(6j To trsa the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Gevernmment.
<br />- i7} To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments !awfully attaching to or assessed
<br />- against the property, including all charges and assesssments in connedion wilt water, water rizhts, and water stock
<br />pertav[ing to or reasonably necessary to the use of dse real property ducribed above, and ali taws and assessmenta 3esied
<br />~ upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured~or against any legal harder hereof or;af'the-note atof
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and pzomptly deiiver to the Government without demand receipts evidencittg
<br />~-~ such paytrerts. - -- -
<br />(&) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and;-at its
<br />request, co deliver such policies to the Government, - -
<br />~ (4j To maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Gavernment;operatctlae-peapem.-in.a-
<br />gaud and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservation ppredicts and farm and home management'plans as
<br />dte Government from time to time ma}' prescribe; and not to abandon [he property, or cause or permit waste, lesscrtiugor
<br />a irra~airment of the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent of ehr Government, cut remove, or lease-a_ny
<br />f tuli~?er~gtactI, oti, gas, coal or other minerals exrept as may be necessary for ordinarq domesti;. purposes.
<br />Q flt}J To tomply with all~_l8ws, ocdinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />~ iLl} To pay ar re:mbtxse-the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or-inridentaiso the protection ofthalien
<br />and priority hereof anti to the enforcement of ar the compliance with the provistons hereof and o: the note and: any supple-
<br />mentary agreement (whether before or after defauitt, including but not limited to costs of evidence et title to and'stuvey of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and other instruments. attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, seLing, and conre}ang the properly.
<br />~12j Neither the property oar any portion thereof or interest therein shat be leased, :ss€igned, sold, transferred, ar
<br />encumbered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole
<br />en,' cxcl,~sive righ rs 3, ^.;or±gagee % ercun~er, inducing i:ue r-~• 1united to •-- __ ___ to isrart ran seats, paTiai releases.
<br />subordinations, and sarsfaction, and• no ia;ured harder sha11 }nve env tight, title or interest m or to the Tien or any 6eneFits
<br />hereof.
<br />f` 13 i At alt reasonable rimes the Government and tts agents may inspect chc property to ascertain uwhathrr the covenants
<br />and agreemens contained 'Herein or :n any supniemer:tan~ agreement are bemG ~ rrfo;med.
<br />lAi 'Phe Government may 'a'! ca tend ar deft: the :nacurtty :ft, and rrnew~ .,a:d reschrdlxir [hc payments an, the debt
<br />rviderced '.;y the note or am~ indebtedness Ia the Gacernmea[ .u :red he phis ustrmnent, -bt rdcase any parry tvha is
<br />!iabie under ehr atote . r for the ..Kbt !men liak;ility •o :1... G<.~crnm=la. _..eecase , r-ter., - the preprrr;~ and subo, dina4
<br />its lien, and ~ wane a ~ other :.Its ogees umiec ~*his fnstru;nem. Arn~ , ad .t i tats c and t:vitl br d<mr •a•ithout affecting
<br />chc lien nr the pn-.rnry ~i rhos mscmmanr -: i3urrowrr", t,r env f,tif c; pore's !iabifin- tn~hr i;overntnen[ for pay meat of [he
<br />Hatt nr acbt steered by thts msrumrn[ unless ti;r r.osern rot .ass ,~thcn:~lse I sTUmq. HQ,:'HVER, any Gxbcarancc cy
<br />the Government-whether once of ~a[en-m r rc-tsntK m, n~ht ~ nmedr ~.Inder tins uu[nuncat. nr o[henvise afforded by
<br />app-licabie law, shad not be a water::.d o: prer,!ude ehr rarreise ~.,. ant -ua: rr;ilt ur rrmcdc.
<br />`la'. If at ,,:rr :.mr ;t shall .,pnzat I- the t.,fcemmnnl chat tirfrn>wrt ena; be able to •,btam a loan from a praduct{em
<br />credit association, a Fcdxral'an1 bank, or~.,;thec rest,~nstble ,.<x,prra[tvr :,: pnva[c credit x}uccr, at n`asonxblc rates and terms
<br />for loans for suniiar purposes ..mi perao.is ~.rt ttmr, P,ur: ow-er will. upon rte G.,vrrnrnrn,', Ire;nest, apple try artd accept such
<br />a^t ,av~
<br />n ~. .
<br />loam fn sufficient ar ~tnt - L., .tort .,nd ,ns f, debresinran r„n'd i.<rrbi _na I~ p«. .ter -,m aocie r,c, usan v. .,~
<br />i=urc~h~ d ,a . ~a_,,•~r, ~;vr icu_i:,, ~ _e,zr.- ;., r.?.... .._ _.irh -.,,., ..e,..
