<br />~~~~~~~~
<br />That Cite°-A4ortgagot will--pay the indebtedness as hereirsbefore. yrrnrided. - ~~- A ~ "~ -~ ~~ - - - -
<br />That the INortgagot is the- owner of said property in fee simple and has good-right and !awful authority to sell- anct
<br />convey the same and-that tits ~rrre is free anci clear'-.o#"any"lien or_etscumtrrartce: and that:.Mtsrtgagor will warranf~~and'deftmd::the
<br />titre io said ptemisesJagainst the rlaiins of all- per~sts-.whasnsaeveY.::" __
<br />Te pay-imc'cediefely-when clue and payable al} geiteial taxes; spacial-#azes, speciat assessments, water charges, sewer ,en-
<br />i.-e charges, and oCFier Lrxes and charges against said property, and alt.texes levied on the debt secared hereby, andtrif+itnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon regaest. with t}te original or dupiirate receipts therefor, The Mortgagor agrees that-fliete shat[-tie=added tri .
<br />each mortthty payment required hereunder nr under-the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated. Sp-the Mortgagee
<br />to be su6tcient~to-enable: She- Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, all !axes: asses!nnents, and similarcbarge.~ upon:4he prem- -
<br />isesauliject ttiereW;"any ileRciency-because of the insutficienty of such add'tfiunal 'payments shalt. be__"LOrt;twith deybsiterf by the
<br />Mortgagor ,rich the Mortgagee utwn demand by the Mortgagee. Any. defauii under this Paragraph-steal! tre~.rleemed a ri,=fault iri".
<br />payment of taxes; "avsessments, nr similar charges required hereunder: - -~ ~ - -
<br />_ The Mortgagee ages+rs that there shall also he added to each mnathly Uayment of principaL~and- inteeesi-;squired hE•ra*
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becnmes due, the-insurance- -
<br />pcemium on any insurance policy delivered to the Aiortgagc ... Any deficiency because= of the insufficiency nf~such .additional Pay
<br />mehfa-shalt -txs inrttiw th deposited by the Aiortgagor with the A9ortgsgce upon demand by-the-Mortgagee. Rny defaittt under'this
<br />paragraph shall tx deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. It the policy err policies deposited`are such m;: }tome-` -
<br />nwners or aft risk policies, anti the depaaite are i sufficient to pay the entire= premium. the ~lcrigagee may apply the deposit to
<br />pay premiums nn asks tt.;uirrd to be Insured by this mart Kage.
<br />Paymenta made by the Mort£agor under the abnvr paragraphs may, at the option of the ?v3orfgager, =lie-held `hy ~It and
<br />commingled with other such funds or +rs own funds for the payment ref sorb items, rmr! until so applied, such paymonts are hereby
<br />pledged as srmtrtty for the unpaid balance ref :he mortgage rndrhtrrinrt+.
<br />Ta procure, de(trer :_ end mamtam the bera'fii .d i ha~ bfurt e;aeee :2t mK the lice of thin n ortgage original policies and
<br />renewals thereof, dt~tivered et Jeeut tr-n days twforr the .~xpvanun of env- such pahcres. utsunnc against fir? and other insurable
<br />hazards, casual#es, and ronti rgeru:ics w ihr s-4artg,t£.ee m "• require, in a amount equal to the indabtedntwa secured 6y !teas
<br />Mortgage. and in rnmpann•s :+rrspcshh- m ih,- ~inrr;;acer• .«~ttt hs t,ayah!e clause :n Laver of and rn form aecrptshie to the Merriga-
<br />gee. In fha eve-ni tntr pokey r, m,r r wr-1 ,.., . r imt,m r, ,rave ,,. us cap, rsrtum she ',dortu:+;=c,• may f,rnrure rusuranc=^,,n the
<br />impnxements. pay the cxa-rococo titrrrf.r, r. .,nd =,ch =, ,na^ t„-c-xr:e :. -,e•d;aech ...,, ana ; feeble +,+".h interest at the rate set
<br />Cartit in era note uanl paid and .na1; I,<..,rur.Yi h". enter. i, ,, t,agr F'a:~,. -n ehr [ran ref th« :, crt,:ag„r tr, ft. rnish .etch r -Ovals
<br />as aro heresn rant u,rrd .,r i+ulure ro ; ... , nr ad, anc, of tsveunner ,half ~u rhr .q, r,on or th+• ~#ortr;ager, ; unst,tute drtautt
<br />rutdec rbe terms of thrs erurt;;a£e Ch. ~r ud.: ,•r. ~.! u, , ._. ., ,,, „ r =. r„ - .,,.t , _ r.ie ~r t, :mkn_ .1+the ~n-
<br />earned premmm
<br />Aav ~ t =t=,~d ., .r, ;f " t ~ ,. _,.,., ,a . ..r ..: n. .. ..-, ,is. y .. enu:..,i by .:, `ir.rtKa£rt.
