- ~-_ ..
<br />29iis Rfortgage is entered into between- _PS~~iEC1P- E: atlf3. BEVEt?LY A . SLSiOL~, rrr.~~._rA.r
<br />Yi£e y dherein "i4na Cgagvr" y.and
<br />'IfiE CR7F.,12LAND NATI~+IP,i; t5F ~-.ISL23idL)r :Ya€}£1-lslanci.:"~ra:. ~.,~
<br />fig;"1
<br />- - tdovtgagoz is. indebted to. Moortgagea in-the.-grincipat:sum-of $; 49:, OOD.00- -.,evidenced by Mortgagte's-ao/e~
<br />' 3atxd - 3tuie 30, - 2960 (Herein: "]Vote")'providing for paytneats~cf prtnclpaYand interest with the batance~-of the
<br />- ,- _.indebtedness,ifnotseonerpaid,_dheand•payabteon_ - Jis1.Y is 2995 __ ..~
<br />~_~ ~Toseettrn.tHepayn[entof Clte Note, with interest as provided-therein, the payment o[ at[ other sums;:ePith interese;
<br />advanced by ttiibrtgagee to protect t^.s security of this iviortgage, and the performance of the covenants andegrsemen W of
<br />the l4Tartgagar-'coettained~Heretn, h,ortgagor does hereby mortgage and mnve}• Lo Siortgegee-ttie~foIIowtng described:
<br />propeKy located= in' `_ IiaZZ County, Nebraska:
<br />Tr}t SP:,,.• (') iz~ Sttrit~t RhizYi StltxliVisitztt located in t-he l~z-t7i-4tae>HaTf=
<br />esf I3ort7st Quarter (1~) "o£ Section Eleven (11) in 71~wrtstiiri F.7:even `
<br />C1Z) Nox`ttt, 3~ange R~Si (14) West of tY~ Sth P.M°., Hall ~tmtpr t~braska
<br />psis Ivbrt3a~ aerator he asstm~d.
<br />Together with a}t buildings, improvements, textures, streets, alleys, passageways, easrmenLS, rights, privileges and
<br />appur~2na[sees resealed thereon ar in anywise pertaining tHemto, and the rears tssu[•.s and proitts, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limi~^d to_ heating and cooling egmpmont, and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />- n±p=`cseetrw. t= ~ as to ca::sRtut2 3 f3 ~,t[m: a[.t of :vhiet:. is€4udint:.:eptae'rmznts and addstions thereto, is h~rrtry declared
<br />t4 4tn a ztart. of the teal estate seeurzd 4y the tine of this :L4nt7 ~anr• a[td ~tl ^f the fare~cing bt!ing referred ttl herein ~., t#te
<br />~rts_aa~-A3t'?42r C~nvg*_3i`tt_;~~3~~ert?a~ s+te[h 4tr..._3y.
<br />5, t~s>_.era~z 't'om ru„ the in,1.=k.t~A. i, r~ ar:d ,,.~ r.,.~. ~-~~ _.. ri.=. ~~ ,. _.r_ _ . _._._ .:_ _~:n,- 3 :_ ...~...._.~.
<br />w;rra.~rR x t t.= ll~n treated h rcbv_. -, Sri ~eranrl ,:r:,1r~l~:F ,t r~ ~ t r r+-+i ~-. ~ h -, -. uz .~ .... . ;:~~...
<br />ff=t The Prepettp is sub}ec•t to a Mortgage whrrrm _ _ _ ,_ __".__,_ ____
<br />is ttk: brtortgege[', rn:ordrd at F3ark ._~ _.___ _.... Page .- .:t ±hr• 34~na;age Itec±a'ds ut .._ ...-.. .__. Courtly,
<br />Nebraska, which 19ortgage is a lien prior to the hen ~ realvd ht^reh}
<br />uU?er prior liens ur enewnbrann,>. NOt1e
<br />i3. Tw[.es, Assessments, `i'o pay when duP all Lu>xrn, a(na'ulk aS0Y1Sau•nrJ end all uQrrr chargra egamst the Przrprrty
<br />apd, open wntWu dt[mm~d by Mortgagee, to xdc[ [a the payments regwet•tt ender [.hr tints ,ecuret! ttrrehy, suctr amo[urt us
<br />_ ~ t>F ;-ttzGex`rt tae .at l~ tt[r= Icr£geg+:<m to pay sash tsx -.-, ~mx.arnnn;.s err ut - .,,rg='a ;. lhrti hr-rott:e due.
