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w <br /> r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 8 - k <br /> 1.rnder's wrtlrr.n :igrccrncnt of ap ifCaat~ls 1 w ^•""cr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premium{ in the <br /> manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br /> Any amounts dist•trrscd by 1_cndcr pursuant tp this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, ehall brcrrmr additional <br /> i-.deh'cdncSm of BorroAcr secured bt' Ihit Mn.rtgagc IUT tsss l3orrowcr and bender agree to ether terms of payritcnl, such <br /> atnc,t:n!s shall he ~ ayaba.c upon antics from l,endcr to Rorrowcr requesting payment thereof. and shall hear intcrest from the <br /> date of disburscment at the rate payable from time to time on rirum!and' principal under the Note unless naymcni of <br /> intcrext At stash rant Would tc Cant! fry to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the h;Fhcat rate <br /> reimissiblr tinder applicable law- Nothing contaired in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur and' expense or take <br /> any action hcrcundcr. <br /> 8. Trispection. t crdc•r may rniiLc or causv_ to be made reasnnablc entries trpon and insptctione of the Property, provides' <br /> th-al I end+;r ,h:,11 gf c Bo.rowcr notice prior io any sash inspection supccifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br /> :nierrst in the propert.. <br /> 9. Condcmnarion_ The prey cells of art aw•asfl or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in conrcction with anv <br /> rondcmnatiori lit other takin} of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condcrnnaiion, arc hcrtb%. assigncd <br /> nd shall tic paid to I.r dcr <br /> In the c%eri' of a Total takit:g of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the arms wecored by this Nlortgigc. <br /> with the excess, of arty, paid to Rc°rrowcr. In the event of a ,spec tl tat it g r?f the Property, trn)css Beirro xer and Lender <br /> «thcr%vise ag`rcc in ,arir:ng. there ,hall he applied to the sums 'faired by this Mortgage smcia proportion of the pr.iceeds <br /> AS is equal tr`,thni pro-portion w•'hi_'h the amount of the sums accurcd by thi< hforigage.immed:atcly prior to 'he dais of <br /> taking bc-5 to the fair market vahic of the. Property immediateiy prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the prd*<erds <br /> paid to Borrcwer. <br /> If tilt" Proper'ty is abandoned by Sc.rrrmcr, or if, after noticc by [mender to Borrower that the cot+dcmnor offers to make <br /> an award or <cttic a claim for ciartaget, Borrower fails to respond tali lender within '10 dais after the da'r stic'h notice is <br /> mailed, lxndcr is autbor17c1i 10 Collect and apply the proccedc, it Lender's op:ion, tither to rtctc;ra6on o• -emir of the <br /> prop crtm or io 'Inc sums secured by this Mortgage. <br /> 7yanless i..cndcr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of priacecls to principal shall not extend <br /> or pd+stpone the: due date of the munihly installtricnis referred 1o in paragraphs t and 7 herecif or change the amount of <br /> such installments. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Evemsion of the time for payment or moMication of amortization of the tram ScCUred <br /> by this 'MorigaSc granted by I,cnder to any wccessor in intcr"t of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br /> the liability ti,: the original Borrower and Borrower's xticccssors in interest. Lender shad not be rrquircdi to commence <br /> proccedings against arch successor or refuse to cxteod time for payment or oiherw•awc modify amortisation of the sums <br /> Secured by thic'vfc`ripage by rea,i+n of any demand made by the original Borrower and Ttorrowcr's sm ccssora in int[tett. <br /> I I. ForPrtarance by Tender Not a Waiver. Ariv forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hcrcundcr. or <br /> otl'.crwisc afforded by applicable l tw, shalt not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of an,,- such right or remedy. <br /> The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxe-, or other liens or charges by (.mender shall not be a waivcr of i -nder's <br /> right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness ,CCttred by this Mortgage. <br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Mortgape are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br /> remedy ender this Mortgage or afforded h-; law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently. indcrviidenrly of succresivch <br /> 13. Successors and Assigns Brrundt Joint and Several Liability- Captions ~tta-t~..and a*rccments herein <br /> contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall intirc to, the respective success?01'and asst~ns'of~*crrier and Borrower. <br /> subject to the , rovi6onm of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agrccment¢o{ 1~nripuSr:1%at-1, joint and several. <br /> 'I•hc captions and hcadingc of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for conyerren a only and f iv .riot to lye tried to <br /> interpret or define the provisions hereof. be , f V," • 7 •tis st ' ; '1 <br /> 14, Notice. Except for any notice required under appl'tcaNc law to imam $iva:4 ir'NnUk4.rnanrjer, (!a) any notice to <br /> Borrower provddrdd for in this hfortgngc shall be liven hs mailing ouch nCtticr"~}+y , rtifi.d 7rti}`a8dret to Borrower at <br /> the Property Address or at such other address as, Borrower may dreignate by~rigi tc> Lender a f.rci <led herein, snit <br /> (h) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail, rettirn teceipt requester 1I"1.