$~~ ~~
<br />- I~ndtr's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shalt pap the amount-of a{I mortgage ir_svrance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 her..of.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by. Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with anterest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such'
<br />amotmts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />-date-af disbursement ai the rate payable- fram time to lime on°-ou#standing .principal, under- the-Note-unless pa}'moot of_
<br />interest at such rata would be contrary to applicabe law; in-which event such amounts shall .bear interest at the-.highest raie-
<br />permissible under applicable law. 'Nothing contained in this paragraph 7-shall require tender to incur-any expense err lake
<br />any action hereunder. -
<br />- S, Insptetirm. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and iaspectinns of tfie Property; provided
<br />- that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related io Lender's
<br />interest in the Property. _
<br />9. Condemrrat~n. The proceeds of any award or claim for dama¢es, direct or consequential, inconnection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or Far conveyance-in lieu of condemnation, are hereby esaigned
<br />and shall be paid to-Lender. -
<br />In the event of elute] taking of the Property, the-proceeds shall be applied-to the sums secared'by.this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess,.if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied mthe-sums secured by this Mortgage-such .proportion of the-proceeds.
<br />as is equal to that propartion which the amount of the sums secured hp this Mortgage immediately prior t0 the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vahre of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking„with the-6alahcenf the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. - - - __
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Barrawer. ar if. after notice by Tender !o Burrower that: the condemnor o(feis to make.
<br />an award or settit a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within-30 days afterthe date such notice is
<br />mailed. Ixnder is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoratfon_ or_ repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured hy° [his Mortgage. -
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of praceeds to principal shall not-extend
<br />or postpone the dtie date of the month] ~~ installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of:
<br />such insta#Imems, -
<br />30. Bbtrower Nof~Re!eased. Extension of the time far payment or madification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />b}• this 47ortgago granted be tender to any successor in interest of Barrnwer :hail oat aperate is release. in any-manner.
<br />the tiahihty of the original~Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest- Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />-proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time for payment or otfictwi<c mndih~ amortilatian of the sums
<br />secured by this A4ortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Bormuer and Rarrewcrs sarecessars in intecesr.
<br />tI. Fnt•btaeance b}• Ia:nder Nut a Waiver. Any fort+earan4c by T.eudtr in eztrcising any right ar remedy her^rindcr, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicafrlt law, shalt not be a waiver of or prectudt the exercise of ant such right ~.?r remedy.
<br />1Tte pmcurcment of insurance ar the patmtert of iaaes or other tiers rte charges by Lender <hail oaf he a waiver n; Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness <ecurcd by this 1l engage.
<br />}2. Remedies Cumulative. Ali remedies provided in thi< wiartgaga are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy ender this \9ortgaa ar s$nrdtd by !aw or equin~. and may he escrciscd concurrently. independently or successively.
<br />[3. Successors and ,lssigns Bound: Taint and Several liability: Captions. 'T'he cowenan[s and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind.:md the rights hereunder <hail inure to, the respecuve successors ;aid assigns of i_ender and Borrower.
<br />sitb;ect is the previ,ions <'f paragraph !? hereet. Ali caveuants and zrtr-taea[s ,"i Rarrawcr shad fro ;t,ini and sevtrsT.
<br />72te captions :tad headings :it ;he ^atagr;ph< rsf this Morteaee are for catnvenicnce only `ind ate nzft to !te used to
<br />inttrprnt ur de(lnt the pram<inns hcn~c+f.
<br />14, Notice, r*sapt *'ar an}• rtouce required under appl`.csb?e Iasv~ !.+ hr gisen in anoth"-r marrer, (aT any notice to
<br />BarrtiV•'Cr pIOS'idrd lac iii tht_ \}rtrr~age . all ter? eiYetl }.v ^i'rlltn4 . a.;h i~_.t~~e_ hw -Criifr'n,# . g.t :.dsir?S3e-d t' li l.mytt 3t
<br />the Pr<,perty Addctss ear -,t <,.ch :t h...r .idd..,s .s 1#cxrouar :tat do tgnate by re.i:_-,- to lender as pnrvidcd herein. and
<br />it U
<br />such tnlitr aidress :iSNi ender nr:iy 1_,ignate t*l' no[nc~~tn Borrower ax 1. mvidcd_t#txty u,,,a~€ly~t~1: :`~ _tided~~•iir in''thfs
<br />-_ oaf ,. _ ,~:.:°c. ,.. Sa.~ :yt., [ ~ _,. t -. 1 ~.,ut. -P-. ,~g. iR~~ jt. r=.'~
<br />s~, tnBlir-rte ter. 4,_-_>~r~ L.aw.`?~x=repitl#y= lt.,-, t..-~ ,.. r ,
<br />..,.a~i>e.r-~s a ^~.~..T n s.or :atzaa:
<br />use and nurruntfctrm a?rrnanle a-ith -'iatitcd <anuuons icy ~uri,d:cli-,n to ,onatitulP."a uniform ^rea:ueilY m ~ {]relit covering
<br />rea3 pn>pens• ~hhis '.totSgagc <hail br _rwerntd by the lay of the parisdact;esn ~+_ :a~h~etr ihr F°rttl*rrty iv locnted~ !n Iht
<br />event that :any pea*v~swn ±+r clauae o% thin Mtrns;agr er rhr :"dart <nnllicls ~,vith ,i, phcahle lau, such euntlia shall not affect
<br />other nn>trsiuns iH this -.'~4angage c,r the 'ti 6[e a~h~ch pan he ~iten rtlect u~itkavr the cnniTictiflt? pea+eision, anal to thix
<br />end She pan•isiooe of the L1ort¢age and the note are declared to t>s .everablr.
