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LEGAL DESCR2PTION3 (Continued? <br />to the Sa:;theast corner of a tract previou>ly sur- <br />veyed for, and deadzd to, ThE Geer Company; thence <br />deflecting right 101°33'30" and ru:~ning i.ortheasterly <br />along the Easterly Iine of a traot praviousl1= sur.- <br />veyzd for and deeded to The Leer Company, a distance <br />of 729.9 Feet to a point on the Southerly rig?it- <br />of-r:ay line o~ U.S. Hi.Ghti:ay t;o. 30, thence de€lecting <br />right 51°35' and running i'sortheasterly along said. <br />right-of-o-iay line a dista:?cz of 597.15 feet; thence <br />deflecting right 134°r0' and ru:~ning Sauth:•:zsterT.y- a <br />distance of 251.(}8 feet: thence deflectinu left <br />13.2°52' and running \ortheasterly a cistancz oz <br />123.55 feet; thence dz;leeting right 1.L~°10' and <br />running Southerly and parallel to the East line of <br />said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast nuarter <br />(5E~5E<), a distance of 788.22 feet to the point of <br />beginning and ~.ontaining 12.00 acresr note or I:ess. <br />