~atid~r`I4t t~rss rated herein or to <br /> Stich other address at i_ender may designate by. notice to Borrower as provided f~rfjrt., `Kwtt''rtouce irovided for in this <br /> Mortgage shall lye deemed to have been given to Acirrower or Lender when given to c trl~nfierhtl natr.d herein. <br /> IS. Uniform Mortgage: Governing Law, Se+embtlity.' This form ar mortgage ccrmbtrftts irate?air covenantt for national <br /> use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a,uniforni security instrument covering <br /> real property. This Mortgage shall he governed by the law of the }ttrisdiction in which fire Property is hxjited., In the <br /> CVcrit that 4ny provision or clause of this Mortgage or flit Mlle conflicit with applicable law, Stich conflict shall nail affect <br /> lather provisirim, of fhic Mortgage or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provisinn, and to thi% <br /> end the Pfovl,iorts of the Mortgapc and the 'Note are declared it) he severable. <br /> 16. Borro%ter's Copy. Borrower shall he furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Slortgagc at the time <br /> (if etcCUtion or after recordr,tion hereof. <br /> 17. Transfer of the. Property; Assunipfior,. If 211 or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or tran,f+erred <br /> by Bor. iWer without Lender's prior Written consent, excluding (:o) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinale 10" <br /> lh Mortgage, (h) the creation of a purchase money wCurily intereil for household appliances, (0 a transfer by devise. <br /> .kwcnt or by opet:ation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or !!.a poliai ' <br /> a.r*.rw+.t••iwwtfw (.,ender.may; at Lcnder's option. declare all the sums ser:iired by this Sto•.tg:tge io Kr <br /> iminedi.rtcly duc and payable. Lender shall have Waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the title or transfer. lender <br /> and the pcrmoo if, uhorn the Property i% to he -,old or transferred reach agreement in writint that the ctc,tit of cinch pcrmnn <br /> to l ender and that the inter+.S► payable on the sums mr;cured by this Mortgage shall hr at smelt r itc ;1S 1 Birder <br /> shrill rcrtues.'. If i ender has wtuved the v; lion in icc'eler;ite providecd in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower%, mervcr,.nt in <br /> ,nfCrrq lia" executed , written asattmrilwi :frrt:emcnt accepted in writing by (,.ender, l.eridcr shall releusc ilcitio%v or frorn all <br /> '`1r•~r, <br /> htdigmjnnm tinc!c.r thi•:' ortg,aEc and the <br /> If I cridrr e xcrcites much caption to ;c:o-,let.itc Lender shrill climl flnrromcr notice ail "uc:erlrr:itron in o-aril:an c Kith <br /> p:ir:dl;raph 14 hcrrof, Such notice ah.all prarvidc a period cif not lekm than M bays. from the (laic the optics is, mailed witloin <br /> hints drel.ated drrc. If Bortuwer fail to pAy ,itch stimm prior to the rxpirittivn M -w h prnxl, <br /> ail .l Rnrrs air reel) ;sty the <br /> i cr:;+cr m:ay, ti,irii ut further noncr cir donand on ltorrowcr, inwl,c ;rny rrmrdict pcrnwtest b}' pcit., taph 11Z )icreof, <br /> tw•t,.'rvirfit?m Covi •dA.",It, Borrower and I ender further cos rnant and awree rim ;allows: <br /> pct, AC(C•Ii•rritiaon''T•ttrnedits, E,4(rpt m ploOlled In paragraph 17 herent:, upon 1lorittoWN breach or any crt~.tnwnt or <br /> ;ai~riroirraf of in Ihlx Slortgage, incl,iding lire ruttrrtantii to pay then doer and %ums secured by thin A1nttLxcr. <br /> Lender prior to attelctu.tion mbal) "tail notice to Borrower as prnvldrd In paragraph 14 hereof specifying: (1) file brrach; <br /> (2) the onion required to curt %utli breath; a dale, not leis than 30 days from the date the niafirt is mailed In llorrOWer, <br /> by which much breath incest In toad; and (4) thin !allure to tart such breach an or before tilt title eiptrifled In the notice <br /> fifty rrseilt in ai.relcretiritt of the %ornm secured by this Mortgage, fnreclosura by judicial prnrteditnt, and sale of the Property. <br /> The notlrr shall further Inform Borrower of tilt ►ighl to rtlrta fatt after arcelerarflon anti the right to Hissers in the furrrtomitre <br /> prorKrding flip non-txistenee +rf a default or aria other rhiftrtae of Borrower to rcrtttratMa and tnrerlomure. if the bleach <br /> it Ili" corril on or brfort the daft speti6ed in ll it notice, Unde'r at Lvaideetr option may declare all or fht sums iiecured by. <br /> fhFt 1lnrtgage to be Immediately due and payable without forlber tiernarid,rti d may forerlt me by judicial proceeding. N,rudir <br /> %hall bt entitled to collect In such pxortedirt alt VkIleft"S Of fartrlrrsnre, lrtclUding. but not limited to, snits of disrunientar' <br /> el idence, abisfsac to, :Slid fitlr rt^porls. <br /> 14. Borrower's bight to Rrimiate. 1' r'ntwi.thxtandin Lender's acce•icration of flit sums kecu7rd by thin Morig,,tgc, <br /> Bvrto-Acr ,hall have the right to have Nny p rocerdingx twgue h,r Under to enforce this itforvgAgrr d•tconiinired ai any time <br />