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Together with ail buitdinga, improvements, flxtutes, streets, shays, passageways, easements, rights, privilegea and <br />apgcrrtenarses iceeted t_heteon or in anywise gertzining Ct[e[rta, and fd~te rants. issues and prof ts, mversionz znd tan[aindery <br />thereof; inttud3ng, ttnE not limited to, heating and roofing equipment sad such petaonal property that is attxehad to the <br />iatgroveeL?~ai€ ~ ~ ~ cnttst3ttztF ? #~~tvm; alt of which, including re~~rert#ents and a[id9tton€ ttteLeta t~ heteizy dertzred <br />to tat a putt of ttse reef estate cured lay the lien of this ?ifortgage and afi of the Coregotng hrtng referred to i[atrdn as the <br />9iartea~aor CurthPr t~tanrananta and a¢ec+a, with b9•?rE~°e±+, as Cotlowa: <br />€, i'avff€a[. -~ i r*av ti[e indei~tw,stteaa aDd the inteLe=t thet«tzn aY nnari~d in shy ~,rt~ a[ttt E;xe ~ts~. <br />? 24kaa, nan.i~~ L ,6.. ,.~_ :.f ,ke _P...,,..xi. k"._ eh., elalxe .,,,A ,. ,:ka.:,E e _ eh~ al ......:.... ....d <br />wa£rE'ntS t#18t (itY ilea frCattd hYrehY 33 8}fint end pI3aL hen `Un thM PfapeLiF, eXCapt`tl5 mBy,Uthe£wtle ik '4"C Earth heralrt. <br />G' Thr Prapwrty is sublart tna',#oLtgagw prhwrwin _. <br />~ iha ~ortgagex, [ei:~otde+i at Hoak ~__.__._..~_. Paye..___....__._., oC ti[a blongage: Records of _.___..._..____._.-__._____CountY. <br />NclaraaEta, which Mortgage is a ties prior to [tae lien created hereby. <br />C, ikher prier Liens ar ~neumbrsncws: __ __ ---_--._ __--..---.-- -. _ . _..._. __ _ ._ __. _.__ _- _. <br />3. 'i'axec, Aaa~waanta. '1`a pay whin due ail faxes, spt~cixi ar~w~~mants a.nd ail other charges against the ERopcrty <br />and, upon wri#Een da[nand by Morigagea, to add rea the payments rtquirud under tize Noce sectrred herc,by. such anruuni. as <br />may hasu('ficient to enah,e the hlort@a~gc ~ to pay surh taxis, assaanntnts or other chlges a enay tncanae due. <br />~. I#€surasc~z. '!'a keep lira imprcaearrrants natr ar heteatt~L iseaiad un tt[? rya[ srstatc descried hettiu tnaured <br />aga#nat d~ by C`Er~-and such ?thee ttaaards a+'r#wE{tat;Ye may require, io araraunts and with companies a:°reptabie to Btsa <br />and with ttfsa paYab#P to the 'Nartgagcv^. in rase aC 4crra under such potiaea the MartgaY,i.e Ls at:ltznelzed to <br />adjast,-ea}Eert anti ca&tpraml&f_, ;rt itr dizc3ettari, alt e#att#rs thsat,uni#+*r tat t~ eels cptton, zutfzarszed t~etther appiY the <br />i~ to the rastt~atkztt arf the Prtaprrrty or upon tilt n[drbtttirauaa stctrtsai nertby, taut paytnvnta ttareuns[er ~whaii catt~ <br />-~,r« -;. ~t#t t=°'° ~t[.~w~~.:~ ~: ` s ~#:. 3 : eat <br />~, '=". o#r' ~'srs Taxex ~d #natirura<z, '~utwi#hs#andn~ avnY#htag .ai[rtutnar} to pacagrxpfss 3 and ~ hers~oi ca thrt <br />ci~t; f~Z : tta t ~artgagr.~a at she ttrne cif pay~g ttte raraaihEy ieutallvacuu ttC i.rincipaF avid rnttrk~i, <br />ane-ta~cdith aS the yearly taxcx. a4a~ssrttents, ha..aM inaurtuacm prautactms, ant.'- grcrnnd nnEa (iC a[td') which n*aY attaein n <br />pristy ~ Ems' -~,~; 4't ~ ~~kdv ~#~•stst€~ Crotu #fr t~ tins h} #hr `tcrigag~, 1'ht znx;asnEs s;z trzid sha13 i~ <br />haid~ lay fire hSaaii ~iFhattt interuat and appa~d tea fire payment of tine items in respect to wtrich such arnuunts we[r^ <br />tdmpwFeitesl. TY.t< sums pa#d to *.vtort~pva horrunder aLw ptRdgad as add#tlunat security fur the indatrtadw+ss swcunrd by this <br />~terEge~f<rigagt~ rth~.i pay to rttt;agre the asacwnt oC any detYsiezacy taatwt~en the actual takes, as,w..,ar.ents, isuunner, <br />n`di€Ir~ sttri ~re+utua n=-rte and ttie :1cpt~t#a hetearsder w'sChin iE days after desrzand i.: n;acie up+:,u kiart~agzzr requwsting <br />~!y~ar?t t#rcrsvaf. <br />~, #i-u,:, A~mAtossm^a alai Utc, Ta larstatihtE}' rkp>d.[. rrattarvt tar Letruiid xny but#dings or rmp:rrvamrncs n.nw .,r <br />air} s~t€y; #tr 3tbe;F tEae ~'i#a3aartY ~ ~4evit -0LSi~tti`+rr and re2i8#r, w#~>;~.:at .tiaat~; env free th~sZe tnartSan~t:'s tx <br /><~Eitpas ntat rxpt~a9y sktttuardtnhted to rise fic,n #tereoC; nut tta make, st;Cfrt tzr parx[rit azy nutsancx to exist., zeur to dtrtrrs~ <br />;.. i}r t €#sse ttC t`ne rperty hg zny ~.6 of omk~ioaa to zct~ a;.si ux r<ar.:p;•Y ar€tt aSi r ~uirwsre~nt< <,r .aw wsth <br />raapxet ttr Ekse fkcperty. <br />