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<br />,.,... ....._., ..................~ier~rrrr'} and ti~,_.#t":~;.~~,..... <br />F~~_ ~sS~=_..,_.,..........,.. _... _.....,.,at-or 2nd existing <br />irelen~,.......~~~s......._,., :.... ,ate .~~?~..~.~_.... <br />.. _ t~+>t~tsdts, Sorrowec is sncf~`~ed to ien~r in t~ prinriPal-sum of .. 7~RdET~€~`St-E'OUEi , THi3USA1411 , a _ , <br />HtFEtDS2EI3 AND NOf 1fJ d----------------Dollars, whici indebtedness is evtdenced try $ormsver's tt~ - <br />detect..... JULY .~, Z9 ~Q...... {herein "Note")> providing for tnamhiv xtvta!ltnenis of prirtcipal atidtntet>rat,' - <br />with the baiasce of tttc indebzedness, if not sooner paid, due-and payable on..... AUC.-,UqT; ,1,_ ,2¢1C); . <br />To SECU$£ tIi-Leader (a} the repayment ,;f il~e indebtedness evidenced 6y the Note, wizh.interes[ thereon, the..- <br />paytnent of alt other stmt::, with interest thereon, advancxd in accordance herewith to protect the s_carity of-thin _ <br />hlori~~, and.the perfort~attce of the ~venants and agrecmens of $orrower herein cdnutined, and {b) ttte repayment <br />af.sxty futtue advances, with interest [hereon, made to $orrowcr by Lender pursuant [o paragraph' 2 t hereof {herein <br />"Future Adcanees"}, d'o-rawer does lserehy mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following, described ptnp~crty <br />ip±aased in the Coutttyof........... :.......................... State of Nobuaska: <br />THE NO$THERLY SEVENTY FIVE FEET (75') OF LOT ONE {I}, IN <br />BL©CR SEVENTY ONE {7'1) IN WHEELER AND BENNETT'S SECOND <br />ApDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />which has tltc~~dtaf, , . - . =~f13 .t:7~T .~a~ti ~i'~~~'...... - ... ~,T~~ . ~ _,=. <br />tsc~enu <br />NEB1tA5t€A 6$.H{l~ .. , . {tsettin "Propcrty° Ac~tr~"i: <br />-- 'FF~i~T€!;~-. v.'tth alF--€hc i~pt'a~`~rncnta a<tw ur hee~ea€t~r cee4t:-~, cin tkx fr~.~x-r€r gin.? ,.it s-~E ~F.~~~. =;z:~. <br />appurtcnApccs, rents, royalties, ntinetal, c?il end gas eights anei profits, ~ttcr, w;strt rigttc, s:r:d y:a ~, „i€~~ ,J ~'! <br />fixtures-nuw or hezratftcr auackcCd to the,propc[ty, alt uF whlt}t, inchxtiug eepla~crt~at6~ r~.t a~tslltatrct~ tF~:e~i:~, ,t .pit ~• <br />deetncd to he and remain a p~rt.of the prapetty caverc<l by this Mottl;rg; and ull a€ chi f ?cs};;)in~t, ~ ,, E«sa ~aa~ ~,=a.t <br />property (tit the Inaschottt essdte if thG; h9vrtgagc is alt a teaseha}d # ar~• hersirt segetitd €cr a.~ ilic "t~rct~te~' <br />iki{[v~!t&t',ft3urnapis that Enrrowcr is tsw#ully seisctl of ttte tstatc h:„relT~ cian4cyc~i at.cS h~ rite t iht ,s, t.t: -thx~, , <br />avant and-rtntvrcy, ttii! lZrtlUtiLY, that i114 P[atrssrfx i5 t![ieiti`IEtTIh:'.ri'.~ 3-}d that tlt]TYisu_Y ctrl u'~i4 t4 ~m ~ Y ~= <br />generally llts title to.tha prop,;riy attahtst alt ctain'rs and dentantts, subir:ct €i) ;tcs~ dcsixeitt tt .as ~ttr n ,s ~~tt <br />listed in a silz+rtdul~ csf cateenliat~s LP ~uv2ra~e is ats{~ titlx tr;usaryt - ~ ~ - tt~~k - t z;.z -„~*: - - '` -; <br />NA1T`F' 3/8R <br />