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~~~ ~~ <br />MOIS.TGAGE - <br />----- MftttTGAGE ULAN N~~ - . L - ~ ' ~-. <br />~NNnwAUxrcdveYTtttSErRes>;NTS:Text Ntark IJ,.. Steik and Wanda-Lae Steik, eactl irl-lsis,and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, wtxther otu or-masrt, in xagYi~ of !: a Burn of <br />Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred and Noll-_----------------------- ------ p~;y~~ <br />loaned to said rtrortgagm by The Equitable t3m2tiing and t.oan Assurratlon of Grand tsiartd, Nebraska, Mortgaged; upon ~ ~~ sltYnesof stork of <br />rapt AS50CIAT74N, Ctrt:Ftrate Nn. ! 2,°i, lI ~ , do EtertbY grant, convey and mortgage-ttnto i}u sad-ASSttGIA1YON tlu.fgQmvitsg <br />ttatxibdd tsar estate, s?suated in bail County, Nebraska: - <br />LOT FOUR (4} IN BLOCK ONE (1} IN GLOVER'S <br />SUB-DIVISION, BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST <br />QUARTER (NE~4) OF SECTION TWENTY-ONE (21) IN <br />TOWNSHIP ELE:rEN (II}, NORTH, OF RAN,r-,E NINE (9} <br />WEST QF THE 6TH <br />together with alt the ttrcrtscros, hertditamcnts and apgnnenanexs thereunto hctungtng, utctt!dtng attached flour wvermgs, all window s!sedns, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, swntngs. l:cztmg, air cendktioamg, and plumbing and water erltugment and acussorics thereto, ptunps, stouts, <br />rdfrigntatots, and other f'ix[ures and egkripmant naw or laerca?ter attacher to or uxd ~n eunneeoun with sakd real estate. <br />And vvherexs the said mortgagor lras agrcrd and d.;cs hereby a¢rre khak size onurty;acur ctt.:ti and wdl tray all taxes and assessments itvied or <br />asses~d upon sod prcrnises and upon this :~xrart:aCe and take bonkl securril ti!erchy hc; err khe sknx shalt become definyuetti: to (tunislt approved <br />ir~uranez upon tike 'nuildings an satd grem!sns aiw.ted nt the sum ut 5 1 rJ , ~QQ, QQ pavablc ko ; zxd ASS(X'iATtnN and to deliver to said <br />AS.SOf'1AT10N tttr poll ix:s for scut insurance, and not to'cuntn!it ur tnrmit any waste un ur xrx>ut sanl prenkuca: <br />to case u de[artit rn fix gerfnmkanee u( say ,;+ t;!^ trans a net ttc!!dt~ , ur tSr:s r.=.;:Ft~r;;= r.a zEr, Pn:nd ;:s.;ur: -t ntongagec sluil, <br />.+n d~t;st.i, Lu• +=!,t~r6.d Lta im,.„„ir~t,. ti, - d .,... - - .._ <br />- ~ ..-_-~ - ~r ;,mot eo aht <br />tntrrigaaee atE the reels. rdvi:nues and mcvnr.• !o be dtttsr"d ixum the nxx tsavn•d prenut~.x Su?.rag, scv.;l!k trine as thdc mart; age nrddbtrflrtess shat! rstty^ <br />kutpaid; artd fix rrnrrigyacr. shall have khs ¢etwct to angoknt any .;_~mt .,[ =}-'a!s n nrr del- Eur the: Eser;nase of rc*,_auia.,:><.:rd grsrt:m_s zx rer!ftng <br />the- sartie and cutketueg the ;sines. revenu+:s usd ikeunx, attd t! my tau out ::t =._td n ,,,_ alt :,,e;',ca-_+ .;. keea!;!n? ,•a::i n__uk:-_*h »~f re~~r;. <br />C~4:xm;.%ea :a 3€.il ~.._... r..c a-:ct :!.:... zm? v:r;rayik~, . - ~,3rrr, ,.- .~,?. rtat, .1w.kc:ro.r , t. ,.aia.~?4x .emsrn,nR..t anY, t~? L= <br />a~'iela ~we[t% tic u[.¢a`3r~ ,_! seed marr.g £- .tr.P.. L`nL` 3, tn.-~_ ..z, t ..] :.t :::.. ts~: " ipes}' c sAkaa:~rit ~L ~+Y_ i!mr t Si, af~ , a1x.~.'kCY Of Sk}ul <br />dC'esu!t, nte5pecttve !,l any [e3C'[fe!+ra_~ wak4'kr r.l [t!t+ ~:e!~. <br />pxYnient, pay r:>,snttkly t.+ev~i,d 1JSrX. E.i E7 1~ ri tot rut a !xut:td n !hc tturrd raaf i ca^- r ~t_,es d , r!eu: ae . ..x-1 ! ea x ! ~...r~. <br />Lhe "i - uueth day i Y •u +v.,- _ k;i uut,i .,r.1 L,,,,; t"ik;' {-'==uE. F-'t ~=1~ •+- ~.... :.r..