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~~yy,. .,,.~.`~- <br />~La"°"~ REAL ESTP.TE 4SORTGAGE - Nebi-asks <br />I{1VOW AI.I. &I>;N BY THESE PRESEN'T`S: TttaET~es ;f. and Rase tt, 1'It:Yson,~s~ad an~er~erPnafter <br />ca}led mortgagor, of %<'~~ - County, and:State of Nebraska; in consideration <br />of the sum ofd[ yh~88nttsr ~Pn h 7ndra f~+re OLL.~RS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, <br />rAmnitnt Financed ~- <br />sell, and convey unto Bia} Finance Company of r~]~slc~ hereinafter called mortgagee. <br />of Wit' ~ .County. State of Nebraska the foilawing described'real estate situated <br />in ha7.I - County, and Stata of Nebraska, to-w•it: <br />Lot Six C6} and the Northerly Forty-seven t.ls7) Peet- cf Lat Seven ~i)j <br />is Block ten C10) , in the idest Park Ad3ition to the vity of`sran3 Iislandi <br />Hal:. Cotanty, Ilebreska <br />Grgether with all the tenements, herediUtmt:nts and appurtenances to the same belonging, and aU the estate; title; <br />dower, right ofhomestead, claims and demands whatsoever o£the said Mortgagor, in or to said premisesnr any part- <br />theronf; and Mortgagor does hereh_v covenant that said Mortgagor is lawfully seized aF said premises; that said <br />premises aro free from all liens r=nd encumbrances except as otherwise Hated herein, and that Mortgagor wilt <br />warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said mortgagee, provided always, and these preseni~s are upon the express <br />stn roan that iftFte s<3}d mortgagor shad pay in iiiil to said mortgagee a promiasorgnote dated v~tlte t <br />18 ~0 fer ~•3o4ai~^ payable in instalments according to the terms thereof, the final instalment of <br />which is due on July 7 13 ~~ .which includes interest at the rate of 2 r per month on <br />that part of the unpaid grineipal balance Hat i n excess of $3,U00. T'.`zs~'r par month on that part ol'the pr}ncipa} balance <br />in exc~ of SI,tHTO and Hat in excess of F5.000, and t' :< pear month on any remainder of such unpaid princigat <br />balance, and shat} pay alt taxes and assessments levied upon said resat esu:te, botbre the same becomes delinquent, <br />then these presents to be void, otherwi.e to be and remain In full fatre. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED that a failure to pay any of eaid money. either principal or interest, 4vhen the same <br />became due, ar a failurn to cnmpiy tt^th xn~~ of the foregoing agreements. 4ha!i cause the wvhate sum of money herein <br />secured to became due and coltarLible at once at the option of the mortl*trgee. <br />NO'f1CE TO COIVSLih1ER: }. Da not sign this paper trefom you mad it. `~. You am entitled to a copy of <br />t]sis paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without Ixanalty and may be entitled to <br />mceive n refund of unearned charges in accordance. with law•. <br />Sitmed thts __i _._ ~.yy a?' Ju=~---. _.---- - _ _~ D 4S~__.. <br />_ ~/ f <br />SPATE OF' Nehr.- a ~~ +6 -1-1-L~-aa' ~-~ }_~--.{_1_ k•~ -a-~n =---- <br />,. ; <br />i:h iht --_--- -_--_____ day- cti _ - -~_.;..~ .Yl it t,i '-'.. r,e~iiira• m!•. the unaersi~„ned rt iVOiary <br />l , <br />r. <br />Pi~.6tc, duty trirciurs:::iofieci auu qu~siifif_~ C~ i.fiilit-tk,'.~uitt:: tti ..:Itd t~etini -, ~~.F. are;~tt} c tr-te==- „~~' ~~+i'~r <br />s.~,s'%-:~ _-_.__-._ -_._..._ tit t:ir :..^.t:ttr, io !te i.he writ:r,+l jter.~u:tti_.... tahtt~e nor-~e _ '!~}ixed to the !c,re{,~.n~; <br />witness my hand mid Notarial Seal the da,v and tear IS>t utxrvto written. <br />My Commiacion exprrss ehe_~....>. _-_- clay ~. <br />-. <br />of _._ ._.._._~__.6 :~, ~1~:_ .... . 1 J <br />_ .-_ a __ _.~' `- _ <br />. _~_ Sor:u'. Publ~r <br /> <br />STATE OR_~_...--~.-__ _._ _ ._..._ _ __- _ _. _-. _ _ <br />~ ss. <br />P>,ntored in Numerical Index and lilcd far record m the utHcN of tyre Ret;rater of Deed,y of sard county, the <br />~._,_- --___ daY of - -._ __ _ . - ___. ___. 19 - rrt n'ckxtk auel <br />matures _--~._--_._.___ _. -_ M., sand duty recordcxi m Book of <br />i`Icrtgagas pagc ___-- -_ __ _ _ _ _ <br />tttlhi*lr'r uI th•4'+i~ <br />9.K' {"kFI r#. <br />l k~~v:,. <br /> <br />R+....~~ <br />L~ <br /> <br />