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THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COYE:QAhTS AIr`L AGREES- <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbeEore ptobsdsds-~ ' ~ - <br />That tiye°M4rkgttgor is the 6wrter of said property 3n fee-simiola and has good right arzd Faw-fu1 authority to ezii and- <br />convey the same and that the~same-~is-free and- dear-af~any-iie~ ar ensurrtbtance: and that Mortgagar wit? warrent and defersd-the -- <br />title to said premises agairsE the -claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />To pay:immedisteiy ~vflen-due-aitd payable a3# genera_t ~iaxas, special taxi; special assa•?sment~;. water charges, sewer serv-- <br />ice charges, and other taxes slid cherb ~ against said-•property, and-ail taxes-levied nn the deM secured hereby, and Ea furnish the - <br />~~g Mortgagee.: u_tton._request, uit1? tfiE -gu:al :.r-duplical2- receipin Lh refo-:`The Mortgagor agrees that there xhail tin added to _ - <br />each monthly payment required hereunder n: under the evidence of de! t secured horehy an amount exttmated by the Mnrigagee <br />to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee 20 pay, as they tx-rnme due alt-faxes accessmenh and simdar charger upon the prem- <br />r~••f ices subject- t}-ereto, any defictency, because of the msuRctency of such addttianat payments shall bet ihwtth c3epr>suad by the <br />*~r Mortgagor wtth the If$origage~~upon ~-demand by the `lnrtgagee- Any default under this Paragraph shall Y+e dreroed a rfetaulf in .a. <br />S~^t payment nC taxes. asves=.menLc, nr stmdar charges required hereunder. <br />` f The lvfnrtgagor agrees That there shall also be added to each monthly payment n( principal and interest-iequired here- <br />under an amount estimated by the D4ortgnfiec to be sufficient to enahfe the Mortgagee to pay, as it hetrom s due, the insurance <br />premsum nn any insu caner policy delivered t>, the Morigagee..4ny deficiency because nt [he insufficiency oC-such attditional pay- <br />meats shaft tre forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the lfortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall tx~ !Seemed n default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited. are such as. hvme- <br />own¢ts or all risk policies, and tht• rlefxtsi[s a «• iasut6rir•nt to pay the .entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the dnposit to <br />pay premiums nn asks requred to he msured by this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Murtgagor under the ahrrve• paragraphs may. at the „pylon of the Mortgagee, tw he{d by it and <br />commingled with other such funds nr rts own funds for the payment of such items. and until so applied, such Payments are herehy <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balancr= of the mn.