<br />~. Itt~xttutt4~. 'tn k-crp- the rntpruvr[nents now ur Y[ereat`tnr icrcated ua terF rest €+wtr ds~seriHsd nereirt mxurc+d
<br />' a~alnsi-danta~. i,#°-fora end sueft other Hazards as Mortgage,: niay n+qutrv, rn u[noanGs anct wtthi+mpaniesacceptatrte ter the
<br />- -- !Nurtgapec, and: withtoss- payabtk: t{t the ,',4origagee. 4n r;aar of fuw4 tt:rrir=r .ur•h pctlrir-s the htartgegee is authorized tt:
<br />tiy~t, _,`_ and ~tl_ :??tiu .. ,~ - d~ a~, e(f ~ te:e~ne.>i=.* yt :€ - •~c. ~_.. ,.. ..~:i_ r.:.
<br />br9rYY_+41i to r4v_t Yr~ltnrfltItul, if [~t }i_{e~a_+rtss [±£ npEt2 rl,._ lnd±-h[~ i.._ ~ _ _£urY 4 h 3xt t,µt t.gy rar._:, td hKr.,!lS::.tne [t~11 _,;.n.
<br />tinite~ untt3 She' SGttkS u'i.`ii:e(t #it'.rHb4 arC pasd in tell. ..
<br />_ rt !! ,~~;_ i3:r` F`r7~-T~ aFt[.[-3n~tY9tr~-x. .l~cri'-r+ #.sixi+dl,t3, -t,9s.:~ c- - .t a.nEtl to tom.-..g~'Pbs ~ a.nd •: helx•ui to G'!ee
<br />- c-a-tctffraiy htorti;~gVi'. sh?ii pay So the i~4ortg~lget~ ai the tins: of paJiag thr• monthly a=atatintents ref principal antl interest,
<br />gee-twelfth aC the. yearly-Laxes, asncssruents, 4a~ard insurance premiunu,. and };round rvr>t`F lef era}) tvhech may attain n
<br />- _ pricrritg rbier Shia 'rt`octgagce. ati as teasonaU[y txiirn«tetl Crum time to time tr} the Atnrtgac;rt•. 'I`k?e smaunUS su Wald shat3 tx
<br />- #s'td #y the ik~rt~,gee wltHaut o.tcresi rtd agplisd to fh€, as}°mvnt of the= [tent> nt rr~~y-r-c[ to ~iticn ss:4ta amounEa w•~•cc•
<br />. deguated. 'I'Hc. sums paid Lo >wlortbkgee hereunder are pledged as add'[tinral „-s.urity Cor [rte tndeHtrdnc~s secured try tors
<br />- - ~1pc(~'vgt ~rt~a~oc9talt pay trt ~^torigagee the :unoupt t:f any deficeaney bet-w..e. t„e a.tual taat•s, ask4•samcnt~, irr,;ttrartze
<br />pr~ui: turd grttttttd rears and the etepr~it_s ht,rvunder :vitHitt Ifi dag•s uftr:r dr•ut;utd is neadn unary .54ortylagxrr regetesung
<br />fi, Fl.,~ tea. ..,µ t''~. '+v " _ _ -
<br />.--~ ,:33~~ - - rr;;ntp'.lr npa.r, -s.- .x r.~rn[ld eery >:rl~rn ~ c r i~prc~seineoia tcuw cry
<br />h °~":t;± . '~ ~~ '~: ~~ ;'.. y the ;'€~.~ es,' tea err rt~;rstrur un-t e~,z, :i.n,~t v,esi:•, ^a;:c in t• imru rtci_ha;tlc'~ c?r
<br />ath ^'[ier .. n;,r . ,..r. I a_n_F.-nrrt~e.u~n. t~+ r?r 1r r Lye _rr .~.[ ~, .,,,a .~.rrQ..., :y,.,,:e ._ _~... _ _ ~ > ~ _ { ,.....
<br />s>3fi ur i r{ £ tttn r t .- , ,t
<br />t~aper:t taz tttg Prrrperty~
<br />