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3 5 <br />~ ~ '~~ F.Bfi~TE 2;643$RY*AG~-4~6-$a_3e ~faus~} HuNm2n.and t:Eitoa &Yta[t, Walla. !(e: 58:51 <br />Ce -~ <br />1[1iF4T~r ALL &fEN BY THESE PRESENTS:.Tfutt truce Christenson <br />of hall County anrl-Stote of Nebraska , in rmcsedaru#ion of tfte sYSr, o~ <br />Tiaenty Four Thousand- and QQj104-__-__~____~o---____..___,~_..~_..~-,.~~:_-~OL?~iRS <br />i~3ttnitl- Said; do kEreby SELL and CdNYE3' ssnta ElV£ POINTS- iIANK <br />of - Hall Caxnty, State of Nebraska the following detcn'bed:¢remuec r.'tuafed <br />in Hall Coa~ety, rtxd 5tafe of Nebraska , to•~tst; <br />Lot Fourteen tl<+i isuenavista Subdivision, an addition to the:City- <br />of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska ~ <br />jYe' 4~}fall:~a°,. Je:Ra to C6n.'r'r' YrTeD'J ~%r: aasafa`C f:F:a- Ci ieG SSTnpla, tnSttia3nri alC rite R7Tt:u' c%i !ta»IES:.'t:C and CO'Zb-'Ef. <br />TU FidYE :9tVU TU IiUL.U rAe prrrxues at>vue! desrri6ed, ec~itA aft ~tke atr¢+*YEe»an:es tkt'rrunty brta»g;»q, <br />unto eke sviu mtrrtgavccjst and to bar, ker rr tkerr lerirs and assigns fvTez+rr, irvx~ided olwa}'s, and rte€ss prrstxtr arr <br />x~vu tier ,xi~'ess cc•aditiuR trot sj the s~:ie; >+acrrytryar{s), ki, ::zr r>r tkf"ir HziYS. exec»tars, admrxis#Yatcrs ar asssy'ns <br />~fii~l ~,y of fGaSc" tQ i~£ ; a»l ttt tkc' Sadtl n3a1't(?4(~er{SJ, lifrr ?: ~'/' +JF tkrtr 1:c5r3, F.;•-t'CRt[?T3, ad^,neRZ3tTataTS aY 42rr3lJRS, tka <br />~rtinrijtai 3#rs aJ ,s^~4,3i)f}.UU ~a~°af:!r :as ~alloavs, tv :zif: <br />524,4;1C.44 in 12U ^ays, or Crto6er_'9, !y8U <br />rsritk l?tteTaxf areardiaar~ to #ka tanar and r°j)tt# vj tke tnorfaugars :caitfe» t~rnmissorv ncte 6eaT+ng ce~en daDa :cdt& tFasa <br />fxsta7ftg aeed shall }sa5r vll #axe3 gnat assrssmeRtt 1~:~eJ R{vR r;rirl r€::1 stvte, 4nd „tl otltrr t~:.ess, I~iES ,r»d ~s3e=ssynrrt#r <br />{€a~zd Gsrt~f:an #ks rncr#ra~s ~;r tscc na#a s;;teeF; lhss ~crt~ra~s :s Ptit--€n sa .c€rsrr€, t~afsr€ tt;€ ssr,;a ~^€za;ne: ;;€latsauznt, asd <br />e-~,. i»i ~t~tn;~-F <f_~ ._•' _•..r-g,asi.._..3~>s _.. ...__.r :^P #~£ ._._.. _ ~. <br />;'°gF Y a s?x: .ra€~ 7° 3a.. a~ .. ,tAet_,,... lets. i aa}', t~5iize:e #c #nr s~si <br />tsorl~oyra, #kEn thxse frzsrnts #v tr: aryl, vlkzreu+sr tv ;>z aRd rerun an jell fvrre. <br />iar / ~Lt'~'IfIL.' .rl#;.YLL.T; i t j i #ta# of tiro said r»vr#gsr;ar sha;i jctii #a 1~a5' .r°aen taro=s car I.tvrxrv aurH irc- <br />sura»ce, tka said »wr#grrsgea ma*: pmp rack ta.zrs and ;~rvnrrr rnrn i»sura»rr; u»s4 #Ha snm .ra e:clvancetl, zeath i»trress <br />tat i4 tar . - .. --.z-a,w~.i~i~r ~°;~;.art;~u~ar. a~ :kis r~vrs~~,l€ .~h~zl sta»1 ,.., :rrsrrefv f2r tkr ranee. <br />I, > 3'~'.`t.: ~ ~`~.lurF`L~„v ^-... n~ j~.taiwl ~ .n#~rc.s# ~ncrr tnc s~ras r.eivrnm~,s dam, yr a Iurl;..a .v <br />cvnetly toitlf oxy vj 5~t Sri ~=y~ ± y=[, ,nail eaasa tka xerkvlr sxm of sna»a~, krrai» serxrzd to hrcaene rlae oral <br />ratisefsbla a# onto at tka otttan vJ aka encrrigavice_ <br />z S45d. # I r:t tluy vl lul,i <br />I ~ ~~ yy <br />i ,. <br />' V <br />rg?;(' <br />