-tgaKe m.,ehteriress. <br />To peocttre, delver to, and rnauuacn for the h~nefit of the btnrtKaKer du rinF the life of this mortgage ortiginal policies and <br />renewals thereat, delivered at I!rast ten days twlnre rho ex p, rataon of 3 .cch pnlictrx. insu nog against. fire and other msurahte <br />hazards, rssuatties, acrd rnntingencias as the Mortgagee may requirn, tin an amount equal to the indebtednetw secured by this <br />Mortgage. and in cempames aceepfnhle tr+ the ..".~Sortgage+•. wnh lns_, parable clause m favor of and in farm acrrpta6le h, the Mnrtga- <br />gee In [he event any pnl+ry~ is not r +ved ,r Mfnm days ~,f rte ex pt ratmn. thr hL,rtgageo may prncu re insurance nn the <br />imprmetnents, pay the premium thereh r. and ouch ,.., s},afl,ma : medtate!y due sod Payable with :ntereat at the rate u. <br />forth in turd noa> until patd and shall tn• ~.K Ured Irv+thts n ,rt„ago Padu rc on the part of the Mortgagor [c+ (urmsh such c ewals <br />as are herein rngw a ur Iadure to ,. •.u > ed.-an..-d hr rewrder shall. at to ,ntran .,f f.h.• Mortgagee. ,.,nstir,;A> a!,t,•fault <br />under the tarrtvc of rthcs murtgaga_ The?dehverv~,t ,urn p•,hcn-. ,hall, n the ,..•nt oat default. ,nnsntu to an avs;gnment of the tin <br />earned premium. <br />An+ .sums rrr~e:.~«-,i by the iiortgagee I,+ .,xs„n „t ;,,s. ,~ damage ,nv rd axacnst mny ho n•tamed by the ~tif ortgagee <br />and applied rowan{ the pav meat „f the d,•t?t hrmbv ,.. urrvi „ art the ,~pUon +,f the 9trrtgage.+. such v. either »holly or m <br />part may he pasd ~, r to the tiortgaxor t„ toe used t., r«t.a , =aeh huddmga ,,r .: bud:! :,.w hntd:ngs „turf r:r Mar., r for any <br />other purP~s ,r nblect cattsfacU,rv m the Murtgaer~ wrt h,~ut atTern ne tbo hen • n the mortgage (or tF.,• lull amount ,.roc,-d here <br />by twfore such payment e.rr ,,..k place <br />l",- p.e mptiy et- , re.t.,r.• :,-_,.,,,.i .,n. ..u , , h m. n. , ,,. .. r..,,. , .., , .., ,.,. ,. , ay ~- <br />trome damagc!d or nest ru t'<IS t„ kee r - i .-ae ~ ,.., nd n°pa:r and fn-.• fr„m a _ echamrY: h n nr c+t.h.•r •hen o, <br />clslm of Len not expressly a:MoMmated tr, the bon horeoi not to xdf,•r „r Pr rant a unlrrwlul ,rn -tai , ny natsance to ,•. tst tin <br />card Properr: .-.. , -czar •n .rsa~ ,,,, ,aui t; r•.nrr,..- , ~r ., .i„ ,,,. „r n,~r ~,., „n. •.•n ,~, r.,t„~r i ~, r. n+ ,,,o,H.«a .r .womr <br />less vaiuairie nor Lr, rrm,m-„ _. n.rFU _,s --.~; --i a,,.:-..+ -. -, ,,:....n :;..a,~: •...- ~...,,- .. tF, .;.: ,:v.,..:,~m~,.., .. .., .. _.... . -, ~, <br />to the murtgar;xi premsw•s an.! ih_ use ih:•rr•,t <br />That .+n _,uid the prrrntx!, nr ar,. r,ari S- - t r„+-,... ,,:.,,,,, r+.-.. - r-~.. - :,,- -.- - ~za+on <br />pn,cecdmg, ,r umfrr :it.. r xh+ . r , : u., , -; .,,-:~, - __ , - - - .,. - - .... - <br />awards, and any other payment „r rnc~t thrretor and shalt t*e rmuved- at~nsopt n,n t,~~„ nmr app.-ar n nn l r~nnecutr : as <br />nwnt natne env artton or proceed mY.. ,r :,, make ;: +unefrromrvo o ,-!t!,•:n«•m ~. , _ v reel+ou ,n us .:rh t.r6+og or dxmage Allsuch <br />d ,a> <br />aomPensavon, a solo. .amaga-s, nxht r,1 aru„n andv Pnx:•!ais n o her=•tw .x.,gned torah \fongaKrr .. ho rr after dedurbnq <br />Chrretrom a!1 rtswex{m release rmy r - ~, ,ed h+- :, „ ,Apple the n:ur„• • u sm ~ndoha-dm~.