<br />u
<br />ar..f ep;aie<i r.,we.r: f: ,•a-n:-nr `..r .. n. :r,",r•, ,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,. ;}-.. ,,r„con .. .n,.,,..r- ,.,r;-- .;,. -,-.,~ ,r :;.
<br />part teas i, paid <,x«-r :,, c 't. _,a„a,, r .,, r ..,, , . r, parr ,.. .. w., rr r r . 4.,.r d r,e.+ h.tn- .. ..,« - rta:.~ , r ,-, m
<br />other purpose 'a obl+rt •atnfiutor=. rt, ehr }q~=n eakrv +..+in•nr .; fTrrcu oe n>•• h«~n , ,; tro- r.r„n>;n£.. na rhr Fuif -+,.:.n,r.. .,, ,, n•ri~hr n
<br />ht Izrfure -•-uch ;v+y men! <•.. r .rack p1acE.
<br />'i'ce pr<nnpt!Y ..1.: ., S,,.r, r. n~rn, .. i., ,_n„ ~. ~ ., n.. ,., .„„.. i ,,, r, ..r... i, . ~,. ..,,.,r, .. ~.., ..
<br />e disc e.l :,- ,test n_ ~1. _- tr •x _ ...,., _ -_ _.,1, ,. n:1t i; , t„ - - r =r , n i !_ r„ ~ ,r~rhnnr, . Is, r, ,., inn ,,.
<br />ciaun of lien n,a r spr•*'.aft .- r-.ma, -i t,..ne -:. n n.-r. n ,. -, ":- .,,,,+-. rte rn,: ,.. ,-, .,»,o. ,+.c ., . - .:.r +r .. r. , . „ .,.-,
<br />eai:i pn,pert s~ urn ,r t,rrern •, a.,,. ...-,.n.. .,. ..e. .. .. ,. m .r„r _ .,.r r,s _. , r,~r,v _~i.. ., _, ,.r
<br />liras vatuab(e rrt„~.hm,rtr+t r. ,.. ..,. .,r , ,..-„~. ,,, .. ,~~i. I , r,.r,. r.,,r ,.. ..zrr .;„~t
<br />to the to©rtgaged prrmrses and ri he un. tkrrP,+f~ .
<br />'t`hat a, uuld rhr pr ...,r ,w rart r.,. r,..f 1.~ ,.,x. ~, r Lrrr.:ra,~d , ,., ,., r _.~, ~rn7~. •+,p r.., ern r.a a ..,ndrmrstr-sn
<br />pruc~c>tii nK, +rc unrkr rhr refire „t .~ : nt .f.,urarn -.. ~. ,:rhi•r , .. : z to+• `.l,.e tr=t£«- ~.,aJl i"• r~ntulrsi ;+, ill f „ ..a[I<,a,s_
<br />awxrdv, ar __, any utl;rr p , _tr_ .-, ~.~ir=d 1lu.rH?,=s ur._. tFu~Jt~6e snNr1! d~ tetr era ..pt„u,- t„ ,~_enen„n. ,. :,t,y,.nr ,n .o„ ,_=c .err, ro=
<br />own Pence aey auttw+ oz }rrsxnxnl mg, r u. , ,eke : -r,tnprrun rr <~ ~.-t ltru~,azt n ~ o, rcu„n .. rrh wrh tai,u!K ,. •la~as:r 1t1 .,tr1,
<br />rvmprnsatian, a-«ard=.:lu;rsst;.:s. ;;&hi a:, .a+-incase ;,n:,t+F~:°-'t:xwis err .+ reh_v .srt;n«=,t .,; the 41:.rtgsgrr. v.h„ rr .. .rtte.r r...l(uc-t,ne
<br />therofmrom act its ext'krtses. rrtraar any moneys a r,••cen~ec* iw t.:,r expp[y +he~a, m ,coq r drhtrdnes< .... r. <iaherr-bg ~ r, aort~
<br />eager epee.-~ tn. ex8ctttca xut;h furtF.er next#,nrrx•r:tw .,. ant c , , ii -at o, z.arcL--. _lar an ..rzni r.„t,o ,-t ,.it- n . r:,; 1,r x--,+i. ~, th+-
<br />M<trtgagrr teas require
<br />Tha6 m cane of fadvrv 6r inert=,rm any ni rhr ,,,,.,net„ iterrm rhr ~tertgaFc:• rnuy ..o . ,. ~4arteaic,,.r". 6rhalf *•.r n ehrag
<br />su cewrrtantert, that the Murtgayre nine aiw d„ arn~ net +t may drern n ,-.,.rn to pn,t.r,-t ehr hrr~u ~r heirof that rkc fltcntcat:„r ~rll
