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1~ ~~-"~`~ REAL ESTATE ~110RTGAGE <br />FETRAS KAZP.KEVICIUS unmarried <br />o% the County at HALL sad State of NEBRASKA hereinafter called the' party of the-first par`s; ia- <br />- FOURTY TWO THOUSAND AND ta0lI00-------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br />cart~derahon of - <br />ia hand -paid,- do- hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto. the Home Federal Savings & Loan Ass<teiation of. Gzaad-Islsnd; - <br />Gland fsiaud, Nebraska, and its sucetssota and assigns, the following real estate, sitaated in HALL <br />~u~v State o+` NEBRASKA ,~ town: <br />THE SOUTHERLY SIXTY (6O) FEET OF LCT ELEVEN (il) IN Btu'CK THREE (3) IN SOUTHERN ACRES <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND !BLAND, kIALL ~;OUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all the appurtenaucea thereunto balona~, and ell covenants in all the title.deeds running with said teat estate, <br />atui all the rents, issues ate-..profits arising therefrom after default in- performance. of at>,y covenant. or tronditfon herein eon. <br />twined; and watranffi the title thereto perfect sad clear except for this mortgage. <br />Dut$ng the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree: <br />First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied againsi said premises, including all lanes and assessments levied <br />upon Shis mortgage, or the debt secured by this mortgage. <br />Second. To keep all buildings ihercan i.:~ared again_=t loss by fire, lightning and tornado in some company, to 6e ap• <br />prayed by the said Home Federal Savings k Loan AssceiaGon of Grand Island in the sum of ~ ' Hsu rc'~ ! e va C ~.., ,, for <br />the benefit of the said Association, and iffi succeasars or assigns: and to deposit said policies with said Association, and shall not <br />commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall gut and peep said real estate buildings and improvements +o good <br />ardor. <br />Third. Ta pay or cause to bn paid to the Home Federal SawiitgS # Loan Association of Grand island, its streceasats or <br />r. , u7y ,.~ ~ ~r!ctt ,n ._. <br />asai$ns. the sum of ~ .__. ... ,_ .:------"------------'------------T)f3Ll.A-RS, <br />pay~h~ ~ f.tlin~- <br /> <br /> lvitb interest thereon payable. arcardtng to the tt~r and effeN of the ore certain first enattgagp„ ~pli!lnef sold nlvrtgagars, <br /> bearing eeea dale with these preaeeta- After maturity said botYd draws Interest at the rata off ~ per cent per annum. <br /> if said taxg€ attd a~'affi are not patd when dur, cr if the k?utidinga on said premises era not insured as abnwt pry. <br /> tidwi, or i[ any of said intet~i is Hat paid whin due, then satd whale debt shall hc~eome due immediately, at the option of the ~_ <br /> said Asw;clation and shall ihema[ter draw iniirest ai 4he rate- of Wino per sent per annum. <br />. '."he u;,'rta,tar___ hereby asaign.;~.~ te; said marigagrre all rents and ioaame artsing at any and call limas frnm said - <br /> prof~tty and hereGy authorize said mar2gagee 4r its a°em., ai ifx eptlcut„ ttlwn elefault. Ln take rhargn of said property and <br /> rolIeM ;11 reds and ineame therefrom and apply Ike soma to the ltaymrnt of interest, prinelpnl, itLSUrance ptYmiums, taxes, 22 <br /> sasesswents, repairs nr imprnwementa neeeaSary to terp satci property in tenantsblc eanditian, ar tv other rharges yr pay - <br /> ments prosided far herein or in the Hato hereby secured. This reM asaigoment shall continua in farce until khe unpaid bal- <br />e <br />~ anee a[ acid ntYte is #ully paid, The toking of pvssrasion hereunder shall to nv manner prevent or retard said mor[gatEee in <br />r the caiiection of said soma By fvreciosura or otherwise. _ <br /> K'heUsor Bald debt 21EL'ntn@a dne by lapse csf ttme: Ur by Cea96R .,I Ctl@ fattnTa ck[ t.tle iYaCty UE Eh[ f1r31 t:;1ft to CUintYly <br />_ crith any ranslitian herein, the said Hausa Fr;iarai Savings # Lean Assoeiatkan ai torard is::+nd. Lhc .tx en.:ivre and asstitns, <br /> shall haws lha right to bt+flio the fnraclostxre of tills mvrfgaga at nnce at lire whnln debt hereby ,~~rurc.i. and RY irciude _ <br /> t[seuain all texas, asaesamrnts> inswam.~a gremittros and rests. ,)aid by it ar them; yr .a,ti ;s saxiatian. its success+,rs .,r , <br />:-. ~~ ~_~ r~ t;_-- 'vim as +~- ~_. e-~, .__e ,sue, j^~~ .syri, ~..wy~ ~. r-. -. ___ ,___~---- - °- - - -------'- <br /> vf the lien thereof. <br />-- Atsak lien €atd' first parry anal the InaKe31: of said ante. especiai`tY agree al;d +iarian Ltrat ti3a ye3taTatc r.-txte t:t eact+ an;t <br /> trvary one o[ them, ittcludiag both that Haw awned and that hereafter acSyuired, is piedl=ed and 6onnd fur the p:tyntent ut - <br /> ihe dot heresy ~. <br /> Ailey the corirmeattwaneni of any suit in fareelcssure ibe plaintiff tharelr, sball he eatrtiad tvfhc imtncdiata s+<xtseaxtcn of <br />- said peemiaxra and .tha appoinhn~ant a[ a receiver tharefar, notwithslanding they may' Gc the hnraa*sicad. of the c~s'c:ttpaat and <br />- tttrimits`an.[[:~ €he-ftartte~ l4ahlS far tl'xa debt nxaY i>a &elwerd, and the first per#y hereby e+r:.t~t fa Lhe .:gpoin#rnre,t of a -- <br />~ <br />. li~avar upon Saxe pru$uetian of tttta indenture, without athar vwidanca. <br />b <br />44 <br />~# -- Ttte [ conditinrta and agreartteetk, all $nd amgnlar, 1letng fully perfarmad, ttna Callwey'at1ee stlali l3C t'LYikt, VLliaf~ ~j <br /> 1P16A to tat aml ratuatt~ In €ull farce and aftotK. <br /> <br />~}. ~~U~ <br />tigoed [b1a-__._..~._........~_~-.,:`~ _,,.-,.._._..__+ia.Y u[....,_~..~.a...m~..-s'.".F...~'~.~,-~__,...._..._ k, E)-. liL_...-:~r. 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