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<br />USDA-PtnHA PaSttlan i
<br />Fozm FmHA 4~3-1 ivB - -
<br />(Rtv. s-15-7r3s REAL k57'ATE ME3RTGAGE F`f)R N7:`ttAAS~a,- - .
<br />TF31S M1!C7RSCtrAUE is made and c,.tertd rota by __ ~• ~a._~ -. ~ ~ ~, .~'~~~-
<br />.t~s-C~1:..3dk:~lAf3_:-'--_lit_s?:_s~S_..~:...Oth~x~---'.,- ..,__:::_._:'~...._
<br />"• g ..____.____._-.._.. County, Nebraska, whose post office- addkess is
<br />Rotzte,~,_Z~ox_54 'flood River --...., Nebraska ~~83 °.'--,
<br />herein calltd ~`3orrower;' and:
<br />W1iEP.EAS Borrower isu[debrcd to the Univ_d States of America, acting through thr Farmers Ffome Administraritiri,.
<br />United States Department of Agriculture, heron ea0td the "Goveenment," as evidenced 6y ane ar tnazt protaiisaary note((s)'
<br />or assumption agreement(s), httein cal9ed "note," which has been executed 6y Borrower; is payalYle to tkit orurtr of ilie
<br />Goveznmertt, authariies acceleration of the entire indehtedness at tht optiart of the Government-uprarr arty--defaufr-by
<br />Borrower, and is described as follows:
<br />A nnuat Rafe DueDate of cinal
<br />Dare a •Iratrurnent Principal Arnannt o Ireterest InstalGneitt
<br />July 2, 19$0. $212,000.00 l4~ OU2.y 2, 2010.
<br />(If the interest rate is less than -_~'._-'~o (or farm ownership or operating )Dams} secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in me note.)
<br />And dtr note evidences a loan co borrower, and the Gave:nmen[, az any time, may assign die naze and insure the pay"
<br />mint thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Fazm and Rurai Drvrlapment Act, ar 'Gale V of cite Housing Acz of =949 or any
<br />other statute administered by the Farmers Home Administraaun:
<br />And i[ is cite purpose and intent of [his mstrtament that, amang udtcr things. a[ ail nines when dar note is held by the
<br />Government, or in the event the Government should assign this mst:umc•r.t wuhuut m rincc of the note, dtis mstrumcnt
<br />-~ta__il st~-uze pay'--^-ent of the note; lut •xhea then a 1_cId ^ ~ -.. eus;ared haklr this s, - .... .;:nc .!: l - :ecut.° payment
<br />of the uo[e or attach to thr debt evidenced thereby~~but as to die note and such deht s}n+Lhcurstie;ete an irdevtnity mort4'1gr
<br />co secure the Governmen[ against Toss under its insurance cunrraar i:v re _un ,.t anv ,ietauir L++ li,rrruavrr~. ~- --
<br />And this instrument also secures thr nsaprure ni .r.}' anterc•st :n+di 1`~: s:~bsady •n!: ich may be ~. an[rd re ;hc .3arrawer by
<br />the Gavernm_ " __t_--- -~ 3^ a"c r•- $tYssn_
<br />NiyL1, THERE FtyRE >rae;d ,tan ok t€ k,a.... s':. -., -. ~. ~ -` ~-s,-,. „_.- -_-• * . . .... .......-,.. -.. .+,
<br />t:ar ....... vJ.e..... ~ [ ., ....,... f~,,. .., a , ~„ , au,~ a+a _~ S..v , ~„ e~ a ,+r Vr i nLt
<br />paymen[ of the no[e and any reue+vals a,f+d ex tenstuns [h+crcut and .ms nvrca-mrnts wntsusrdttherrm, meludt!rt .+nr urovixteu
<br />ffli the paymcrt a[ art n§;;rd.:« ..^ fJt:;... .[Sa €. i~ „ ,~c,.. . t„5 cal ~tt9v ,., xtttfc pcf
<br />f€r:`,trr`~`° ~ ~.::r~:: ~: •~ _°.:~~ ..~ s:) c xe~ ,- n ., --„a,_n, r ~_ .i inv. L_ Inslif anac'
<br />con [Tact 6y reason of any default 6y Rorrawer, and lcj -n ny curt t at~ tall tint-s r x cure the pruanpt p+y aa~n[ -f .ill
<br />advances and cxpcmiiturts ma.t Sy ntr Gerernturnt, wi[ hterest, -s a eat er +t_stri 'e i, r..t ,-~+. I+r.on.tan,,, ui ++erv
<br />cavtnatt[ and agreement of 13onowrr 't:antained htreire ar in any supplrmrntary agicemen t, liarro+vcr does herebv gram,
<br />bargain, stU, eonarcy and assign, with general warranty, untu the t.;uvrntntent the tolluwing pn>pcnv situated m thr ltn[e of
<br />Nebraska, Ccuntv;ies) of
<br />F~.wt I~al.£ Qf t~ No?'tt~st C?.~=z'tez^ (I~;) of S~ctian `zt,~tt=t-~aight (28) ,
<br />in dip lile~ren (ll} I~kxrth, Faz'x~e iT~ lve F123 , test of tip Sixth F.r'ti. ,
<br />A tract of land axtg~x•isin} all of the East Eiaif of the South Flalf of the
<br />Southwest {quarter (S~Nt} of Section S9xteen (16; , rltxmship Ten f10}
<br />FmHA -1.27.1 Nt3 -itev. 5-11-/~)'
<br />t....~..
<br />t~
<br />