~rr~r.E~ ;.,aEJ ads::xt ~.d,w:=s uuu uu EEer3 ~turk~ <br />arxi the 8wtd a.t. - Lh':eby - d> e..i:n tt !r v 3arn -h rfr .r6 r - u-at-r upon the i;udduaga Eheaeon n ! t sink: ut € ~ j, ~QQ. QD ~yaak <br />to sagf ASSOCIA93(3h- retuey r saxt a ~iKt47S i~yi utw i c !surd r ey by +t pail err such kaa~x, raes>trrouts and tnowance wnh interest ai <br />ttm nuximurn le}ai rate these+m trues .fait ..r! g;:yu~nd akl ut w-lxuak 2Yvkt~~ir irr-m4v :;~c:.. tom,^ay, txrnrkr n:! waste on ~kti rnenuse,, keet> and cunkpky <br />wish sU elm agrtettmna sad an d Ea rr ~ at th . IG d t r ? ~ ~ ,t}QQ . QQt = a say ~ _ ! -y i i- zs! '.t tr ~ - - .~:d n5.i[X~IA t tt1V_ and kumpty <br />with afl tAd requirertkents ut Lhr Ct ats tt4tro ants rev t~wa u: mid ~~~` Lit.t. I-.elbt. .,_te ,.._,c ,.:xnt_ $t:afl kr_j,u!;x nai: anti v!.kal, aerherwtsr ihev <br />si!sll tcnwin in ful! (stet- and inay t~- for at elm op4an ut Utr aua! AS5t2C1A CtUN alts: ~,uiure lot three months to akakt any ui sakd <br />pxyrmnts cu be three !rwnk}ts m erreats us n4.ktng ss!:1 ktkunthiy pay utters, ear to keep and c, nkyaly wnh the a;Je<n:uots and cunilrttenx of exsd 1~n1, <br />stet Moti~;?t atycxs to traw_ a !ra-t:•.a apJa;rautnct fukthwath us seat (u!!e gt ac4•aiuegs. <br />!f (hats es any cltangs to owatcashtrp a>i the teeaE taste mat~a~gta± F rt!n, tap sate u! .uEtrrwrsa, thin t,'ta r:ntkre reutartwty mdttsladrresx E:etvay <br />mrurod slbtlt, at tFu npturrk ot'1`hc Fgnrtaba f3ustdmg and loan dr4cs.natr,-;n of Grand t.~a;r.[, tiEbtaoka, be.:L;nce unmtediatotY due++r+d paYrbk wittet!ut <br />`-'u`ktr nuii~, ar.!d the amuuru rcrmaemrg deae k!ndtr satd hated, acrd arrp outer iwnd P~>r soy addiuur!al advsscses made SEMienndrr, shatl,!ium Lre <br />dxtp nt exdrt'ist n(said upiwn, tread katctest st the ua!xu!!unt Iees1 mle, and this n:u~tysgc .nay thwt ha &nv.;lassl to a:titsfy tike a!nuunt dot un saai <br />twnJ,acrd any oche! htxtd la addmaual advanc:v, tuXtttkcr wath all suxrks Ewrd ay said l'he tgmtstttc• ktuddkng soil Loan Aswcwnan a(Gcxnd Island, <br />. tayt; <br />Nt!rr.aska (u; ;oast xJ _ _~~:?~-- s.- -, at=ir~=t:tlr-4 vr.if!k~.r. aS.~ar -- ax,. ._ ic.._x: ai!.::gin. !ru.u dace raf ga}r:~. :t -st r:eti ,:;annar:;n <br />k~akrate. <br />A6 '~r.rwtird in the Ik+n~ sx -t. z,l ttir bs w dt td ~ tpsr~ r r - - -±: cito u4 rite may -aizer adva!hc adAittuuat sums eak the <br />iFSakitS srf sau3 Hk.nil, tltri: at.;asgna c,c suCa:~~r.a.s ua .tta;.seat. h!ut aurr _,ralE tee .rith!n thu scc.rzny of thta rnattgage the skna: as tbt funds o!rginnifiy <br />z~nrdd thtret ~•, th€ t~tsl astptku'at n( g,~t as°igai deal oats to cast,-ril at e,ty tem.° tkm uk.kinr! stnsaurrt Exi this mnt!t;Caga. <br />~""st _-.____. -__ <br />Wanda Lee Stelk <br />s'~T~t~t Nr'°,icrt,~ t,~.,,~4 2nd. k,_ July ,JO <br />r~txr?~-f~ ~ lt~s,l ~ ~~ _ . _ ....~~ .. , <br />uk5 uuderskg!s~.;, a ~a,tar. rnhhc na and 0.n xard l~+u-ntp, (+ar xkuxkFy .sins <br />Park D, Stelk and tdanda Lee Steik, each in iris and her carsn right, and as spouse of each other <br />.~,._ ~wa{kU 3Y`e t;etmnaLy Arkuwn to <br />R# #a lr. tltd !den dE, lKt%:r $ r ,~~-*~pF~~';~t'Q ~t.YGa{ e..he afnakc ;axbu:,FSUnk sx a'xxegsgur S and th@„7 wv~erallY <br />x:.kstta:akd~d Etti's,lsl ittstretsrset`be-••~'L~i~'cP+~y ~~~~r~ti t._ p- as as?±t dcetl. <br />11~, i4)ta y t'td?Eei <br />IdYx?At FU "x .... K' <br />• t7 <br />