<br />repay up+w demand any to m•vg petit r,r n - _ 6)' tF,e T{ertf~rKr-r f rr any, „f th. -,,..,r tmrtn-rn-. ..nri ...rt r, t<rihrr =.:..,
<br />interaaf that xzn at rhr cai~ !zraridre} in :air S--:ota ~4tali t~rcom,• ~, onu'i: addrnunuf dehtc~in -- r-rrEv -_. •xed raorJ :r:av i e.,
<br />r7udod fn any drenw tnrcari<rstnK tats mungag+' and tK^ Pard r,ut „t rhr• r.^nta r pron•ertz crf -wit• ni mar.. pmrrta.•s r. n=,5 „i1s~t~v,.r
<br />said: that ri shelf trot iw al$tgatr.+rS` upon rhr ~Lzrtgatter Qr era;una• uau tlne Urtltdrty ,d app i,:7n, r -u:ntxreusrs':+_ ,~r marry +n .,d
<br />vaaei»g mwtega as ahxn~e au#la,xtzrd, but nothutK herer^ rontruned shall ir.= ,-on,trurd n. n:rJU+tua;; ih.~ h#or!$rtKrc• t., a,l,-veer .rn',
<br />~_,~ uk ~_ _ . _ .= 3.-.. _,..~= Riox. E shad ......._v, a ~..ak 4 h.Jets tn. a,. . I
<br />t:tin~, i; a+`ay r3o E =tntt t.z daz her=_•,snE€,s
<br />In the went aI the defasdt by" 4iurtKagux to tt:x paymt°nt <xf any mttta3tn>rnt. as r.:;u:x+^,1 L,y the P.otc• ve•c~u red hrrohy ,.
<br />in the pnrfnrmattre cf #lae ~lit~ati..n in this martKag=° ,~r rn t#.« note ~.urr-rt Eh,rrr4,v. "::-r ',soriKe;;s-r ahesit l,c• +rua: t4r*EA r. .~!xr,- th:'
<br />delx(, sstairgd herYEy t}ue ~<{.p4Ya152e w>thoc=. notrce> and the !v3ortgngve shah Le• lattttied ;rt do „tzHOn. w+thoat n„t tonether by rts,-I1
<br />crly x rrxeiver Yrr Fzk aplrooinArt by she court ttrrr+w,f and with^ut r.^gartt to the at9erluacy of env se4urrty for the rndrhtr-rter•ss w
<br />cared hereby. #a.-ntr'r stun ~i3 t~kr t~v.•ais~ of ifv r::;:s€gr:yrl i-ramrrs. xr: t_~ rock ~t :;a:r. r:a•rsvr rhr r~nty.:.+-err} arx! pr.,tils
<br />thererd, atulapply the aan+e. }+?8az E7.xrts u; Wzrraf.on xnd rtziiectian. ui"rn the mdei!tx•3ne;z.. x .taxi fiy thiF mnrtgstt¢e. i r.^nte,
<br />!aeons srxl prtzg#a being henatsy aswgm-d ter the AtnaKagos its fttrlhar awruntr Fur the payment u{ ail nrrlchtram•ee ,.n urrY9 hrn'Pn~
<br />Tttr MUrfgagM sttatl ha¢4• cite tau r tU aplnn„t aAlp agtnt r` a£e-nk.t !~ Ping det,t cr tier l~kr. purJ!cexr <•f reintrrrrtA scud i ran+"
<br />ice: reeling the satrx'-, +~ri€ecttne etas reMs~~ res°.enurs a+:d e - .+ud rt Pans pay +,ut of s.ud + tx aJ1 e:+Jrt~rt».~a rnrtirrcal rt rwnt~
<br />!tap and Frtanaping tlta „--+. Frey and c~ t-+riisriini} tlx rentals niter+rs~t turn 't=hs ha!anre rrmau,u:g. nfvsnp -heal! t,r appho,t trxward the
<br />dit%d+aYga of th., merttgw#e ansie}rte+3arc•~ 'S'h+. asnirtnrexns rx to ceem+r air „nd Pzec.•, riser Hutt .,nci ,.,,t,3 utx,n r,-frn<c „i thee muregage
<br />
<br />