and insurance with urterest at <br />the ntxxumm~ lzgai rats thereon from date of payment all ui which Mattgagot he[z6Y agrees to pay, permn nu wash mt saril prrmraes; keep and wmpiy <br />with a!I the agreements and mnditruns of the Ifond for $ 1$, DQD. DD ihrs daY !;:yen by the wtJ M1tartgagur to said ASSaCiA'I'ION, and rurnpty <br />with iii the rcquvenxnts of the Coast itwiore and t3y-Laws of said ASS(H.tiATlaN; then these prus'unts shall bccurrx nail and void, utiterwise they <br />shall remain in full force and may 4e Foreclosed al the option of the said ASSaCIAT1GN allrr failure for three nranths to makz any of wid <br />paynxnts or be thus nwntbs to arrears in making said munth{y payments, ur la keep and wmp'sy wrth rite agreanwnts and conditions of wid Band, <br />ante Mortgagor agrees to have a recrirtr appointed tarthwith in such Qrlectusure pnrceedtttgs. <br />If there is any chxttge in ownership of the tea! estate n[arigaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, thin the entire rcnuining indebtednzss hereby <br />ser_.urzd stall, at the uptian of The Equi[nbte Buildutg and Luan Asxw:iatiar ut Gmnd !s{and, Nebraska, hemttre unutedialaly due and payable without <br />further notice, and the anwunt ceuuinutg due undue said 6und, and soy other {+und tar any additional advances made thrrcwWer, shall, lrow the <br />dale of exetcisz of said option, bear interest st dte tnaxiaeum lagyl twee, wtJ This nnxtgagc nmy Chro be taroelusad ro wtixfy the aroonnt don: un sxud <br />bond, and any other band for addiponai adratces, together with aB soots pard t?y mid '1'hn Iquitable Building and t.onn Aswcia[iun ol'i;rand lsinnd, <br />Nebraska fits insuranrx:, twat--sand assua~snxnts, and absttaeung cxtensiuv charges, with intraest thermn, fnnu date ul payntaut at the maxmmm <br />It~i rate. <br />As-iatvidatl ur-the Bottd e cured herehy, while t{tts ntartgage remains in effect the nxatgegec may hernatter ailvance .rdd«t~nal scans to the <br />rngkets ul' said $ond, thzir assigns ur succeswtx in interest, wturh sums ahali tae w«hm Ole security of this mortgage the saniz ax the funds originally <br />sacurcd thereby, the total ur ~ atilt, prinv,'t~L~bt nut to ceu'c4 at any brae this urtguul amuum nl thfs mortgage. <br />frdf~ntis,,~-:=7 h."~ July z.[)..1'r s'O <br />I. Toe r <br />` ua a ilc er <br />STATE OP NEBRASKAA, l s. Un this nth . day of July 1`t $Q , hefuru ate, <br />COUNTY aF 1tALL ~ s <br />Lloyd I. Tucker and Jacqueline S. Tucker, ihr umiersigttad,a Nvtary ftdshcmand for send t'aunty, }+nrwnally conic <br />B$CMi tR his 8f,{~~. ~~~„ .,,right and aS 5pOUSe Of edCh Other, who al"e panunaBy knvwa to <br />tar W he the tdeutit~{M.rktq g , _.~ea(g,~~rr S dre atCtxed to the ab+,ve instruxncnt as €nortgago: S anJ they suvctaiy <br />aclcnuwledgzd tl[a~$1 igd{',wnznt tt hk ~ I r voluntary act and decd. <br />itVA7'PPtSS n)y.httoYl~and'Natatp(O Seal the date aforesaid. 1~~ <br />}lIy C~ImmiLSidR 4Xfitira !ai y-.~„ {,,{ ~" _ ( '~~"'. <br />{ N )fury Pub{ic <br />161a1M ill ~' ~ ~~ <br />