Ho. 11 U, Ju! 77 OUtTCLA1M PEED=STATE (2 Page}
<br />G~~J
<br />PROJECT: 259 3(2) AFE: TRACT:
<br />THAT David 0. Coolidge
<br />in the name of the State of Nebraska and for the' Department of Koads of said State of Nebraska, under the.
<br />provisions of Section 39.1326 R. R. S, of Aebraska, 1913 and for and in consideration of the -sam of -
<br />--Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred F.iphty-Rive and: 00/10U-------($27,7$5.00)-------
<br />----------------------------------------------------____.____-__--'-DOI. LA RS
<br />is hand paid, dues hereby grant, bargain. sell, convey, remise, release arsd lore oer gaitclaim now . ....... .............__.
<br />The Clank of t?aniphan
<br />hereinafter known as the Grantee. +ehether one or more, the follotairrg described real property sintered
<br />-...__Coaaty and State o! 1~~ebraska :md sob~ect to coy and <sll existing restrictions and/ur
<br />en._......-" ............. .... .
<br />easements:
<br />A tract o€ land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 9
<br />North, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, Net:raska,
<br />described as follows:
<br />Referring to the itorthweat Corner of said Quarter Sectian; thence southerly
<br />a distance of 682.4ti feet along the West line of said Quarter Section; thence
<br />easterly deflecting 09U degrees, OU minutes left, a distance of ;33.95 feet to
<br />the point ai ginning; tixence norihcriv deflecting ±Ci9 cieyreeb, 03 minutes left,
<br />a, distance o; 59~}, 97 feet; thence easteriT def iectins~ vd5 degrees, 44 :ain^iea
<br />right, a distance of 346.2R feet to a paint on the southerly--existing public road
<br />iti~ht ~; ..=fy t..~..~~ =~~terly uvfl=et_~~ U;<'~ .~y~rseg, ~., .~3uut=n . _~
<br />di€t~-tea ::3;. frt along .~ - 4zFht .,~ .may +.ira; er,.o mate;i, .z
<br />1,1U5.92 foot radius curve to the~ieft, deflection to the initial tangent~beins
<br />16$ degrees, 49 minutes right, a distance of 1,043.30 feet, subtending a central
<br />angle of 054 degrees, U3 uxinutes to the: point of heginnirg, containing 3.Fz2 acres,
<br />more or Less.
<br />There wi21. he no access between Highway 281 and the above described tract,
<br />the intent being to deny aniey to acrd exit from said hi~hwa_y.
<br />And also, there will be nn access frata the above described tract to the
<br />public road (also ieneawn zas the Uoniphan Spuc} lying to the north of said tract,
<br />the intent being to deny entry to and exit from ;;aid public road except over the
<br />easterly tttczst 277. U8 feet of the about described tr as. t.
<br />The grantee, (its or his} heir,;, persons.l. representattvus, succx°ssors in
<br />interest, sod assigner, as apart of the consideration hereof, does hereby eaveaant
<br />and agree errs a covenant running with the land that tea tree evs:nt :`acilities are
<br />cona~tr-ucted, ataniained, or othet~wiae operated on the said pro(zerty descritxed to
<br />this deed fora ps:rp,YRe for Rhic.h .. Depart~.nt ... '!'ra.xsp;:rt4tion lrrczt;rac: or
<br />activity is extended or frsr another purpose invoivint; the provision of similar
<br />a~rvices er ~.nefits, the grant+~e shall t-raintain and operate surh facitttivs and
<br />'services ixx rompliance with all ocher requirements imposed pursuexnt to T'itie 49,
<br />Crxde of Federal Regulations, t}epartnaent of 't'ransportation, Subtitle A, Offict: of
<br />the Seer-terry, Perri 21, '.'~ndist;rimiiz<~aiion in PedQral!.y-:~ssisied prcgr:u.s of the
<br />Department of Transportatieta - l;ffectuatinn of Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act
<br />of. I964, and as said Regulations may be amended.
<br />NEE31~ASi(A C10CUMENi'ARY
<br />STAMP 7AX
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