+ ,+. r red i, rwi.~ i-he ,tit urr <br />gagror agrees; fo execuh~wuvh further assigtartent~rof tarty r,rut'<•n~:F:nn. awards. damage-•~ ;, n,i r,k 6~ -F .aren,n aid nr„cr•eds a, Hv <br />Marigagee may require <br />'i'haunr .ti reduce W f,erfarm a ,?i the w+ nant* he a•,n t}e• Ll uttgaty;,•, : _ -1, __,, vf.,t tse,;- , i,..t,.ai_' ,.+.,rr,ng <br />so covanante.i; the t[to Mortgaxec may atsotdn r ny act d r aY ,,, , m . - o-,..?ry tot z~~t~ tt,.= :,, .~ :hr.,,, ,. ,t tar ~4„rtgagot .all <br />repay up+.u ttrn:and any . tmevs f~td <-r drshun.~d by therMortrt~^• for any ,-f tt,r r parr,,,..«~ ,,,,,I _,n h ;.,.,n.., n,dNt h,•r ».-alt <br />mWr~t tharenn at thtt rate pr ov nied n. wd nose -hall hr~c,uue , , ~ „h .,:Ja,ruutt ~:uSrht r,tnr,n r.. ..-t.r .,, ,n„ . n,l n _ b~ .n <br />eluded in any deerc+, fnrnc{aemg this mortg:t-:+e exml Fa• pa;d out •,` t},e roar. „r pr,.rs-tea. „i -w,l. ,.f .a:d !,.,-rn,,.~. ,t: n,,t ~,r.thrnu-,.~ ; <br />paid; th+zt it sita{l not he obligatory upon [he >9oetgwgr~a+ t,• enqucre ,nt„ the vaVulit „f an. h,-u .,,, ,,,t,r,:,,,~. ,.e ,la„n ,,, .e.l <br />yancing moneys as aih,c„ authoou~i hat aoth:n;i hr r<=u, ,•.,d.,u,»rl +hall Ike ~ +„true,! a. n~uun+e t-„ t~VI„r:Ka„+-.• :~~ n,i+ara.- om - <br />nronrYs foe any ~rreh puetK+ao rr r h, d,? a r .:.t he:rutai.n. artit riser iy..-r tgax=- -.-.a`i ~ t !+u~++ ,., rt ,++nrlrc+ h„ e.,,.. 1 .,,~, - - <br />thittg t[ xrwy dxr or wq:t to do nereundcr it <br />fn flat s~yrut of the dt-fault f,r .Llarigogor m d,e p_ay turn: „t ,;u.;allnu~N , n.y..,..+! ' , the ;ti„t,- _.. .•s Arr.•In .•, <br />in-}he k+etfsrntancx of Wa ulzitgsuun ,n the nt,rt tga!:r .,r :. tf,t n,ra -..2+, r.d tt,v c. Ees. r~ '.i „rs,r ,t; ~ -n ~i,.{rr„ d«. ,ae. tle.--~ <br />.,tee _,::~., .-;. -.: .,, ..,,, <br />T - <br />, r of n ,r-rr: t.Ye t-. ,.. ..;+ , .,.., 1.. ... ,:.:! ... .. ,t .,,,;, .. :.~ ~ ... ........... . r ,, , ,.., .- , h. .:. ,t. ,i nr..r, ~.. <br />cure+l hereby. r. racier -.P u. ..ud 1.. 4c t :-.. r,_- „ t,... ,«,~t,t:.: {,t+r,.. ,, .. , ,I..:; e• . .. ..... . .... , . -:..,. +,t:,. <br />th€reui, af.fl apply tk-.e, szunc.: ~ us.iv r!. vSsralsa, arul , arr.+, ,.- , ., -6, ,?1-~ta.,rt.3 .~,..,,.- , .,..uE,,,;, ,, „i .~,., <br />iwwr-s acrd fxufita fa'lrtg-he;rh+ ass:gnrd i<* ir.. h1 ,rtfi.a„ee a- f .r,rs ., .-a, ,- r t -n,..,, ., ... .. , _. ,...+.,., h „ . <br />"i'toe Mottgagrm whatt have that iro+ver to nplx-:na am~ aq,mt or :t;grnt, :a ruu+ dew:rr f,.,, tte~ ;_,,: }•. w, ~~ ,: r, ,.+. n~• •n <br />t3:n. mntang the s-.•tme. cr:ife<€tug tFe rrtt.«r x .,.r-=t , , .... s-.. :.~; ,u, --f .__+., +. .a ;!I } ,~-_ - x. -s. ,, „t <br />tifg and mana;:mq itse >an:r• anal of c~•Ilecter+K [~~ re nra::, ...,<: r.=u i n, s.. ,,, „-,.,~ ,r , .,,. .,., .. ...... <br />d+xrharge of the nnortg,ag,e tnttebttdneaa, Thns s+.. x sun, , -~~ ,. ran n:r:, ar,d a[.-, ,.,,,, ~.~ ,,,. .. .~, „ ~. ,., ., ., ~f t, ,. ~.. ,, t <br />