<br />iS. Burntwrrs Gnfiv. Burrower abet] he- ftutvshad n ~~ufi±rmed -opy .,t tha• "torte --t,i of rtes :flat !gags; at Iht time
<br />u( executimi or niter trcnrdation hertot".
<br />I~, '!•sansfrr of the I'roptrty; .~lasuaupiiun. 1C all or any pen .q tae T'rnlterty pr :n :n!ere~t tt±etmut E< gold or irnnsfc[red
<br />by BOrrrtvtr svtl hint 1_eader; print wriGrri c. anent, cxciu$ittl; t,it the tr:'eaiscn ui n i~co cr encmnhrancc suhardmatt io
<br />mi_ Martgxgr, ±bi the =t e-?tarn .+€ a purchaar nt acv zecu-its nta•iesr t°- fa- _eha-+1 ..pphar t"e+ i~) a tr:eo-<ter by de'rise.
<br />dt~secnt ur by ,+ptranoti of lea. ulwn the death of s tcrnt tenant rte `'- • -
<br />irntltr maP.:d t cadre s r+(n kin. Jecin rr elf 11tr. stun, +ceenad by Ibis tPttgngc to be
<br />imrmdvitciy dot Bind payakite. Lco der shall bees seared ,u.:h r,paon t„ .ice 2ticr air .r, error in i4ra ,alt of tr-r+nsfrr. ].ender
<br />and the pcrscni to whom the Yrnpcrtu is is tx sold ur tv:,r.,ian'rd rracn at;retaiani m s~tMing sir:a the cir,lu ,d vn.h prnan
<br />is saiiafeeton -c. T.vnt~tr rind that the. uttetcst ttir~ able nn t* a i, :.r..nt eri ra r~.n Ai -a~aga ~ ut bt .d su,:h talc ,ro t e~alatr
<br />shall requsst, It lxndmr has ~,teivrd the r+puon is ,~ecrierst, ps arstJ,~d n+ itus patagi alt}! 17. ,nd :' tloi rowan'., ;uccesvor i
<br />imerest has ezeeuttd a wrinEn assumptian agree loom accepted in ?a ritui.: by ].ender, Lcn.iet ii?all reletagr tk?nuwer tram nit
<br />ohlfgaGcttu undo this Moetgagc and the Note.
<br />Ff i.ndtr caer:i.cs such option io use=city:Hc, Ltndet =.haii rtiaii ti;utVwcr ;;obc: of awctnrauon m .icaurdancr svh
<br />uht_L Ctrs -..-y f-y .y.a -un~a 1__kh.r.-d du_- 4 1*cu:=,, €.. :a~R, w , ? ._ . -,,t>-> r t r ;, .. ..,,ire. -ii _, w~h 1?rr;,ed
<br />`t - .der iuay =ehoiu fin tar notice ar densand on tturur:.u t,akc ;. - .bes .- ruuteed s f.arai~aph I s herepi,
<br />ly~u-L?- lp ~~ i"Fr nn~ti rs. tietn,wet ana t_erde~= furthc .=atx: a.. - t _ ~'-e, :-.tstwa
<br />iR, Acerleration; €ferntdiea. 'ITxcrp# a presided is 1>atugrt{th S7 hereof, upuu Butrn?terj brraeh of arty tutienuuf ur
<br />t~retauenl of Bruruwtr in this 'Vtortgukr, intludiery€ tilt <: art cuaota tar pay t+lsca due an} wnis avcurcet by this lfurtgu#te,
<br />Ixa~r p;hte to ~rcxlx.~t#ou. s€ra1T mail outlet fa Brvrra'vrcr as pru.ided In patap;rupb t3 hrraaf epcrtfying: (11 the }trearh:
<br />tie the actiuu required to cure such h+traacht tat a elate, our tress riven 30 duy+ Fnnu the date nc~ ounce to rtiailad to i#ntrueeer,
<br />by which such breach us,ust ix cured, and tai Fhat falturt to cure snob breach na of btlure tbt dart spccltied Fn the uatlt`e
<br />may' result In as:rr.Tersttun of the sums aerated by this }iarle, forcrtustue by' judicial pruceediuf; aiid sale of the Pntprrty.
<br />Ttaa nv#ica shad [aalhcP infurrn Buaunrr of th¢ r~ht to reiustrste after accrteratinn and rite right io ax-rrt in the ftzrtctrrxure
<br />pracecdlrr~ the rutn•ex#stenrr o€ a eicfautt nr any other de€ense of Burrower fo acctlrrat#un and #areciusart, 11 the ]reach
<br />is nW cured uu ur in~Torc #iu• date specliied in Ei:c notice, t.rndrr at T.e•nder's rzptinrt ma} dcrfarc iclt of the sums secured by
<br />this 4€uriKagr to he immed#a#etr due and paya#k trirtxtut furtlrtr demand and pray €ureclosr ht jostle#al pruccadiug.. Lender
<br />sfiai€ Pet erit#9led to enBecf let stash prucrrding all irxpenses of force-testae, ioctudiug, bn[ nut lttnhad tai s: eats +:f ducuuuattary
<br />esl$ertres alratras:ix arul tit#r rttrurt3,
<br />..vt r. ~, ct , ~, t,a ., ,~. „~„ h:;._ . r i.. ar,,.... b ,,..~.~. ,_.,€; .. ..~,. ~.... t.., ,.,. +,,t.. ~.s. ,, .a,u ,., ,r.,,
<br />