<br />a ti! ()cia 1 a-e .c. ., e t, -- „f-.,te ,. .[hre _
<br />u`tJnty i,strtitnrn! hCi,i '~ .P,i ,'.- ~`~ 1. I~ i.cl +. „ac...Cd ~..n.c.. I,.+.Till4i d!d 1_la .. ..... .... ... I:
<br />u[trer sertz+tty fa_..r.nr....h rtsu,n-•:••~fe _ auli i~...:c, ;it.
<br />:~
<br />Lid 3?r4=at, --.. f-- ,:__ - .-,- ..- ._ a., .. ~ -;
<br />mLnt, a, iI4 '. ,.+ti<,h ,r .~• t r.ifr..t, ,, x f t 'it ~ t Ifr, ftf 1
<br />.. r. -a LSl„ .i}. nK -.tom ....,. .... - v., s
<br />pr: l~ctton L}1 hU ,. - it, n .1.<< ,r - i n_. ..~., Ir.i ... .a ,l+ .a,li~a,f. _, .L<t
<br />appaan€eu tc,t i ~ne.at} a -:, c a. -.f zkr - ,._.. ,. ,s, .,.. ,,. ~_ ,,,,,5 ~ Is
<br />tR bq l$W, an.i e tt.i Jl,G 4 nnsi ,,fa - .f ~ ,.n 1 ..r ,t,tlcY i` e+v+,ir.t f,re~ r r ~v:t .t fft . ittfl t' ~t, .
<br />-Id: T`he [r et t - r - ~ i '. I p}1 t 1 _ .
<br />i-f, ti 1- ,
<br />incidea t ;c, rn - ~ - .t -~ , ra - r I a ., ~ . ,.
<br />l:c ;paad. ~... t., ...c?e .c_EI - . t,t ..:,c -, .n, ,.vcss n. .,.,. .,, ff sf ..r<., r ,i,s fnatrl~~l
<br />e ,
<br />: ..t
<br />of r coed rr,quirvd !v Iarv ~, ..+zn peteu; ~r+,fn cs l,e ~„ paad, ,t rHr f,. vrrnl ., -.t,In,n. ,r:v ~. r fu..e. burrs ~.I
<br />t3orruwsr :.Yalu„ It::,: .ns c ~ chc :,:~vcrs:r,~nt...:,.i I - .s ~ i
<br />!'. ,s
<br />poi{ pC IhC Y)FapettY the ~-UYeY nil nt -h t d~ nt fn- k I t - - - k 1 F a t ' la.-.
<br />of the Y1:(CtI4132 iK « ,...Y~, ...t- a,n ~+~..t +te SPA ~ _>9 }1,ICi~-a,. -a, _ .rte rr„ f .,
<br />lii}, t. t y -
<br />urdcr prcaeri6esi m.buve~. < .< anf.r~t I .,
<br />J')) iiorrvwrr aprv-rx Ihat [hc Govrrmnent w'dl nit ire . ~ nd a. , ., u. -, .,uf, ..«.} .«... .~ t~f.~.„h: .~-
<br />vaiteattnn, a-p1=r:,ae'ai, lxuncatrad serf,phou ,~I ;kit: pr,fprln. ui=, plon u,lunp~:,+.x.,~f..~uf„ ,I ,.f .,.tn,o :.. ,tr [tunfr,
<br />Prdgtt{cnt c:r lit autg the m } EuI rd~e t r _ a fo_ t 3 ~ _ t --- r,
<br />statute ,:f limitaetcsns. '. ds aiacwnag u } xl.,fat zit redcuxp€a~ri is. . s.€ ,1 ...t..~ v c -
<br />c+an ~~-_a..z s.. ta€ C;.,t-_t -n,:. r.. .r ,:atatl:,x;; imp, rs..u.,tuh t, -,es,.. ... ~ i .v a. ~;r, ~ t _~ ~.
<br />app€lY'1aa33~ aiCrlfrSleF :ti tIK ft{,=lrKY'iy tf, .v i;t}rr~,G4'sr '+_,rva :14'-ha }_- - _t.. _.. .,
<br />tK
<br />Rott=.iwcr hereby reiiayua.i ~,. w„er r t 1ef..r, ,i, ~ „ , ,r tr, «,:~ ..,..I ,,.,.,. I s.r , ., .., a ..~ .1 f. s,s..
<br />L L
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